Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 - Copies of Sworn Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction (2019-2024)

TACOMA AUOMATED ENFORCEMENT filed this request with the City Of Tacoma of Tacoma, WA.
Tracking #


Due Feb. 21, 2024
Est. Completion Sept. 19, 2024
Awaiting Response



Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 - Copies of Sworn Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction (2019-2024)

via email to: pdr@cityoftacoma.org


To whom it may concern,

I request the following identifiable public records to be produced in the following order of production, newest to oldest by year:

1. An electronic copy of all City of Tacoma Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction sworn to or affirmed by Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 for the period of time 01-01-2019 to 02-07-2024.

2. An electronic copy of the complete nonexempt personnel or employee file for Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

3. An electronic copy of any and all complaints, disciplinary actions, warnings, investigations, lawsuits, reprimands, suspensions, and/or demotions, in any way referencing or referring to Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

4. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the TACOMA POLICE AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT DIVISION.

5. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and ZEROFATALITY.COM.

6. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the company Novoa Global, address: 8018 Sunport Dr, Suite 203, Orlando, FL 32809.


If production of responsive records will be completed in multiple installments, please begin by producing records in the numerical order requested by subject matter and year. The most recent public records should be produced first.


RECORDS AND WRITINGS as defined by RCW 42.56.010(4): any handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostating, photographing, and every other means of recording any form of communication or representation including, but not limited to, letters, words, pictures, sounds, or symbols, or combination thereof, and all papers, maps, magnetic or paper tapes, photographic films and prints, motion picture, film and video recordings, magnetic or punched cards, discs, drums, diskettes, sound recordings, and other documents including existing data compilations from which information may be obtained or translated.


Please provide all records in their native electronic format. Please do not instead create new records by printing electronic files then scanning and printing the newly scanned prints.

The use of 3rd party “portals” (Such as GOVQA or NEXTREQUEST) for communication and production of records in response to a public records request is optional for the requestor in the State of Washington. Respectfully we decline to use any 3rd party "portal" system, specifically GOVQA and NEXTREQUEST. Please provide all records electronically via direct email attachment, or via no password, no registration internet cloud-based download link.

Please do not direct or invite us to use, register for, or communicate with your agency via any 3rd party portal including but not limited to FOIAOnline, GovQA, NextRequest, FOIAExpress, JustFOIA FOIADirect, WebForm, or any other commercial 3rd party records portal service.


RCW 42.56.080 - Identifiable records—Facilities for copying—Availability of public records.

"...Agencies shall honor requests received in person during an agency's normal office hours, or by mail or email, for identifiable public records unless exempted by provisions of this chapter. No official format is required for making a records request; however, agencies may recommend that requestors submit requests using an agency provided form or web page."

This public records request is being made via email. This public records request will be honored and fulfilled by your agency via email as requested or relief will be sought per statute.


Please provide all identified public records in their NATIVE electronic format. Unless the records exist IN PAPER FORM ONLY, DO NOT instead create new records by printing native stored electronic files, then scanning and re-printing these newly scanned prints only to reproduce them in again in electronic production.


Please provide any and all email records in NATIVE .pst electronic format.


In the event that there are fees, please inform us of the total charges in advance of fulfilling the request in strict compliance with all provisions of the Washington State Public Records Act.


Please ensure all redactions or exemptions claimed by your agency in the production of responsive records are accompanied by a complete and detailed exemption log noting the valid legal reason for each exemption at each redaction location in the record produced, as well as the specific number of pages if any that your agency redacts or withholds in their entirety. Each redaction should be noted by footnote or by a clear reference to the specific justification for that redaction, and only the minimal exempt portion of any record may be withheld.


The Washington State Public Records Act prohibits the disclosure of “lists of individuals” for a commercial purpose (RCW 42.56.070(8)). I declare this public records request is not being made for any commercial purpose whatsoever. Also, this public records request is not being made for a "list of individuals." This declaration satisfies all requirements of RCW 42.56 regarding prohibitions on lists and commercial purposes. No additional commercial purpose declaration will be completed for this public records request.


Please send all requests for clarification, status updates, and production of responsive electronic documents via email reply.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. We look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.

Good Luck.

From: City Of Tacoma

To Whom It May Concern,

The City of Tacoma has received your below email dated 2/7/2024, for public records request, which has been assigned the above request number.

Additional information is being requested for items 4, 5, and 6. Please advise if there is a date range in which you are seeking records.

You may provide a response by responding to this email. Upon receipt of your clarification, we will begin processing your request.

We are attempting to locate and assemble the materials requested and to determine whether any of the documents are exempt from disclosure and we anticipate that we should have responsive documents on or before April 19m 2024. If there are questions or delays, we will contact you accordingly.

Lisa Anderson, CPRO
Public Disclosure Analyst
Management Services Office
3628 S. 35th Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
Cell Phone: (253) 231-0238



via email to "Anderson, Lisa" <landerson@cityoftacoma.org>


"Additional information is being requested for items 4, 5, and 6. Please advise if there is a date range in which you are seeking records."


Please see the ORIGINAL REQUEST. The request includes

4. " An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind..."
5. " An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind..."
6. " An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind..."

An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications "of any kind" would include a date range of ALL DATES AVAILABLE.

Also note the request was for records to be produced in REVERSE chronological order. Newest records first.

Thank you.

From: City Of Tacoma

To Whom It may Concern;

I am in receipt of your below email with clarification to items 4, 5, and 6 of your public disclosure request T016163-020824. Your email has been forwarded to the appropriate departments for review and compilation of responsive records.

We are attempting to locate and assemble the materials requested and to determine whether any of the documents are exempt from disclosure and we anticipate that we should have responsive documents on or before April 19, 2024. If there are questions or delays, we will contact you accordingly.

Lisa Anderson, CPRO
Public Disclosure Analyst
Management Services Office
3628 S. 35th Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
Cell Phone: (253) 231-0238

From: City Of Tacoma

To Whom It May Concern;

As we continue to process your request, it has been brough to my attention responsive records to item #1 of your request for “An electronic copy of all City of Tacoma Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction sworn to or affirmed by Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 for the period of time 01-01-2019 to 02-07-2024,” there are 18,8286 citations issued by Officer Bain. NoVo Global estimates the cost per citation is $5.00, which equals $91,430.00. However, I have been advised a summary of these citations can be provided at no cost.

Please advise how you would like to proceed with records responsive to item #1.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Lisa Anderson, CPRO
Public Disclosure Analyst
Management Services Office
3628 S. 35th Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
Cell Phone: (253) 231-0238



via email to landerson@cityoftacoma.org


1. Please send over a summary of the citations that can be provided at no cost.
2. I did not request records from NoVo Global. What records responsive to this request are in the care, custody, or control of the CIty of Tacoma?


From: City Of Tacoma

Thank you for your prompt reply. We are requesting a summary of the citations. Novoa Global, Inc. (misspelled in original email) is our 3rd party vendor who maintains the records.

Lisa Anderson, CPRO
Public Disclosure Analyst
Management Services Office
3628 S. 35th Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
Cell Phone: (253) 231-0238



via email to landerson@cityoftacoma.org



On 03-18-2024 you stated:

“As we continue to process your request, it has been brought to my attention responsive records to item #1 of your request for “An electronic copy of all City of Tacoma Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction sworn to or affirmed by Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 for the period of time 01-01-2019 to 02-07-2024,” there are 18,8286 citations issued by Officer Bain. NoVo Global estimates the cost per citation is $5.00, which equals $91,430.00.”

1. Please explain in detail the process the City of Tacoma would use to retrieve or export the 18,8286 citations issued by Officer Bain. Do you have an electronic dashboard or database that the citations can be exported from? Please explain the process, policy, and procedure for providing electronic copies of these identified public records in detail.

2. Please provide a copy of the City of Tacoma Public Records Fee schedule, specifically including that portion of the fee schedule you have referenced that supports a fee of $5.00 per citation for production of these citations in electronic format that is required to be paid by a requestor in response to a public records request.

Thank you.



via email to landerson@cityoftacoma.org


Hello Ms. Anderson,

1. I request you provide a reasonable estimate of time for your agency to produce electronic copies of the 18,8286 citations issued by Officer Bain (RCW 42.56.520).

2. I request a detailed invoice of any applicable charges proposed by your agency as well as your agency public records fee schedule for production of electronic records requested (RCW 42.56.120).

3. I request your agency produce electronic copies of all requested public records for the alternative flat fee option of $2.00 allowed under RCW 42.56.120(2)(d).

Thank you.

From: City Of Tacoma

I am in receipt of your below emails. I am working on gathering the information needed to respond. I will respond as soon as I obtain the information

Lisa Anderson, CPRO
Public Disclosure Analyst
Management Services Office
3628 S. 35th Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
Cell Phone: (253) 231-0238

From: City Of Tacoma

To Whom It May Concern,

My apology, I should not have asserted the estimated cost for copies of each citation, related to item 1 of your request.. Thank you for agreeing to a summary of the citations.

I am in receipt of an installment of records responsive to your request. For your convenience, these documents have been scanned and compressed into a zip file. To access installment 1, which includes the summary, click here<http://cms.cityoftacoma.org/PublicDisclosure/T016163%20Installment%201.zip>. You will be able to view and/or print any or all of these responsive documents. If these records have not been accessed after 30 days from the date of this communication, no further installments will be provided.

Assuming it is your intention to access the records provided today, we will continue to work on your request, and we anticipate providing an additional installment on or before May 2, 2024. As noted above, however, if the records provided today are not accessed within 30 days no further installments will be provided and this request will be closed with no further notification.

Lisa Anderson, CPRO
Public Disclosure Analyst
Management Services Office
3628 S. 35th Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
Cell Phone: (253) 231-0238

From: Muckrock Staff

Hello Lisa,

Thank you for your continued partnership on this request. Please know that I was unable to access the .zip file you included in your last reply. It appears to have been an invalid or unsecure link. Please advise at your earliest convenience.

Thank You,

MuckRock Staff

From: City Of Tacoma

I am in receipt of your email. I believe the link is active, however, please check again and let me know if you still have difficulties. It is a large file, so it may take several minutes to upload.

Thank you,

Lisa Anderson, CPRO
Public Disclosure Analyst
Management Services Office
3628 S. 35th Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
Cell Phone: (253) 231-0238

From: City Of Tacoma

Dear MuckRock News,

The City of Tacoma has received your public records request dated 2/7/2024, in which you requested the following information:

“Subject: Washington Public Records Act Request: Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 - Copies of Sworn Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction (2019-2024)

I request the following identifiable public records to be produced in the following order of production, newest to oldest by year:

1. An electronic copy of all City of Tacoma Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction sworn to or affirmed by Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 for the period of time 01-01-2019 to 02-07-2024.

2. An electronic copy of the complete nonexempt personnel or employee file for Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

3. An electronic copy of any and all complaints, disciplinary actions, warnings, investigations, lawsuits, reprimands, suspensions, and/or demotions, in any way referencing or referring to Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

4. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the TACOMA POLICE AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT DIVISION.

5. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and ZEROFATALITY.COM.

6. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the company Novoa Global, address: 8018 Sunport Dr, Suite 203, Orlando, FL 32809.


If production of responsive records will be completed in multiple installments, please begin by producing records in the numerical order requested by subject matter and year. The most recent public records should be produced first.

**Please see the attachment for additional information**


Pursuant to RCW 42.56.520, the City of Tacoma is providing you with notice that it needs additional time to respond to your request. The additional time is necessary to locate and assemble the materials requested and to determine whether any of the documents are exempt from disclosure.

Additionally, RCW 42.56.120 allows for you to come in and inspect the records and/or for the City of Tacoma to charge for copies at .15¢ per page. It is standard practice to charge for copying of documents; and we will contact you prior to the deadline with the total costs.

The City of Tacoma now estimates that it should be able to respond to your request or provide an update to your request within 30 calendar days, or by June 3, 2024.

In the meantime, if you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Lisa Anderson, CPRO
Public Disclosure Analyst
Management Services Office
3628 S. 35th Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
Cell Phone: (253) 231-0238

From: City Of Tacoma

Dear MuckRock News,

Unfortunately, additional time is needed to process your below request.

The City of Tacoma has received your public records request dated 2/7/2024, in which you requested the following information:

“Subject: Washington Public Records Act Request: Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 - Copies of Sworn Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction (2019-2024)

I request the following identifiable public records to be produced in the following order of production, newest to oldest by year:

1. An electronic copy of all City of Tacoma Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction sworn to or affirmed by Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 for the period of time 01-01-2019 to 02-07-2024.

2. An electronic copy of the complete nonexempt personnel or employee file for Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

3. An electronic copy of any and all complaints, disciplinary actions, warnings, investigations, lawsuits, reprimands, suspensions, and/or demotions, in any way referencing or referring to Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

4. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the TACOMA POLICE AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT DIVISION.

5. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and ZEROFATALITY.COM.

6. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the company Novoa Global, address: 8018 Sunport Dr, Suite 203, Orlando, FL 32809.


If production of responsive records will be completed in multiple installments, please begin by producing records in the numerical order requested by subject matter and year. The most recent public records should be produced first.

**Please see the attachment for additional information**


Pursuant to RCW 42.56.520, the City of Tacoma is providing you with notice that it needs additional time to respond to your request. The additional time is necessary to locate and assemble the materials requested and to determine whether any of the documents are exempt from disclosure.

Additionally, RCW 42.56.120 allows for you to come in and inspect the records and/or for the City of Tacoma to charge for copies at .15¢ per page. It is standard practice to charge for copying of documents; and we will contact you prior to the deadline with the total costs.

The City of Tacoma estimates that it will be able to respond to your request within 30 calendar days, or by July 3, 2024.

In the meantime, if you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Lisa Anderson, CPRO
Public Disclosure Analyst
Management Services Office
3628 S. 35th Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
Cell Phone: (253) 231-0238

From: City Of Tacoma

Dear MuckRock News,

The City of Tacoma has received your public records request dated 2/7/2024, in which you requested the following information:

“Subject: Washington Public Records Act Request: Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 - Copies of Sworn Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction (2019-2024)

I request the following identifiable public records to be produced in the following order of production, newest to oldest by year:

1. An electronic copy of all City of Tacoma Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction sworn to or affirmed by Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 for the period of time 01-01-2019 to 02-07-2024.

2. An electronic copy of the complete nonexempt personnel or employee file for Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

3. An electronic copy of any and all complaints, disciplinary actions, warnings, investigations, lawsuits, reprimands, suspensions, and/or demotions, in any way referencing or referring to Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

4. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the TACOMA POLICE AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT DIVISION.

5. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and ZEROFATALITY.COM.

6. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the company Novoa Global, address: 8018 Sunport Dr, Suite 203, Orlando, FL 32809.


If production of responsive records will be completed in multiple installments, please begin by producing records in the numerical order requested by subject matter and year. The most recent public records should be produced first.

**Please see the attachment for additional information**


I am providing another installment of records responsive to your request. To access installment 2, click here: Public Records Center<http://cms.cityoftacoma.org/PublicDisclosure/T016163.2.zip>.

Please confirm receipt of these records by responding to this email. If I have not received confirmation within 30 days from the date of this communication, no further installments will be provided, and your request will be considered abandoned and closed, without further notification. Upon confirmation you have accessed the records provided today, we will continue to work on your request, and we anticipate providing an additional installment on July 24, 2024.

In the meantime, please so not hesitate to contact me if you have any question or concern.

Lisa Anderson
Public Disclosure Analyst, CPRO
Public Records Office
(253) 231-0238



via email to landerson@cityoftacoma.org

Received file "T016163.2.zip" containing file "Bain_Christopher_205807_PERS_R.pdf"




via email to pdr@cityoftacoma.org

Is this public records request closed?

Is your agency silently withholding requested public records in violation of RCW 42.56?

When can we expect to receive the requested public records?

Thank you.


From: City Of Tacoma

MuckRock News
DEPT MR 158485 263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

RE: PDR # T016163-020824

Dear MuckRock News,

The City of Tacoma has received your public records request dated 2/7/2024, in which you requested the following information:

“Subject: Washington Public Records Act Request: Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 - Copies of Sworn Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction (2019-2024)

I request the following identifiable public records to be produced in the following order of production, newest to oldest by year:

1. An electronic copy of all City of Tacoma Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction sworn to or affirmed by Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 for the period of time 01-01-2019 to 02-07-2024.

2. An electronic copy of the complete nonexempt personnel or employee file for Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

3. An electronic copy of any and all complaints, disciplinary actions, warnings, investigations, lawsuits, reprimands, suspensions, and/or demotions, in any way referencing or referring to Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

4. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the TACOMA POLICE AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT DIVISION.

5. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and ZEROFATALITY.COM.

6. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the company Novoa Global, address: 8018 Sunport Dr, Suite 203, Orlando, FL 32809.


If production of responsive records will be completed in multiple installments, please begin by producing records in the numerical order requested by subject matter and year. The most recent public records should be produced first.

**Please see the attachment for additional information**


Although we are still searching and compiling responsive records to item #3 of your above request, I am providing another installment of responsive records to your request. To access installment 3, click here<http://cms.cityoftacoma.org/PublicDisclosure/T016163%20Installment%203.zip>. Please confirm receipt of these records by responding to this email. If I have not received confirmation within 30 days from the date of this communication, no further installments will be provided, and your request will be considered abandoned and closed without further notification.

Please note; items #1, #2, #4, #5, and #6 have been provided to you in installment #1 (April 3, 2024) and #2 (June 24, 2024) and are considered completed.

Upon confirmation you have accessed the records provided today, we will continue to work on your request, and we anticipate providing an additional installment or an update to your request on August 19, 2024. As noted above, however, if the records provided today are not accessed within 30 days no further installments will be provided and this request will be considered abandoned and closed.

Lisa Anderson, CPRO
Public Disclosure Analyst
Management Services Office
3628 S. 35th Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
Cell Phone: (253) 231-0238



"MuckRock News
DEPT MR 158485 263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

RE: PDR # T016163-020824

Dear MuckRock News,

The City of Tacoma has received your public records request dated 2/7/2024, in which you requested the following information:

“Subject: Washington Public Records Act Request: Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 - Copies of Sworn Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction (2019-2024)

I request the following identifiable public records to be produced in the following order of production, newest to oldest by year:

1. An electronic copy of all City of Tacoma Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction sworn to or affirmed by Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 for the period of time 01-01-2019 to 02-07-2024.

2. An electronic copy of the complete nonexempt personnel or employee file for Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

3. An electronic copy of any and all complaints, disciplinary actions, warnings, investigations, lawsuits, reprimands, suspensions, and/or demotions, in any way referencing or referring to Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

4. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the TACOMA POLICE AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT DIVISION.

5. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and ZEROFATALITY.COM.

6. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the company Novoa Global, address: 8018 Sunport Dr, Suite 203, Orlando, FL 32809.


If production of responsive records will be completed in multiple installments, please begin by producing records in the numerical order requested by subject matter and year. The most recent public records should be produced first.

**Please see the attachment for additional information**


Although we are still searching and compiling responsive records to item #3 of your above request, I am providing another installment of responsive records to your request. To access installment 3, click here<http://cms.cityoftacoma.org/PublicDisclosure/T016163%20Installment%203.zip>. Please confirm receipt of these records by responding to this email. If I have not received confirmation within 30 days from the date of this communication, no further installments will be provided, and your request will be considered abandoned and closed without further notification.

Please note; items #1, #2, #4, #5, and #6 have been provided to you in installment #1 (April 3, 2024) and #2 (June 24, 2024) and are considered completed.

Upon confirmation you have accessed the records provided today, we will continue to work on your request, and we anticipate providing an additional installment or an update to your request on August 19, 2024. As noted above, however, if the records provided today are not accessed within 30 days no further installments will be provided and this request will be considered abandoned and closed.

Lisa Anderson, CPRO
Public Disclosure Analyst
Management Services Office
3628 S. 35th Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
Cell Phone: (253) 231-0238"




via email to via email to citymanager@cityoftacoma.org

Is this public records request closed?

Is your agency silently withholding requested public records in violation of RCW 42.56?

When can we expect to receive the requested public records?

Thank you.


From: City Of Tacoma

Good afternoon MuckRock News,

This email is to notify you that I received your email regarding the status of your Public Records request and have forwarded it to Brandi Marshall in the Public Records Department. I will follow up with you on Friday, to check-in to see if a staff member from that department has reached out to you.

Please feel free to call me if you have any additional questions or concerns, thank you.

Rosheida Myers
Executive Assistant to the City Manager
City Manager’s Office
747 Market Street, Room 1200, Tacoma, WA 98402
Phone: 253-591-5134 | Fax: (253) 591-5123



via email to "City Manager" <CityManager@cityoftacoma.org>

NO RESPONSE to any email.

When can we expect to receive the requested public records?

Thank you.


From: City Of Tacoma

Dear MuckRock News,

The City of Tacoma has received your public records request dated 2/7/2024, in which you requested the following information:

“Subject: Washington Public Records Act Request: Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 - Copies of Sworn Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction (2019-2024)

I request the following identifiable public records to be produced in the following order of production, newest to oldest by year:

1. An electronic copy of all City of Tacoma Traffic Safety Enforcement notices of infraction sworn to or affirmed by Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807 for the period of time 01-01-2019 to 02-07-2024.

2. An electronic copy of the complete nonexempt personnel or employee file for Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

3. An electronic copy of any and all complaints, disciplinary actions, warnings, investigations, lawsuits, reprimands, suspensions, and/or demotions, in any way referencing or referring to Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain Badge # 205807.

4. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the TACOMA POLICE AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT DIVISION.

5. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and ZEROFATALITY.COM.

6. An electronic copy of any and all emails, texts, or communications of any kind referencing Tacoma Police Officer Christopher Bain and the company Novoa Global, address: 8018 Sunport Dr, Suite 203, Orlando, FL 32809.


If production of responsive records will be completed in multiple installments, please begin by producing records in the numerical order requested by subject matter and year. The most recent public records should be produced first.

**Please see the attachment for additional information**


Pursuant to RCW 42.56.520, the City of Tacoma is providing you with notice that it needs additional time to respond to your request. The additional time is necessary to locate and assemble the materials requested and to determine whether any of the documents are exempt from disclosure.

The City of Tacoma now estimates that it should be able to respond to your request within 30 calendar days of this letter or September 19, 2024.

In the meantime, if you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Lisa Anderson
Public Disclosure Analyst, CPRO
Public Records Office
(253) 231-0238


