Briefing Materials 404 Florida panther

Jimmy Tobias filed this request with the U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, Region 4 of the United States of America.
Tracking #





From: Jimmy Tobias

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

All materials (including memos, white papers, power point presentations, and emails) from the "briefing for RO and HQ" referenced in the attachment document, which is an email from FWS's Robert Carey in the Florida Ecological Services Field Office.

I am a reporter for The Florida Center for Government Accountability and other outlets.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Jimmy Tobias

From: U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, Region 4

Dear Jimmy Tobias,

Case Number DOI-FWS-2024-000236 has been assigned to the request you submitted. In all future correspondence regarding this request please reference case number DOI-FWS-2024-000236.

From: U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, Region 4

Dear Jimmy Tobias,

The status of your FWS FOIA request #DOI-FWS-2024-000236 has been updated to the following status 'Received'. To log into the PAL Application click on the Application URL below.


From: U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, Region 4

Dear Jimmy Tobias,

Once you log in please change your password to protect your account details.

Link to change password:

From: U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, Region 4

Dear Jimmy Tobias,

A temporary password has been issued and sent to the email address provided. Please check your email for this temporary password and return to to login. If you have any previously submitted requests to DOI you will be able to view them by logging into your user account

Kindly change the password provided by us.

From: U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, Region 4

Dear Jimmy Tobias,

The status of your FWS FOIA request #DOI-FWS-2024-000236 has been updated to the following status 'Assigned for Processing'. To log into the PAL Application click on the Application URL below.


From: U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, Region 4

Mr. Tobias The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) FOIA officereceived your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated 01/07/204 andassigned it control number DOI-FWS-2024-000236. Please cite this number in anyfuture communications. You request”: “…Allmaterials (including memos, white papers, power point presentations, andemails) from the "briefing for RO and HQ" referenced in theattachment document, which is an email from FWS's Robert Carey in the FloridaEcological Services Field Office. FeeCategory and Fee: We have classified you as an “other” requester.  Assuch, we may charge you for some of our search and duplication costs, but wewill not charge you for our review costs; you are also entitled to up to 2hours of search time and 100 pages of photocopies (or an equivalent volume) forfree.   See  43 C.F.R. § 2.39 . You have asked us to waive the fees forprocessing your request.? Our FOIA regulations state that bureaus will waive,or partially waive, fees if disclosure of all or part of the informationis:
(1) Inthe public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public?understanding of government operations or activities, and
(2) Notprimarily in your commercial interest. See 43 C.F.R. §?2.45(a) .Our FOIA regulations also provide four specific criteria that are used todetermine whether these two requirements are met.? See 43 C.F.R. §?2.48(a) .Your request meets the requirements, and your fee waiver has beengranted. MultitrackProcessing: We use Multitrack Processing to process FOIA requests. TheSimple track is for requests that would generally take one to five workdays toprocess. The Normal track is for requests that would generally take six totwenty workdays to process. The Complex track is for requests that wouldgenerally take twenty-one to sixty workdays to process. The Extraordinary trackis for requests that would generally take more than sixty workdays to process.The Expedited track is for requests that have been granted expeditedprocessing, which are processed as soon as practicable. Within each track,requests are usually processed on a first-in, first-out basis. Your requestfalls into the Normal processing track. For additional information please feelfree to Stacey Cummings at Sincerely, Dori Abernathy , FWS,HQ ES FOIA Coordinator

From: U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, Region 4

Hey Jimmy:

Sorry, I am following up with region. My subject matter expert is in field so I will have to get back to you next week.

From: U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, Region 4

Hey Jimmy:

My SMEs are back in office and catching up on this request. I should start receiving records by Friday.

I will put a note to reach out to you next week on where I am and an approximation of records.

From: Jimmy Tobias

Thank you Barb!

From: U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, Region 4

Hey Jimmy:

I wanted to let you know I have received the records and will get it processed. I should have it to you by end of month as there are not a lot of records.

Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.


Dear Jimmy Tobias,

The status of your FWS FOIA request #DOI-FWS-2024-000236 has been updated to the following status 'Documents Delivered'. To log into the PAL Application click on the Application URL below.
The message is being sent from an unattended email box. For any future correspondence, please contact the bureau contact at


Dear Jimmy Tobias,

The status of your FWS FOIA request #DOI-FWS-2024-000236 has been updated to the following status 'Closed'. To log into the PAL Application click on the Application URL below.
The message is being sent from an unattended email box. For any future correspondence, please contact the bureau contact at

From: U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, Region 4

Dear Mr. Tobias:

Please find attached the final response letter for FOIA request DOI-FWS-2024-000236. I am sharing a link because I got a kick back saying files were to big when I sent through FOIA Xpress.

You may retrieve these records immediately using the search engine at following link:

For additional information please feel free to contact me at<>.

Let me know if you have any issues downloading records.

Barb Beckett
FWS FOIA Coordinator


