5 oldest FOIA requests (Defense Logistics Agency)

Jason Smathers filed this request with the Defense Logistics Agency of the United States of America.


From: Jason Smathers

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I hereby request the following records:

All records referencing the five oldest FOIA and Privacy Act requests which are still being processed that contain remarks, comments, notes, explanations, etc. made by your personnel or contractors about the processing of these requests (and appeals, if appropriate), the invocation of exemptions, or related matters. This is to include any analysts' notes made during the processing of the requests, any standard worksheets completed by the analysts, any justifications for exemption invocations or other supporting documentation provided to the Appeals Authority, and any correspondence referencing the requests, including tasking orders, emails, and coordination documentation. However, any records previously released to the original requesters in unredacted form may be excluded from this request. Additionally, please provide the initial request letters for the 5 oldest open FOIA/PA requests.

When processing this request, please note that the D.C. Circuit has previously held that agencies have a duty to construe the subject material of FOIA requests liberally to ensure responsive records are not overlooked. See Nation Magazine, Washington Bureau v. U.S. Customs Service, 71 F.3d 885, 890 (D.C. Cir. 1995). Accordingly, you are hereby instructed that the term “record” includes, but is not limited to: 1) all email communications to or from any individual within your agency; 2) memoranda; 3) inter-agency communications; 4) sound recordings; 5) tape recordings; 6) video or film recordings; 7) photographs; 8) notes; 9) notebooks; 10) indices; 11) jottings; 12) message slips; 13) letters or correspondence; 14) telexes; 15) telegrams; 16) facsimile transmissions; 17) statements; 18) policies; 19) manuals or binders; 20) books; 21) handbooks; 22) business records; 23) personnel records; 24) ledgers; 25) notices; 26) warnings; 27) affidavits; 28) declarations under penalty of perjury; 29) unsworn statements; 30) reports; 31) diaries; or 32) calendars, regardless of whether they are handwritten, printed, typed, mechanically or electronically recorded or reproduced on any medium capable of conveying an image, such as paper, CDs, DVDs, or diskettes.

I also request that, if appropriate, fees be waived as I believe this request is in the public interest. The requested documents will be made available to the general public free of charge as part of the public information service at MuckRock.com, processed by a representative of the news media/press and is made in the process of news gathering and not for commercial usage.

In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Jason Smathers
Filed via MuckRock.com
E-mail (Preferred): requests@muckrock.com
Daytime: (617) 299-1832
For mailed responses, please address:
185 Beacon St. #3
Somerville, MA 02143

From: Defense Logistics Agency

Mr. Smathers,

We received your December 9, 2010, FOIA request. In your request, you asked for a fee waiver. To qualify for fee waiver, requesters must specifically show:

(1) How the records concern operations or activities of the government.

(2) Discloseable portions are meaningfully informative on government operations.

(3) How disclosure will contribute to the understanding of the public at large, as opposed to the requester or a narrow segment of persons.

(4) How disclosure will contribute significantly to public understanding of government operations or activities.

(5) In addition, you must state what your commercial interests are in disclosure and describe how you will actively disseminate the information to the general public.
Please provide us with this information or a fee declaration within 5 business days from the date of this email or this request will be withdrawn and closed. If you have questions, please contact me.


Kathy R. Tennessee
FOIA/Privacy Act Officer
Headquarters, DLA
(703) 767-6183 (ph)
(703) 767-6091 (fax)
DSN 427-6183

From: Jason Smathers

I ask that you process this request and let me know if it is anticipated to exceed 100 pages and other fee minimums before I supply lengthy justification for the fee waiver.

Can we agree to hold adjudication on my request for a fee waiver in abeyance until the time when and if you determine if the request would otherwise require a fee?

Your letter says you would close the request in 5 days. For the sake of clarity, I wish to add: Under no condition do I agree to the closing of my request.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Best Regards,
Jason Smathers

From: Defense Logistics Agency

Mr. Smathers,

A fee waiver is separate from your category as an "other" requester which will afford you with the first 100 pages and 2 hours of search for free. We must address fee waiver as a separate matter. According to what you have requested, the charges will be free or minimal, but you must declare a fee amount of any amount AND respond to the fee waiver justification or withdraw it. Your request is on hold for 5 business days from today and if we don't hear from you, it will be withdrawn and closed.


Kathy Tennessee

From: Jason Smathers

Although I believe a fee waiver is appropriate, without giving up any rights, I withdraw my request for a fee waiver at this time in anticipation of the point being moot due to less than 100 responsive pages of records. Furthermore, I authorize up to $25 in fees appropriately assessed according to the FOIA.

Jason Smathers

From: Defense Logistics Agency

Mr. Smathers,

As a separate matter, I need clarification on your request. Are you asking for the oldest pending FOIAs for the entire agency or DLA Headquarters?


Kathy R. Tennessee
FOIA/Privacy Act Officer
Headquarters, DLA
(703) 767-6183 (ph)
(703) 767-6091 (fax)
DSN 427-6183

From: Jason Smathers

All of Defense Logistics Agency.

From: Defense Logistics Agency

Thank you. We will proceed with processing your request.


Kathy Tennessee

From: Defense Logistics Agency

From: FOIA/Privacy Act Officer

Mr. Smathers,

We have a similar request for the same items as your request for our oldest OPEN FOIA request notes, comments, etc.. However, what we provided the other requester, in the interest of time and money were detail report summaries for the oldest (open) FOIAs from our database system which captures historical information of the case from the beginning including comments made by the analyst, etc. Please let me know if this would suffice as responsive to your request to help reduce any further delays. If I don’t hear from you by Friday, Feb 19th, I will proceed with the review of the documents as usual.

Thank you,

Kathy R. Tennessee
FOIA/Privacy Act Officer
Headquarters, DLA
(703) 767-6183 (ph)
(703) 767-6091 (fax)
DSN 427-6183

From: Jason Smathers

Please give me an index of the documents your search located which you would need to review before providing me. Once I see such an index, I can determine if I can exclude some or all of them from my request.


From: FOIA/Privacy Act Officer

Mr. Smathers,

We located our Five Oldest OPEN FOIAs from the time of your request and gathered approximately 300+ pages to review for release. We are not sure how much will actually be releaseable to you. In the documents located there are:

-General Processing Email communications (back and forth conversations from various dates and times)
-Extension Requests (via email and/or letter)
-FOIA Status (via email)
-Standard Letter(s) to explain delay (for instance - submitter notice)


Kathy R. Tennessee
FOIA/Privacy Act Officer
Headquarters, DLA
(703) 767-6183 (ph)
(703) 767-6091 (fax)
DSN 427-6183

From: FOIA/Privacy Act Officer

Mr. Smathers,

This e-mail is to inform you that your request is still in process. We are making every reasonable effort to get this information to you as soon as possible considering the voluminous amount of information that we must review. We hope to have a response to you within the next few weeks. If you have concerns or questions regarding this status, please contact me.

Thank you for your patience,

Kathy R. Tennessee
FOIA/Privacy Act Officer
Headquarters, DLA
(703) 767-6183 (ph)
(703) 767-6091 (fax)
DSN 427-6183

From: Defense Logistics Agency

From: Defense Logistics Agency


