Engineering Instructions and Disassembly Instructions for B53/W53 Warheads

Martin Pfeiffer filed this request with the Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration of the United States of America.
Tracking #


Due March 13, 2019
Est. Completion None
Awaiting Response

From: Martin Pfeiffer

To Whom It May Concern:

1) This is a FOIA Request
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request copies of the following records:

The Pantex Engineering Instructions and disassembly instructions for the B53 and W53 nuclear weapons, all mods and alts.

As the FOIA requires, please release all reasonably segregable nonexempt portions of documents. If you withhold any records or portions of records then please make clear which exemption you are using to do so and inform me of my options for appeal under the law.

2) Fees and Fee Status
I am a PhD student at the University of New Mexico and the information requested is for academic and public education purposes, including my PhD dissertation project, and not primarily for commercial use. Furthermore, I will make responsive records available to the public via my academic publications and presentations as well as on social media and my blog. Please note that you can access my UNM student profile page at the following url:
Therefore, as per Sack v. DOD (2016) I qualify for educational institution fee status and ask that you process my request accordingly. In your response please confirm that you will be processing my request under the educational institution fee status. I agree to pay fees up to $30 without additional notice. In the event that there are fees exceeding $30 then please inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.

3) Record Delivery and Communications
I hereby request that all records generated by this request be delivered in electronic format via email or, if that is not possible, on CD-ROM if available. If you have any questions or information regarding this request then please do not hesitate to contact me. Please provide an email address through which I can contact you to discuss this request. You may, and I request that you do so, engage in rolling release of responsive documents.

I look forward to receiving your response within the twenty day statutory period. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and time in this matter.

Martin Pfeiffer

From: Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration

Dear Mr. Pfeiffer,

For any future Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests, please send them to our designated FOIA email box at or at the link When you send a request to a personal email address there is not an assurance that it will be received. Individuals may take leave or transfer or just may not have access to the email box. Our designated FOIA email box is monitored by several individuals.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Rose Vialpando
CE2 Contractor
FOIA/PA Administrative Processor
Office of the General Counsel
Direct: 505-845-5322

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privileged or copyright information. You must not present this message to another
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you must not copy, distribute or use this email or the information contained in it for any
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From: Martin Pfeiffer

Hi Ms. Vialpando,

Thank you for your message and I will be sure to do so for future requests. My apologies for any confusion or inconvenience.

I hope you have a good rest of the week and thank you again.

Martin Pfeiffer

From: Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration

Dear Mr. Pfeiffer,

The attached PDF acknowledges receipt of your FOIA request. If you have questions email me anytime.

Have a pleasant day.

Kind regards,

Angelia Bowman
FOIA Consultant
DOE/NNSA ABQ-Complex<>

From: Martin Pfeiffer

Hi Ms. Bowman,

Thank you for you message and for providing me with an acknowledgment letter for FOIA 19-00101-AB.

I appreciate your effort and consideration on this and my other requests.

I hope that you have an enjoyable weekend.

Martin Pfeiffer

From: Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration

Hello Mr. Pfeiffer,

My pleasure. Have a superb holiday!