
Vikas Kumar filed this request with the Office of the Attorney General - Tennessee of Tennessee.


From: Brandon Smith

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to Tennessee's Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

The full text of the last 10 public records requests made to your office's antitrust division--or where the antitrust division had to be brought in for the response--as well as the responses that your office made to those requests, in their entirety.

This requester is a journalist working for a news organization accredited by the U.S. Congress, and documents in response to this request will be made publicly available. As such, I request that all fees be waived and that the request be processed expeditiously.

I prefer the request filled electronically, such as by e-mail attachment or web download link, and that any communication to this request be made in direct reply to this one, via the same communication method. Please inquire if you need another method of document transmission.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within (7) business days, as your statute requires.


Brandon Smith
The Capitol Forum

From: Candace Wainscott

Mr. Smith,

Please see the attached correspondence from Janet Kleinfelter, Deputy Attorney General, in response to your public records request. Please let me know if you have any issues opening the document.

Thank you,

Candace Wainscott
Administrative Secretary
TN Attorney General's Office
Public Interest Division
P.O. Box 20207
Nashville, TN 37243



