Procurement software and processes (Tampa City Clerk)

John Adams filed this request with the Tampa City Clerk of Tampa, FL.
Multi Request Procurement software and processes

From: John Adams

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Florida Sunshine Law, I hereby request the following records:

1. All documents signed with procurement software or software to create and publish RFI, RFQ, RFP this agency uses or used in the past five years.

Additionally, if possible, please answer the following four questions:
a. What is the name of the procurement software you use (or the name of the software you use to create and publish RFI, RFQ, RFP)?
b. What is the annual cost for this software?
c. When did the most recent contract with the software provider begin?
d. Do you use your ERP system to manage the process of RFI, RFQ, RFP?

If there are any fees required to fulfill this request, please let me know in advance of fulfilling my request.

Thank you,

Arie Bronshtein


Hi Arie,

Thank you for contacting the City of Tampa. This is to acknowledge receipt of your request (copy attached) to provide you with copies of public records held by the City of Tampa regarding the subject shown above, received via fax in our Archives & Records Division, which has been forwarded to our office (City Clerk) for coordination. We are happy to provide copies of any available records responsive to your request in accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 119.

We will coordinate with applicable City departments who may hold responsive records. In the event there is a fee for copies, research time or redaction services, this information will be provided to you as soon as it is available.

Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions. Thanks again, and have a good day,

Jim Crew
Public Records Coordinator, Office of the City Clerk
City of Tampa / 315 E. Kennedy Blvd, 3rd Floor / Tampa, Florida 33602
p: (813) 274-7080 / e:<>

(Note: As you are aware, COVID-19 is a global pandemic that has required certain government facilities to close due to the President and State officials' mandate to limit the gathering of individuals in public spaces. Consistent with dealing with and adapting to this pandemic, we will use our best efforts to gather the documents you requested and respond as reasonably and timely as possible. Please be patient in our response time and realize that any delay in response is due to closures or significantly scaled-back staff of certain city facilities.)

The information contained in this email and accompanying attachments is intended only for the addressee(s) listed above. If you are not the intended recipient of this information, any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this information is strictly prohibited. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately by return email or by calling (813) 274-7080. In addition, please note that, pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 119, this or any other written or electronic communication with this office may be subject to public disclosure unless expressly exempt. For more information about the City of Tampa, please visit our website at<> .

From: Tampa City Clerk

Hi Arie,

Upon coordinating with all applicable City departments, no records were identified responsive to your subject request (copy attached). The following information is provided from our Purchasing Department responsive to your listed questions:

1. "We do not have a signed contract.
* We use DemandStar to publish solicitations.
* $0.00
* We began using Demandstar on September 29th, 2003
* No, we do not use our ERP system to manage solicitations. "

Please let us know if we may be of further assistance in the future. Thanks, and have a good evening,

Jim Crew
Public Records Coordinator, Office of the City Clerk
City of Tampa / 315 E. Kennedy Blvd, 3rd Floor / Tampa, Florida 33602
p: (813) 274-7080 / e:<>