Benzene detected at Texas gas well sites

Michael Morisy filed this request with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of Texas.
Est. Completion None
Partially Completed


From: Michael Morisy

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act , I hereby request the following records:

All documents mentioning detected benzene at gas well sites in Texas.

I also request that, if appropriate, fees be waived as I believe this request is in the public interest. The requested documents will be made available to the general public free of charge as part of the public information service at, processed by a representative of the news media/press and is made in the process of news gathering and not for commercial usage.

In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Tom Nash

From: Frank Espino

Mr. Nash,

You submitted PIR requesting "all documents mentioning detected benzene at gas well sites in Texas."

Would you please contact me regarding this request for clarification.

I can be reached at 512-239-5900 or by replying to this email.

From: Michael Morisy

Hi Frank,

After consulting with the person who thought of the request, we'd like to limit the search to investigation and monitoring reports regarding benzene at well sheds from the past five years.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.



From: Ken Rozacky

Mr. Nash,

We have been trying to determine an effective way to full fill your request without incurring a large cost in labor or copying charges for you.

Requested information : All documents mentioning detected benzene at gas well sites in Texas. (clarification: for the last 5 years)

Unfortunately, there is not currently a convenient mechanism for searching all TCEQ reports for "benzene" and "gas well head".

TCEQ Central Records files are organized by Regulated Entity (RN) number.

Each Regulated Entity (RN) file can contain several inches to several feet of material that would need to be pulled to find what you have asked for.

At 10 cents a page for copying, plus shipping and labor, the cost to pull this information together can go up fairly quickly.

The most recent reports related to gas well head monitoring for benzene are located at this publically accessible URL

Could you please take a look and see if this site contains the type of information you are interested in?

If you do not find the information you are seeking at the web site, perhaps you know which Regulated Entities, or site locations, are of primary interest.

This kind of information can help narrow the search and decrease the cost to you substantially.

From: Ken Rozacky

Via Email
Tom Nash
TCEQ Public Information Request number - 13-11083-PIR.pdf
Area Description: All documents mentioning detected benzene at gas well sites in Texas. (clarification: for the last 5 years)

Mr. Nash,
Thank you for your Public Information Request dated February 4, 2013, and received by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) on the same day.
Upon review of TCEQ documents, files have been located in connection with your request and the agency has determined that the information is publicly available, under the Texas
Public Information Act (the Act), Texas Government Code Chapter 552.

The most recent reports related to gas well head monitoring for benzene are located at this publically accessible URL

Additional electronic files, considered responsive to your request, can be downloaded at this TCEQ publically accessible URL
48 Kb Update on Barnett Shale Activities 6-24.doc
20 Mb
9 Mb 5820784004FY1025-20100830-environ-Oil_Gas_Tank_Emission_Measurements.pdf
22 Mb Region 9 ETC Data Only.pdf
20 Mb ETC0906(4A)BurlingtonGasWellheadEmissions.wmv
14 Mb ETC0906(8A)TBarXReaganWell3flange&filttingEmissions.wmv
7 Mb ETC0906(11A)TBarXCarletonWellflange&FittingEmissions.wmv

Please let me know when you have successfully retrieved the files, so I can delete them to recover the FTP server disk space.

There is not currently a convenient mechanism for searching all reports for "benzene" and "gas well head".
Air Compliance Central Records files and Regional Information copies are organized by Regulated Entity (RN) number.
Each Regulated Entity (RN) file can contain several inches to several feet of material that would need to be pulled to even determine if there are responsive documents.
Regulated Entities or site locations are needed to provide an accurate cost estimate.

The cost estimate to copy each foot (12 inches, approximately 3000 sheets) of public documentation,
which is potentially responsive to your request, is $ 345.00. ($ 300 for the copies and $ 45 labor)
This does not include postage and handling or possible delivery charge for off-site storage.

PIR 11083_Preliminary COST_ESTIMATE_worksheet.xls (attached) is the tool used to estimate the charges for this service.
If you are interested in pursuing these hardcopy records, please provide the specific Regulated Entities or site locations of interest.
Based on this information, an accurate cost estimate can be made.

If you accept the charges for the estimate, I will arrange to have an invoice generated for you to pay the TCEQ Cashier.
You may reduce the cost by inspecting the materials at our offices at no charge, during normal office hours.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (512) 239-6942 or by e-mail at

From: Ken Rozacky

Hi Tom,

There were seven (7) more that trickled in late.

Results of followup investigations at Encana and Chesapeake.rtf
Canister samples with benzene above LTAMCV and facilities 080109 to 060210.xlsx
Fwd 1013 & 14 Barnett Shale Mobile Monitoring Update.rtf
TCEQ Final Report3-19-09.doc
Work Order No 582-7-84005-FY10-25 Work Plan, r1.doc
Results of followup investigations at Encana and Chesapeake.rtf

I added them to the site about 11:00 this morning.

Did you get these also ?


Ken Rozacky
Project Manager
Monitoring Division


Yes, thanks Ken. Will be in touch if we hear from the requester re: cost estimate.



From: Ken Rozacky

Hi Tom,


Thank you for the follow up note.


Ken Rozacky
Project Manager
Monitoring Division


