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Mitigation Plans under the Exceptional Events Rule (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality)

Dillon Bergin filed this request with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of Texas.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #

23- 84773

Multi Request Mitigation Plans under the Exceptional Events Rule


From: Dillon Bergin

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

1. All draft and final mitigation plans and packages as required by the EPA under the Exceptional Events Rule , according to https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2016-10-03/pdf/2016-22983.pdf.
2. Any acknowledgement or response from the EPA to mitigation plans or packages.
3. All subsequent responses, decisions and correspondence communicated by the EPA about mitigation plans, including approvals, denials or requests for more information.

Please note that this request was first filed with the Nevada Division of Environment Protection who said that it did not have jurisdiction over Washoe or Clark County, and this request would thus have to be filed separately to the according agencies in those two counties.

Request for Explanation of Withholdings and Redactions
If this request is denied in whole or in part, please provide a reasonable description of any withheld materials and a justification for all such withholdings that includes reference to the specific FOIA exemptions authorizing withholding and specific reasons why such exemptions apply. 45 C.F.R. § 5.31. An agency shall withhold information only if “the agency reasonably foresees that disclosure would harm an interest protected by an exemption” or “disclosure is prohibited by law.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(8)(A)(i). We therefore request that if the EPA determines that an exemption applies that it also provide specific reasons why disclosure would harm any interest protected by such exemption. An agency shall also “consider whether partial disclosure of information is possible whenever the agency determines that a full disclosure of a requested record is not possible” and “take reasonable steps necessary to segregate and release nonexempt information.” Id. 552(a)(8)(A)(ii). We therefore request that the EPA release all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material.

Limitation of Fees
We are also entitled to a limitation of fees because we are a member of the news media. 45 C.F.R. § 5.53(b); 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(ii)(II). Accordingly, even if our application for a waiver of all fees is denied, we are entitled to a limitation of fees. As a news media requester, we are “entitled to search time, review time, and up to 100 pages of duplication” and can be charged only duplication fees after the first 100 pages or its cost equivalent. 45 C.F.R. § 5.53(b). We request that the information be provided in its native electronic format, and thus there should be no duplication fees.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Dillon Bergin

From: Molly Peterson

Hello! I am seeking a confirmation that you have received this request, and a response.

Thank you very much,

Molly Peterson & Dillon Bergin

From: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Good Afternoon,

What is the PIR number you are following up on?

Thank you,
Vanessa Curry
Public Information Request Specialist
Information Resources Division, MC 197
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Ph: 512-239-3282 Data Line
Email: openrecs@tceq.texas.gov<mailto:openrecs@tceq.texas.gov>

From: Molly Peterson

Hello! I'm so sorry, I attached a form that you may not need for this request. You have just received this request, and we have not yet been notified of a request tracking number.

Thank you
Dillon Bergin

From: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality


Is this a new PIR request to submit or are you checking status on a previous request?

Thank you,
Vanessa Curry
Public Information Request Specialist
Information Resources Division, MC 197
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Ph: 512-239-3282 Data Line
Email: openrecs@tceq.texas.gov<mailto:openrecs@tceq.texas.gov>

From: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your Public Information Request received under the Texas Public Information Act. Your request has been assigned PIR 23- 84773.

TCEQ charges for the costs of responding to Public Information Requests in accordance with state statute. If the estimated cost to fulfill your request:
• is $40 or less, we will fulfill your request and provide you with an invoice. If requested, as a courtesy we will provide an estimate before we fulfill your request.
• exceeds $40, before we fulfill your request, we will provide you with an estimate, which you must accept in writing.
• exceeds $100, before we initiate fulfillment of your request you must pay a 50% deposit.

Thank you,
Vanessa Curry
Public Information Request Specialist
Information Resources Division, MC 197
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Ph: 512-239-3282 Data Line
Email: openrecs@tceq.texas.gov<mailto:openrecs@tceq.texas.gov>

From: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Good Morning,

After reviewing the appropriate resources of the TCEQ, we were unable to locate any responsive information in the possession of the TCEQ concerning this request.

Attached are the Official Responses containing the details of your requests.

If you have any further questions concerning this matter, you may contact us at (512) 239-3282 or openrecs@tceq.texas.gov<mailto:openrecs@tceq.texas.gov>.

Thank you.

The Open Records Team
TCEQ/OAS/IRD/Open Records

From: Molly Peterson


I just want to make sure we're clear in our understanding; as a reminder, we initially filed a request with this language:

"1. All draft and final mitigation plans and packages as required by the EPA under the Exceptional Events Rule , according to https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2016-10-03/pdf/2016-22983.pdf.
2. Any acknowledgement or response from the EPA to mitigation plans or packages.
3. All subsequent responses, decisions and correspondence communicated by the EPA about mitigation plans, including approvals, denials or requests for more information."

We filed it because it appears that under federal law, Harris County and El Paso County had to have mitigation documents for winds and dust, as of 2018.

If TDEQ does not have the documents, that's helpful information.

Kind regards,

Molly Peterson

From: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Good afternoon,

Attached you will find the responsive information that you have requested. The Office of Air apologizes for the inconvenience in the delay of getting you your information. Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Leigh Flores
Leigh Flores
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
PO Box 13087
Austin, Texas 78711-3087


