Documents on prescribed burns in the White River National Forest

Eric D. Eastman filed this request with the U.S. Forest Service of the United States of America.
Tracking #



From: Eric D. Eastman

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I hereby request the following records:

For The White River National Forest within the boundaries of Summit County Colorado, for the time period from August 2014 through May 2015:

a. Copies of all reports, memos, press releases, emails and other documents that are related to any prescribed burns done by the US Forest Service or their partners or contractors.
b. Copies of all accident reports of any type by the US Forest Service crews or their partners or contractors while working on any prescribed burns.
c. Copies of all articles submitted to any news media by any White River National forest staff during this entire time period, whether they were published or not.
d. Copies of all air, water and soil quality reports taken or used by White River National forest staff or their partners or contractors during this period.
e. Copies of all permits related to any prescribed burns, tree cutting or forest management within this time period.
f. Copies of all notes taken during any private or public meeting related to prescribed burns, tree cutting, air quality, water quality, soil quality, or forest management.
g. Copies of all emails, FAXs, and letters from the public to any staff member of the White River National Forest that was related to prescribed burns, tree cutting, water or air quality and copies of all replies to these emails, FAXs or letters.
h. Copies of all documents containing any information on any costs for the prescribed burns during this time period.
i. Copies of all consulting/consultant agreements, invoices, work orders, purchase orders, and payment vouchers related to any forest management or prescribed burns.

I also request that, if appropriate, fees be waived as I believe this request is in the public interest. The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Eric D. Eastman

From: Keller, Cynthia P -FS

Dear Mr. Eastman,

I have been assigned to pull together all of the documents in your FOIA request. Before we begin, I need to inform you that because you have requested a fee waiver, you will need to provide evidence that you meet all of the requirements. Please see the attached document for direction. You can address each of the six criteria for fee waiver and send your response to Marge Gallegos our Regional FOIA Coordinator with a cc to me and Bill Kight our Forest FOIA Coordinator. I have made a very rough estimate of the time and cost it will take to fulfill your request. Because your request is extremely extensive and broad, there are approximately 20 people who have emails and documents that will need to be searched. I have estimated an average of 4 hours each at a GS-11 salary cost to the government. This estimate totals $3200. If a fee waiver is denied, you will need to pay half of the estimated amount prior to us starting the search, at which time we will have 20 working days to fulfill your request. If you would like to narrow your criteria, I’m sure we can significantly reduce the volume of documents that you are requesting to what you are actually looking for. Please call me at your earliest convenience so we can talk about narrowing the scope and scale of your request.

Peech Keller

[Forest Service Shield]

Cynthia P Keller
Deputy District Ranger/Environmental Coordinator

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Dillon Ranger District

p: 970-262-3495
c: 970-471-3425
f: 970-468-7735<>

680 Blue River Parkway
Silverthorne, CO 80498<>
[]<>[Twitter Logo]<>[Facebook Logo]<>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Keller, Cynthia P -FS

[Forest Service Shield]

Cynthia P Keller
Deputy District Ranger/Environmental Coordinator

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Dillon Ranger District

p: 970-262-3495
c: 970-471-3425
f: 970-468-7735<>

680 Blue River Parkway
Silverthorne, CO 80498<>
[]<>[Twitter Logo]<>[Facebook Logo]<>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Eric D. Eastman

Dear Ms. Keller,

I would like to keep one point of contact for this FOIA request. Could you forward on the following information to Ms. Gallegos and Mr. Kight on the Fee Waiver request?


Eric Eastman
Dear Ms. Gallegos,

I made a FOIA request and have requested the fee be waived as the request is in the general interest of the public. In Cynthia Keller's reply email on the FOIA request, she attached a document showing the six criteria needed to have the fee waived. I will try to answer all six items below.

Item 1: The subject of the requested records concerns "the operations or activities of the government;"

The entire FOIA request is for information on the prescribed burns done by the US Forest Service in the White River National Forest, which is an operational activity of the US Forest Services, which is part of the US Government.

Item 2: The informative value of the information to be disclosed, i.e., whether the disclosure is "likely to contribute" to an understanding of government operations or activities.

Scott Fitzwilliams, Forest Supervisor, Bill Kight, Public Affairs Officer, and other employees of the US Forest service have used their position with the US Forest service through public meetings, newspaper articles and editorials, on air TV and Radio interviews, and via social media to voice a very positive message on prescribed burns and tree cutting done by the US Forest Service in the White River National Forest. They have not given the details of the total costs of the burns and tree cutting, damage to the environment, injuries to crew members, injuries to the public due to smoke, or even the total number of trees cut and burned during this time period. As we are going into another burn season, as stated in a press release dated Oct 27, 2015, from the USDA Forest Service, it is imperative that the public is given this information requested in the FOIA request from last years burn season.

Press release on pile burning Oct 27, 2015:

Pointers to local US Forest Service personal promotion of burning the forest:

Lathan Johnson, US Forest Service, 2015 video on on why forest burning is good in Summit County.

The goal of the FOIA request is to inform the public of the costs and size of this operation, which none of the public references I can find gives this information. Giving the public the information in the FOIA request is "likely to contribute" to an understanding of government operations or activities in the White River National forest in Summit County Colorado.

Pointers to some of the local citizens concerns on the cut and burn operations include, but are not limited to:

Item 3: The contribution to an understanding of the subject by the general public likely to result from disclosure, i.e., whether disclosure of the requested information will contribute to "public understanding." (Factor 3 concerns whether disclosure of the information will contribute to an understanding by “a reasonably broad audience of persons interested in the subject,” and requires the requester to have the ability to disseminate the information to the general public. Requesters cannot satisfy the standard merely by representing that they will make the information available to others. Requesters have the burden of demonstrating with particularity that the information will be communicated to the public.)

I have used MuckRock to initiate this FOIA request so it would be very publicly distributed. All the information will be openly distributed by MuckRock. You can see the current information at:

MuckRock is followed by tens of thousands of people and is widely cited by other media. Here are some recent examples of cites of MuckRock:

This is just a small sampling of news media citing MuckRock. With the many media sites that cite MuckRock shows the information will be very public. I will make sure that all local news media have knowledge of this site and link.

4) ) The significance of the contribution to public understanding, i.e., whether the disclosure is likely to contribute "significantly" to public understanding of government operations or activities. (The public benefit should be "identified with reasonable specificity".

As shown in my reply to item two, the editorials written in the local papers and the number of people attending the local meetings on forest health, there is a lot of public interest in the subject of forest management in Summit County Colorado. The fact that the US Forest service employees have held meetings, done interviews, created youtube videos, created WEB pages shows that there must be lot of interest in what the US Forest Service is doing in and around Summit county, or they would not be using their funding and time to do this.

The fact that people have requested information from the US Forest service on this cut and burn policy and have been told to use a FOIA request to get the information shows there is a significant need for this information to be released. See:

The information that will be released in response to this FOIA request will significantly contribute to public understanding of the methods and costs of the current forest management in and around Summit County Colorado.

5) The existence and magnitude of a commercial interest, i.e., whether the requester has a commercial interest that would be furthered by the requested disclosure;

I have no commercial interest. I am a home owner in Summit County and I am trying to get the information out to the public as an amateur reporter on what the US Forest Service is doing in and around Summit County to our public lands, our forest products, water, and people.

6) The primary interest in disclosure, i.e., whether the magnitude of the identified commercial interest of the requester is sufficiently large, in comparison with the public interest in disclosure, that disclosure is "primarily in the commercial interest of the requester." (Factor 6 requires an agency to balance the requester's commercial interest against the identified public interest in disclosure and determine which interest is "primary.")

There is no commercial interest.

I hope this answers all questions fully and that you will quickly approve my Fee Waiver request. Please let me know if you have any questions on the above information.

Eric D. Eastman

From: Kight, Bill -FS

To whom it may concern:

Would you please let Mr. Eastman know that all fees have been waived for his FOIA. However, before I can proceed I have some clarification questions and need to contact him, preferable over the phone. My contact information is below.

Thank you.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer
FOIA Coordinator

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Kight, Bill -FS

Could you please forward this email to Mr. Eastman? Thank you

Mr. Eastman:
In an effort to make sure we are not leaving anything out of your FOIA request our staff has asked if the following list contains anything you would like to see as part of your request:

* Invoices for long term stewardship projects
* Bills for collection from Mt Powell salvage
* Load tickets from long term stewardship projects
* Monthly volume tracking
* Timber sale accounting - contract mod for extension
* CDOT free use documents

Thank you.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Eric D. Eastman

Dear Mr. Kight,

Unfortunately I do not know what information is contained in these document sources. By the names of the document sources listed, I would expect we could exclude the CDOT free use documents, but I am unsure if the other 5 sources contains information related to item ”i” which requested:

i) Copies of all consulting/consultant agreements, invoices, work orders, purchase orders, and payment vouchers related to any forest management or prescribed burns.

If the documents sources you listed contains information related to item “i”, or to the other items listed in the FOIA request, then I would like the information released as part of the FOIA.

Eric D. Eastman

From: Kight, Bill -FS

Thank you Mr. Eastman. If we have any more clarification issues as we fulfill you FOIA I will contact you again.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Kight, Bill -FS

Mr. Eastman:
As the documents you requested are being assembled and in my preparation of the letter to you fulfilling your request I thought it might be good to send you links to the documents that we are legally required to complete before we do any ground disturbing action on the Forest. By clicking on the links provided you will find all the information about each project that may help you understand the reasons behind the projects we did in Summit County for forest health and fuels reduction. Let me know if you have any questions about any of these projects that are not answered in the information available with these links.
Here are the links to projects which were done for forest health and fuels reduction in Summit County:

* Breckenridge Forest Health and Fuels Project<> 5,000 acres of proposed treatments for forest health and fuels reduction in the WUI in Breckenridge;
* Forestwide Hazard Tree Removal and Fuels Reduction<> Remove hazard trees within 150' of roads and trails and 200' of recreation sites on the White River National Forest over the next ten years. Lodgepole pine affected by the mountain pine beetle will be targeted for removal;
* Forest-wide Hazardous Tree Removal and Fuels Reduction Project Revision 1<> Amendment to design criteria contained in the Forest-wide Hazardous Tree Removal and Fuels Reduction Project EA. Specifically, revising the amount of time a level 3 road could be closed for treatment;
* Keystone Ski Area Forest Health Project<> Proposal to remove hazard trees and regenerate lodgepole in selected areas across the ski area;
* Lower Blue Salvage and Fuels Project<> Salvage of up to 4000 acres of beetle-killed lodgepole;
* North Summit WUI Fuels Treatment<> Salvage of dead and dying lodgepole pine in the wildland-urban interface;
* Ophir Mountain Forest Health and Fuels Reduction Project<> Salvage forest products and reduce future fuel accumulations in forested stands affected by mountain pine beetle mortality.

It was good to talk with you the other day when I was letting people know about burning piles. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. May you have a wonderful holiday and a great New Year.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Kight, Bill -FS

Mr. Eastman:
I wanted to give you an update on the progress of your request as the deadline is only a few days away (I have Close of Business Dec. 17th as the 20th day for responding to your request after we clarified exactly what you desired after our last questions to you).

I have to convert our emails to PDF documents and need to ask you if you have Adobe Reader. If you don't then you can download it for free at:

Also, I want to get everything I am converting to readable Adobe PDF documents to you as soon as possible electronically rather than wait until you receive the official response with CDs or DVDs so I am trying to set up a file for you on our official Forest Service FTP site on Cloud Vault so I will send you that link with permission to access those files. That's the plan at this time.

Four things of note I wanted you to know:

1. A few files are being sent to the Regional Office for review as to possible redaction of confidential information and they will not make the Dec. 17 date but will be sent as soon as possible.
2. There are some shape files that have to be converted from GIS to something you can read and our GIS expert was working from home today. She should be back tomorrow.
3. Though required to only provide you with the files you requested I have tried to organize them in a way that will make it easier for you to see those files that are related such as emails associated with attachments. With 12 people sending files to me to coordinate there will be many files that will be duplicates because the files were sent to many individuals.
4. There are many abbreviations that might need clarification please don't hesitate to call me if you have any questions or if despite all my due diligence some files do not open properly let me know.

Please acknowledge receipt of this email so I know you received it. Thank you.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Eric D. Eastman

Mr. Kight,

On your latest email, I tried to pick out the questions that needed a response and I am answering them in a bulleted format for clarity:

1) PDF is a an acceptable format.
2) I should be able to access your FTP server, so that will work for a delivery method.
3) Please keep me advised on how the redaction is going.
4) I will let you know if I have any issues with clarification once the documents have been delivered.

If I missed answering something, please let me know.

Best Regards,
Eric Eastman

From: Kight, Bill -FS

Thank you Eric for your quick response. You covered all the outstanding items I needed to check with you. It turns out that none of the documents need redacting. I have about 300 more emails to convert to pdf format and I will have everything done and will send you the link for accessing all the material we have gathered for you. It should be sometime in the afternoon when I am finished.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Kight, Bill -FS

I will be sending your link to all the files we collected for you FOIA by 6:00 pm. I could not get the Forest Service FTP site to work in time to complete everything by tonight so you will be sent a Dropbox link to access all the files I have downloaded. There are only 2 files I could not convert, which I placed in two folders:

· The folder “shape-files” contain what the GIS people call a “shape file” which contains geographic information that can be brought up as maps. Our GIS specialist said you can do things with these files (put different layers on one map such as veg. layer and burn units, etc.) with Google Earth Pro. Let me know if you are unable to open them

· The folder “smoke-files” contain files that have an extension of “.TKP” and come from the smoke monitor equipment. I am CCing Lathan Johnson in this email so he can figure out how to convert these files and when I receive the converted files from Lathan I will forward them on to you.

I appreciate your patience. This has been a considerable request and I wanted to make sure we did not miss anything you wanted. If you would like there will be a hard copy response official letter from Forest Supervisor accompanied by either CDs or DVDs with all the files that have been downloaded for your FOIA.

If you encounter any difficulty accessing any of these files other than the ones mentioned above please call my cell below and I will assist you to the best of my ability.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: White River via Dropbox

White River ( invited you to a Dropbox shared folder called "Eastman-MuckRock_FOIA" and left you this message:

"Eric:<br/>I am still loading files and it's taking longer than I had hoped. I am going to go ahead and grant access and feel free to view the files, just be aware files are still loading probably for another 30 minutes. Thanks again for your patience and understanding."

View folder[1]


From: U.S. Forest Service

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Eric D. Eastman

Mr. Kight,

On your last email, you asked if I wanted a DVD with the information along with the electronic delivery methods, and just so we have a copy of everything in a immutable format, I do request the DVD copy.

I have not seen the dropbox link yet. If you have sent it, could you resend it?

Best regards,
Eric Eastman

From: Kight, Bill -FS

I will resend it. I've had to do this before when people don't get the link.

Sent from my Android phone using Symantec TouchDown (

From: White River via Dropbox

White River shared some files with you on Dropbox Eric: Please let me know if this second attempt to link you works or not. Eastman-MuckRock_FOIA[1] View files[1]


From: Kight, Bill -FS

Eric: I just resent the link to the Forest Dropbox account. Please let me know if you get it (or not) this time.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: White River via Dropbox

White River ( invited you to a Dropbox shared folder called "Eastman-MuckRock_FOIA" and left you this message:

"Eric:<br/>I am still loading files and it's taking longer than I had hoped. I am going to go ahead and grant access and feel free to view the files, just be aware files are still loading probably for another 30 minutes. Thanks again for your patience and understanding."

View folder[1]


From: Dropbox

Hi Eric,

You've successfully linked your first computer to Dropbox.

Now complete a few more steps from our Get started guide[1] . There's a prize if you finish it!

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From: Kight, Bill -FS

I forgot to mention in my last email that when I go in Monday I will have the letter finalized and discs cut for you.

What address would you like them sent to?

Sent from my Android phone using Symantec TouchDown (

From: Eric D. Eastman

Thank you, could you send them to

MR 20228
135 William T Morrissey Blvd
Dorchester, MA 02125

From: Kight, Bill -FS

The letter and 2 CDS are ready to mail but we need the address ehere you wish us to send them.

You can either call Joann Tristan at 970-945-3243 or email her at and she will get what you requested.

Thank you.

Sent from my Android phone using Symantec TouchDown (

From: U.S. Forest Service

A cover letter granting the request and outlining any exempted materials, if any.

From: U.S. Forest Service

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

From: MuckRock

To Whom It May Concern:

The appropriate address for this request is:

MuckRock News
DEPT MR 20228
P.O. Box 55819
Boston, MA 02205

Thank you.

From: U.S. Forest Service

A cover letter granting the request and outlining any exempted materials, if any.

From: Kight, Bill -FS

Please redo the file listed above as the end of the file has nothing in it. Mr. Eastman pointed this out to me over the holiday and when I opened it the same thing happened. Now that everyone is back from the holidays I want to make sure we get this fixed.

Any questions give me a call. Hope you had a good holiday.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Kight, Bill -FS

Looks like I won’t be able to get the files that didn’t come through to you any earlier than the 11th. I will keep you posted. I will return your call shortly that was left on my office phone while I was gone over the holidays. Hope your holidays went well.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Kight, Bill -FS

To catch you up on the two outstanding items to make sure your FOIA request is complete, I got with Forest Supervisor Scott Fitzwilliams and he had no emails or digital documents related to your request.

I am scheduled to get with Lathan Johnson to make sure we get the documents you need that did not copy at all into Adobe pdf format.

I will keep you posted when I obtain those missing documents. I hope our holiday went well.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Kight, Bill -FS

2nd of 3 sends.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Kight, Bill -FS

The last 3 of 3 sends.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Kight, Bill -FS

This will be one of three sends. Here is the resend of part two that Lathan Johnson resent. It looks like they have a program that combines the files into one Adobe document. For that reason I'm concerned that a simple resend may or may not have the documents that were missed originally. So I am sending all the files that Lathan resent to make sure you have everything that he has.

Please let me know if you are able to open all 3 emails. Thanks for your patience and I hope all is well.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Eric D. Eastman


Sorry for the slow reply. I can read all 3 files, and there is text all the way through them, so it looks like the conversion to PDF worked.


From: Kight, Bill -FS

Good. Thanks Eric.


Bill Kight
Public Affairs Officer

Forest Service
White River National Forest, Supervisor's Office

p: 970-945-3237
c: 970-948-1894<>

900 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601<>
[Twitter]<> [Facebook] <>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Dropbox

Hi Eric,

We’re always looking for new ways to improve how you create and work together using Dropbox. That’s why we recently launched several new productivity tools and sharing features[1] . And there’s more to come. To support these changes, we’ve made a few updates to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Here’s a quick summary.
- Privacy Shield. We’re excited to be certified under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, and have updated our Privacy Policy to reflect this update.
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- User terms. We’ve clarified terms like how you can cancel your account, and when you qualify for a refund. For users outside the U.S., we’ve also added information about how your country’s laws govern your Dropbox agreement.

You can read the full Terms of Service[3] and Privacy Policy[4] , which will go into effect on February 10, 2017. For more details, visit our Help Center[5] or send a message to .

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