Records request: Articles of Incorporation

Jake Hujar filed this request with the Tennessee Secretary of State of Tennessee.

From: Kent Hoover

Hello! I hope you’re staying well.

As this request is fairly expansive, please let me know if I can provide any clarity.

Thank you, looking forward to your response! My formal request begins below:

On behalf of PitchBook Data, Inc., I request an electronic copy of the following public records for the listed companies in the attachment below.

We would like to obtain all Article of Incorporation, Restatement to Stock, and/or Amendment to Stock filings by these companies from 2006-Present. Before processing the request, if you could give us a quote for the individual filings we would be purchasing for each company, the date of those filings, and the overall cost.

If this information is posted online or in another publicly available format, please provide the link to this information, along with instructions on how to access this information, if necessary.

Finally, I understand that the firms whose documents are included in this request may desire to redact personal/identifying information from their documents before release. I agree that documents with redactions of sensitive private information such as SSNs or investor names or other personal details will still be responsive to this request.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or clarifications - please include in CC on your response so a member of my team can assist with any clarifications. Thank you in advance for your help on this request!


Kent Hoover

From: Tennessee Secretary of State

Mr. Hoover,

I received your email. By statute, the fee for copies from our Division of Business Services is $20 per entity. For 37 entities, that fee will be $740. You can look up each entity by name or control number to see what filings are available for each on our Division of Business Services website at the following link: The “History” tab shows the filings for each entity.

If you would like for me to move forward with obtaining electronic copies, you may send a check made payable to the Department of State at the following address and I will begin compiling the information upon receipt.

Mary Beth Thomas

Mary Beth Thomas
General Counsel
Office of Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
State Capitol, 1st Floor
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
615-741-2819 (office)
615-906-2138 (cell)

This electronic mail may be subject to the Tennessee Public Records Act, Tenn. Code Ann. §10-7-503, et seq. Any reply to this email may also be subject to this act.
The mission of the Office of the Secretary of State is to exceed the expectations of our customers, the taxpayers, by operating at the highest levels of accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and accountability in a customer-centered environment.

From: Jake Hujar

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $740.00 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

Tennessee Secretary of State
General Counsel
1st Floor
State Capitol
Nashville, TN 37243

Amount of: $740.00
  • Created
  • In Transit
  • In Local Area
  • Processed For Delivery
  • Deposited — 01/29/2021

From: Tennessee Secretary of State

Mr. Hoover,

We have received your request for records of 139 entities on file in our office. The total for those records would be $2,780.00. We received a check for $740.00 which was the total for only one of the five pages that you requested.

You would need to send us the remainder which is $2,040.00 so that we can process the full request that you sent to our office.

Please let me know when you've put the check in the mail, so that I can be looking for it and please send it to my attention at the address below.

Let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Thanks and have a GREAT day!

Deborah S. Chaney
Certifications Supervisor
Business Services Division
Office of Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
312 Rosa L. Parks Ave. - 6th Floor
Nashville, Tn 37243
Phone (615) 741-6488
Fax (615) 741-7310

This electronic mail may be subject to the Tennessee Public Records Act, Tenn. Code Ann. §10-7-503 et seq. Any reply to this email may also be subject to this act.

The mission of the Office of the Secretary of State is to exceed the expectations of our customers, the taxpayers, by operating at the highest levels of accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and accountability in a customer-centered environment.

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From: Department of Correctional Services

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Jake Hujar

Hi Deborah,

Can I clarify a couple things with you before clearing any further payment?

We send similar requests to other states, and we're typically charged per page of filings that meet the request, rather than per entity, which helps us weed out entities that don't have relevant filings. I'm curious if there's any way we can preview or get a sense of what's available for each entity? Is it possible for us to get the entities included on the first page (covered by the $740 already paid) to start with now, which would also help us get a better understanding of the filings available, and I can circle back to this request or submit a new request for the remaining four pages of the original request?

Thank you!

From: Tennessee Secretary of State

The records for which payment was received were copied, emailed and mailed to you several weeks ago. You also received instructions on how to obtain additional documents.

Currently, you have no pending requests.

Thomas H. Riley, III
Director of Business Services
Director of Charitable Solicitation and Gaming
Office of Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
312 Rosa L. Parks Ave. - 6th floor
Nashville TN 37243
Phone (615) 253-7742