All DOJ Documents received from FBI pertaining to the Sept. 26, 1994 meeting of Dale Kelberman, Chief of White Collar Crimes DOJ MD. & Federal/State Prosecutors (see Attachment) (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Don Stone filed this request with the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States of America.
Tracking #

1419176-000, DOJ-AP-2020-000392



Multi Request All DOJ Documents received from FBI pertaining to the Sept. 26, 1994 meeting of Dale Kelberman, Chief of White Collar Crimes DOJ MD. & Federal/State Prosecutors (see Attachment)
Est. Completion None
No Responsive Documents

From: Don Stone

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

This request is for the entire DOJ case file (including any FBI 302 reports of MD. Assistant AG and Bankruptcy Trustee) that the FBI provided the USDOJ in Maryland pertaining to the Sept. 26, 1994 meeting between Dale Kelberman, Lori Simpson, William F. Howard, and a Mike Beck concerning a Charles Richard Longo Sr. and his known associate, Gilbert Sapperstein and other known associates.
(See Attachment Exhibits 1 & 2 Sept. 26, 1994, Feb. 1995 and March 1995).

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within { 20 days }.


{ Donald Stone }

  • SEPT.201994202620FBI20to20DOJ20Feb201995202620March20199520FINAL20X.pdf

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From: Federal Bureau of Investigation

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Public Information Officer
Record/Information Dissemination Section (RIDS) FBI-Information Management Division
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From: Federal Bureau of Investigation

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If your FOIPA Number is [1234567-0] please enter [1234567-000] into the system. If your FOIPA Number is [1234567-1] please enter [1234567-001] into the system. If you have any questions about the status of your FOIPA request, please e-mail

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Results will show the Request Number, Case Type and Process Description shown below:

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The FBI's FOIPA Program is searching the FBI's indices for potentially responsive documents.
You may be contacted via formal letter for all fees and/or negotiation issues that may apply.

NOTE: Recent requests are entered into the FOIPA database in the order that they are received. Before you can check the status, you must have received correspondence assigning a FOIPA request number and the information transferred to the online database. Status information is updated weekly. If a request has been closed within the last six months the online database will display the following: The FOIPA number entered has been closed, and appropriate correspondence has been sent to the address on file.

Estimated Dates of Completion
Requests are processed in the order in which they are received through our multi-track processing system. Requests are divided into two primary tracks--simple (under 50 pages of potentially responsive documents) and complex (over 50 pages of potentially responsive documents). Complex requests are further divided into medium, large, and extra-large sub-tracks based upon request size. Simple track requests typically require the least amount of time to process. Currently, simple track cases average approximately 138 days from the date of receipt for processing. Our complex requests in the medium processing track are currently averaging 571 days, large processing track are currently averaging approximately 1,289 days, and extra-large processing track are currently averaging 1,649 days for processing.


Public Information Officer
Record/Information Dissemination Section (RIDS) FBI-Information Management Division
170 Marcel Drive, Winchester, VA 22602-4843
Direct: (540) 868-4593
Fax: (540) 868-4391
Questions E-mail:<>

Do you have further questions about the FOI/PA process? Visit us at

Please check the status of your request online at Status updates are performed on a weekly basis.

Note: This is a non-emergency email address. If this is an emergency, please call 911 directly. If you need to report a tip for immediate action, please contact FBI Tips at or reach out to your local field office.

From: Federal Bureau of Investigation

A no responsive documents response.

From: Federal Bureau of Investigation

There are eFOIA files available for you to download.

  • E03ade0ebefefb966be89d165b355a8f4d1a1791b_Q43379_D2313451

From: Don Stone

The Appeal of Donald Stone, FOIA requester for: Oct. 4, 2019
FOIPA Request No.: 1419176-000
Subject: Maryland Bankruptcy Documents
(September 26, 1994)

For these reasons and others Stone appeals FOIPA Request No.: 1419176-000, Subject: Maryland Bankruptcy Documents
(September 26, 1994)

Inadequate search by FBI as the the DOJ/FBI have a well documented pattern and history of trying to allegedly conceal from public disclosure the DOJ/FBI knowledge of the criminal activities of Gilbert Sapperstein, Charles Richard Longo Sr. and certain of their associates while they perpetrated fraud on numerous U.S. citizens in Maryland,Florida, Virginia, and D.C. over many years.

The various alleged fraud schemes by DOJ/FBI consist of (1) fraud on the federal and/or state courts (Florida & Maryland) (2)
fraudulent concealment of exculpatory documents from victims of white collar and/or organized crime, (3) fraud in the omission
between early 1990's to Sept. 2019.

Longo and associates had an estimated 2000 victims in Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. involving alleged fraudulent schemes pertaining to $12 million in U.S. Dept. of Education Pell grants and other types of loans (during certain times he was under investigation by the DOJ/FBI) in addition to certain other types of alleged federal felony offenses.

Gilbert Sapperstein, a known associate of Longo, managed to steal and launder an estimated $3.5 million from the Baltimore School Board early 1990's to 2003 while he was at times associated with Longo in many of Longo's fraudulent schemes and vice versa. Sapperstein and certain of his associates were also alleged to be under investigation by FBI/DOJ during certain times.

A heavy burden is placed on FOIA requesters, such as Stone when they allege misconduct by high ranking DOJ/FBI lawyers, SAC's, SA, and/or employees.

Stone has easily met that burden with irrefutable federal court documentation in early 1998, in Stone vs. Warfield Sr. in the Southern District of Florida, Civil RICO case when Stone caught top 6 Maryland & Florida U.S. Attorneys (fraud on the court scheme) lying, trying to whitewash alleged multiple federal felony offenses by Longo as a business dispute or civil matter. Approx. 5 years later in 2003 it became public knowledge that Sapperstein (Longo's co-defendant in the Florida above referenced case) had been stealing the $3.5 million from Baltimore School Board early 1990's -2003.

And also Stone incorporate by reference :
1. All DOJ/FBI files pertaining either directly or indirectly to Gilbert Sapperstein, Charles Richard Longo Sr., and all known associates
2. All FBI/DOJ 302 reports pertaining either directly or indirectly to Gilbert Sapperstein, Charles Richard Longo Sr., and all known
3. All DOJ/FBI files of any Criminal and/or Civil Complaints by Maryland or Florida residents pertaining either directly or indirectly to
Gilbert Sapperstein, Charles Richard Longo Sr., and all known associates.
4. All DOJ/FBI documents that pertain to Maryland/Florida resident Donald Stone.
5. All FOIA request and appeals Stone has filed with DOJ/FBI.

5. Any investigation by U.S. Attorney General Barr into FBI Director Wray and David Hardy, FBI RIDS Chief Executive for any alleged
violation(s) of the Federal Records Act and/or Federal Civil and/or Criminal Statute pertaining directly and/or indirectly to any
FOIA request for information on Gilbert Sapperstein, Charles Richard Longo Sr., and or any of their associates.

For these reasons and others, Donald Stone appeals the above referenced case.

Best Regards,
Donald Stone
871 NE Dixie Hwy.
Ste. 8
Jensen Beach, FL. 34957

  • E03ade0ebefefb966be89d165b355a8f4d1a1791b_Q43379_D2313451

From: Federal Bureau of Investigation

This message is to notify you of a new appeal submission to the FOIAonline application. Appeal information is as follows:

* Appeal Tracking Number: DOJ-AP-2020-000392
* Request Tracking Number: 1419176
* Requester Name: Donald Stone
* Date Submitted: 10/21/2019
* Appeal Status: Submitted
* Description:
FBI Appeal

From: Federal Bureau of Investigation

DOJ-AP-2020-000392 has been processed with the following final disposition: Completely Reversed/Remanded.
Given the nature of this request, some records are only being released to you as the requester. If you have an account in FOIAonline, you may access those records by [FOIAONLINE_HOME]. Otherwise, those responsive records will be sent via the method agreed upon with the FOIA processor.

From: Federal Bureau of Investigation

A no responsive documents response.