Chief FOIA officer's recent email (Federal Housing Finance Agency)

Sai filed this request with the Federal Housing Finance Agency of the United States of America.
Tracking #


Multi Request Chief FOIA officer's recent email

From: Sai

Dear Federal Housing Finance Agency,

On behalf of myself and Fiat Fiendum, I hereby request the following records:

1. The one email in your chief FOIA officer's email inbox or equivalent which was received nearest and before October 19, 2024, midnight Eastern time, regardless of subject matter.
2. The one email in your chief FOIA officer's email spam folder or equivalent which was received nearest and before October 19, 2024, midnight Eastern time, regardless of subject matter.
3. The one email in your chief FOIA officer's sent email folder or equivalent which was sent nearest and before October 19, 2024, midnight Eastern time, regardless of subject matter.
4. The total full-time equivalent count of people who work for your FOIA office as of October 19, 2024.

This request is expressly limited to Federal Housing Finance Agency's own FOIA office. Please do not refer it to any other agency or division. This request is expressly not a Privacy Act request, and no PA waiver will be provided.

Please provide the email records in EML, Maildir, MBOX, MIX, MSG, or PST format only — not PDF, Word, image, etc — including all metadata (e.g. full email headers as received/sent) and attachments, without alteration other than narrowly tailored electronic redaction of specifically claimed exemptions that do not affect any part of non exempt information (and, in particular, without rasterization).

Please provide the fourth record as a statement in your response letter, or at your option, as the most readily available record, in original electronic format as currently stored on your computer systems, which includes that information.

Please provide all records either as individual files, or as an unencrypted ZIP file, uploaded to MuckRock. Do not apply any encryption, DRM, or other restriction.

I request fee waiver, because
* Fiat Fiendum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit;
* this request is for public interest, non-commercial purposes;
* these records would give a snapshot of insight into the everyday processes of FOIA offices; and
* these records are being requested in order to conduct a government-wide audit of agencies' FOIA compliance.

In the event that you deny fee waiver, please process this request as-is, because I will not agree to any fees.

Please be sure to provide:
* 5 USC 552(a)(6)(A)(i)(II) FOIA Public Liaison information
* 5 USC 552(a)(6)(A)(i)(III)(aa) appeal information
* 5 USC 552(a)(6)(A)(i)(III)(bb) OGIS information
* 5 USC 552(a)(7)(A) tracking number
* 5 USC 552(a)(7)(B)(ii) completion ETA

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.

President, Fiat Fiendum, Inc.

P.S. Sai is my full legal name.

From: Federal Housing Finance Agency

Good afternoon,

I apologize for the delay in providing a response as well as sending an acknowledgment letter. I am a one-person office and currently have a backlog of over 130 requests, some open since 2019. Currently our processing time is approximately 6-8 months. However, although we process requests in the order that they are received, I will review documents as they become available regardless of where they are in the queue. Currently, your request is number 106 in the queue and is in the document search phase.

Please let me know if you have questions by contacting me directly at<>. Otherwise, I will keep you updated.

Thanks - Stacy

From: Federal Housing Finance Agency

February 3, 2025

Re: FHFA FOIA Request No.: 2025-FOIA-013

Dear Sai:

This is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated October 22, 2024. Your request was processed in accordance with the FOIA (5 U.S.C. § 552) and FHFA's FOIA regulation (12 CFR Part 1202).

You requested the following:

"1. The one email in your chief FOIA officer's email inbox or equivalent which was received nearest and before October 19, 2024, midnight Eastern time, regardless of subject matter. 2. The one email in your chief FOIA officer's email spam folder or equivalent which was received nearest and before October 19, 2024, midnight Eastern time, regardless of subject matter. 3. The one email in your chief FOIA officer's sent email folder or equivalent which was sent nearest and before October 19, 2024, midnight Eastern time, regardless of subject matter. 4. The total full-time equivalent count of people who work for your FOIA office as of October 19, 2024."

A search of FHFA files and records located material responsive to your request. The records are being partially released (redacted) pursuant to exemption 6 of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 (b)(6), as disclosure of certain information (e.g., telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.), "would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." In response to numbers 1 - 3 of your request, please find attached 3 pages. In response to number 4 of your request, the total full-time equivalent count of people who work for FHFA's FOIA Office was 1 during the requested period.

This is FHFA's final decision on your FOIA request. If you wish to appeal any aspect of FHFA's decision on your request, you must forward within 90 days:

* A copy of your initial request;
* A copy of this letter; and
* A statement of the circumstances, reasons, or arguments for seeking disclosure of the affected record(s).

The appeal must be sent either electronically by 5pm to or by mail to the "FOIA Appeals Officer" at 400 7th Street, SW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20219. The subject line, or the envelope and the letter of appeal, must be clearly marked "FOIA Appeal." Please note that all mail sent to FHFA via the United States Postal Service is routed through a national irradiation facility, a process that may delay delivery by approximately two weeks. For any time-sensitive correspondence, please plan accordingly.

Additionally, you may seek dispute resolution services from the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration. OGIS can be reached at 8601 Adelphi Road - OGIS, College Park, Maryland 20740-6001; by email at; by telephone at 202-741-5770 or toll free at 1-877-684-6448; or by facsimile at 202-741-5769.

Your FOIA request is releasable to the public under subsequent FOIA requests. In responding to these requests, FHFA does not release personal information, such as home or email addresses and home or mobile telephone numbers which are protected from disclosure under FOIA Exemption 6 (5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6)).

There are no fees associated with processing this request.

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your request, please contact me directly or at


Stacy J. Easter
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)/ Privacy Act Officer
FOIA Public Liaison
Federal Housing Finance Agency
400 7th Street, SW | Washington, DC 20219
Phone: 202-649-3803
FOIA Website<>

Controlled Notice: The information contained in this email and any attachments may be Controlled Unclassified Information subject to dissemination controls, restrictions, or safeguarding requirements pursuant to a federal law, regulation, or policy. Any use, distribution, or copying of this email, including any of its contents or attachments by any person other than those authorized by the Federal Housing Finance Agency, or for any purpose other than its intended use, is strictly prohibited. If you believe you have received this email in error, permanently delete the email and any attachments, and do not save, copy, disclose, or rely on any part of the information contained in this email or its attachments. Please call 202-649-3800 if you have questions.

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