Castro Tum Judicial E-mails

Matthew Hoppock filed this request with the Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review of the United States of America.
Tracking #

FOIA-2018-35110, DOJ-AP-2018-007850


FOIA-2018-35110, DOJ-AP-2018-007850



Est. Completion None

From: Matthew Hoppock

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

The documents related to assignment of an Immigration Judge in the matter of In Re Reynaldo CASTRO-TUM. It is our understanding that after the Attorney General reversed the administrative closure decision and remanded this matter, the original Immigration Judge, Steven Morley, set a briefing schedule for the parties to address the issues. However, recently the agency has without explanation or advance notice assigned a new Immigration Judge , ACIJ Deepali Nadkarni, to this case and has scheduled a hearing for July, 2018. It is unclear whether the respondent has been notified of the change in IJ or the hearing date. Given this relatively unorthodox development, we are requesting the records in the possession of the agency that would explain what has occurred following remand. That would include the following:
1. Any written records (non-electronic documents) related to the assignment or change of the Immigration Judge in the Castro Tum between May 17, 2018 and the date this request is processed.
2. Any e-mail messages to or from IJ Steven Morley about the Castro Tum matter or about judicial assignments between May 17, 2018 and the date this request is processed.
3. Any e-mail messages to or from ACIJ Deepali Nadkarni about the Castro Tum matter or about judicial assignments between May 17, 2018 and the date this request is processed.
4. The records from the agency's Case Access System for EOIR ("CASE") database related to the Castro Tum matter or about judicial assignments between May 17, 2018 and the date this request is processed.

We are requesting that this matter be expedited, given that the case appears to be scheduled for a Master Calendar hearing in July, 2018. Also, because the change in IJ may in fact by unlawful or otherwise improper, it is important that the records be produced in an expedited manner because the issue is one of public interest. Further, given the widespread publicity about the Castro Tum matter, there is substantial interest in the developments following remand. I will likely be writing about this development as a member of the news media and need the documents requested to complete my writing. Because I am a member of the news media and have no commercial interest in these documents, I am also asking that any search and/or reproduction fees be waived.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Matthew Hoppock

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review

An acknowledgement letter, stating the request is being processed.

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review


A search was conducted and responsive documents were found. The documents are currently under review for redaction and release.

This request is #31 of 57 pending "complex" cases.

I completed your request 2018-34981 yesterday.

Joseph R. Schaaf
Chief Counsel, Administrative Law
Executive Office for Immigration Review

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Matthew Hoppock

1. We asked for all documents related to the assignment of an Immigration Judge in the Castro-Tum matter but the response does not address this broader request.

2. In addition to the broader request, we specified several items that should include. With respect to item 1, it appears the agency did not conduct an adequate search. We asked for all non-electronic (paper) documents related to the change in judge in the Castro-Tum matter. We are aware the agency maintains a paper file on each immigration court case. There should be an assignment sheet or some other paper records related to the change in IJ. Although the decision says there are no records, that would be highly abnormal.

2. With respect to Item 4, the agency improperly withheld the CASE Database entries entirely, rather than redact the portions of information related to a specific person (Mr. Castro Tum). Arguably, the privacy protections have been waived because the Attorney General published a decision about Mr. Castro Tum (and the Attorney General has authority to waive the privacy requirements related to immigration files). However, the part we are looking for is the part related to reassignment of the judge, which does not relate to the specifics of Mr. Castro Tum's case. It is unclear why the information specific to Mr. Castro-Tum's case could not have been redacted.

From: Matthew Hoppock

A grievance filed by the IJs' union this morning indicates there are documents that the EOIR previously claimed don't exist in its July 27, 2018 letter. In particular:

1. A May 19, 2018 e-mail from Director McHenry to an unknown recipient directing that the case be scheduled for a hearing within 14 days
2. A July 19, 2018 e-mail from Jack Weil to Immigration Judge Morley stating that the Castro-Tum case had been reassigned because the Court had been expected to make a decision at the May 31, 2018 hearing
3. A second July 19, 2018 e-mail from Jack Weil to IJ Morley

The FOIA request asked for "The documents related to assignment of an Immigration Judge in the matter of In Re Reynaldo CASTRO-TUM" and specifically any e-mail messages to or from IJ Morley "between May 17, 2018 and the date this request is processed." The request was processed on July 27, but the denial letter stated no such records existed. That was false.

Please produce the responsive records.

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review


2018-35110 was received by this office 6/7/2018. A search for responsive documents was initiated shortly thereafter.

On 6/15/2018 we received a response from IJ Morley that he had no responsive records.

On 6/21/2018 the search was completed and all the responses were compiled for attorney review.

Nothing from 7/19/2018 would have been in the compilation of responsive documents on 6/21/2018.

In the search, we did find an e-mail from the Director to the Chief Judge dated 5/18/2018 regarding the hearing schedule. However, that e-mail fell into none of the four categories you specified in your request, and was therefore non-responsive.

We will, however, include that e-mail in our response to your most recent request, 2018-44218.

If you are not sure what to ask for, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. We work with requesters all the time to help shape their requests so that we may provide the documents they seek within the confines of our available resources.

Joseph R. Schaaf
Chief Counsel, Administrative Law
Executive Office for Immigration Review

From: Matthew Hoppock


It seems the 5/18/2018 e-mail you describe would have fallen under the request for "the documents related to assignment of an Immigration Judge in the matter of In Re Reynaldo CASTRO-TUM."

It sounds like based on the search parameters you used, the document did turn up. Would the EOIR be willing to produce it now?

Matthew Hoppock

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review


Correct, OCIJ did forward the 5/18 e-mail and a number of responses to it ("progeny").

I apologize, as your header "the documents ... " seemed somewhat vague and overbroad, I assumed you were refining the scope of your request with the four enumerated categories of documents below it. I see from our e-mail exchange that was not the case.

We are already processing the 5/18 and progeny e-mails pursuant to your later request 2018-44218. However, reading farther down I see you may already have filed an appeal. We have not yet received it from OIP.

Rather than wait for the appeal process to play out, can I propose the following:

If you withdraw your appeal, we will process the 5/18 and progeny e-mails separately from 2018-44218 and "expedite" their review and release. We will also renew our search for a paper "change slip" or similar notation. As for CASE, I reviewed the electronic file this morning and found no notations about the change in IJs, other than the fact that IJ Morley is listed as the IJ in the Initial and Master hearings up to and including 31 May 2018 but ACIJ Nadkarni is listed as the IJ for the Master Reset on July 26. I may be able to provide a screenshot verifying this information.

Please let me know if this is an acceptable proposal.

Joseph R. Schaaf
Chief Counsel, Administrative Law
Executive Office for Immigration Review

From: Matthew Hoppock

Yes, that's fine. Thank you.

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review

Thank you, Matthew. I will try to get you that screenshot this afternoon. Wr/JRS

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review

Matthew, here is that screenshot from CASE. I assume SAM = Steven Morley and DNM = ACIJ Deepali Nadkarni. The first city column is Base City, the second is Hearing Location.

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As an added bonus, we finished 2018-36999 today.

Please let me know when you withdraw the appeal on 2018-35110, and we will get on the 5/18 e-mail. Tks.


From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review

Thanks. I will review your other requests and will contact you if I have any questions. I see we got two more in today. Wr/JRS

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review

This message is to notify you of a new appeal submission to the FOIAonline application. Appeal information is as follows:
* Appeal Tracking Number: DOJ-AP-2018-007850
* Request Tracking Number: FOIA-2018-35110
* Requester Name: Matthew Hoppock
* Date Submitted: 08/24/2018
* Appeal Status: Submitted
* Description: EOUSA Appeal

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review

The FOIA appeal DOJ-AP-2018-007850 has had its Tracking Number changed to DOJ-AP-2018-007850. This is normally due to the appeal being transferred to another agency (for example, EPA to Dept. of Commerce) or to a sub-agency to process it. Additional details for this appeal are as follows:
* Old Tracking Number: DOJ-AP-2018-007850
* New Tracking Number: DOJ-AP-2018-007850
* Requester Name: Mr. Matthew Hoppock
* Date Submitted: 08/24/2018
* Long Description: EOUSA Appeal

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review

Matthew, as promised, attached are the Director’s e-mail of 5/18/18 to the Chief Judge regarding scheduling Castro-Tum, with 3 responses.

Additionally, we reviewed the ROP but did not find any written notations of the change in IJs for the 7/26 hearing. However, the change was made in CASE as seen in the screenshot below.

We continue to work on your other requests related to Castro-Tum. We have responsive documents and will release the appropriate portions as we complete the reviews:

2018-40240 awaiting OIT access to “allofOCIJHDQandCourts”
2018-43823 documents received, awaiting review
2018-44218 search initiated
2018-44408 search initiated
2018-44539 search initiated
2018-44540 search initiated
2018-44585 search initiated

Have a great weekend!


From: Matthew Hoppock

Thank you. Have a nice weekend.

From: Matthew Hoppock


Can I ask a question about these e-mails? These are three responses to a May 18 e-mail from Director McHenry. However, we haven't yet seen the Director McHenry e-mail they're responding to. I know the text of it is quoted in the replies, but the actual e-mail itself would show us who was copied or BCC'd on the e-mail and possibly other things. Will that e-mail be produced?

Thank you.

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review

OK, fair enough … let me see if I have the original as it went out, if not we should be able to get it. Wr/JRS

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review

see attachment

From: Matthew Hoppock

Please withdraw this appeal. We previously wrote to OIP to withdraw it.

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review

DOJ-AP-2018-007850 has been processed with the following final disposition: Closed for Other Reasons

  • Hoppock, Matthew, AP-2018-007850, EOIR, Appeal response letter, Close withdraw

From: Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review

DOJ-AP-2018-007850 has been processed with the following final disposition: Closed for Other Reasons

  • Hoppock, Matthew, AP-2018-007850, EOIR, Appeal response letter, Close withdraw