FOIA Processing; ID of Classified Info; Exemptions

Martin Pfeiffer filed this request with the Department of Energy of the United States of America.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #


Est. Completion None

From: Martin Pfeiffer

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request copies of the following records:

1) DOE's current procedures (or guidance) to process FOIA requests; review them for classified material; and redact info through application of FOIA exemption categories. 2) Any memos associated with the current guidance that discuss the procedures or discuss any concerns associated with the processing of FOIA requests, the identification of classified material, and the application of exemptions. 3) Any internal reports on the handling of FOIA requests, identification of classified info, and application of exemptions in the agency produced in the last two years, such as annual reports.

As the FOIA requires, please release all reasonably segregable nonexempt portions of documents. If you withhold information or records then please identify the exemption through which you do so and advise me of my options for appeal under the law.

I am a PhD student at the University of New Mexico and the information requested is for academic and public education purposes, including my PhD dissertation project, and not primarily for commercial use. Furthermore, I will make responsive records available to the public via my academic publications and presentations; on social media (I have over 13,000 Twitter followers); and through the News Site Please note that you can access my UNM student profile page at the following url:

Therefore, as per Sack v. DOD (2016) I qualify for educational institution fee status and ask that you process my request accordingly. In your response please confirm that you will be processing my request under the educational institution fee status.

If fees are assessed then I agree to pay fees up to $30 without additional notice. In the event that there are fees exceeding $30 then please inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.

I hereby request that all records generated by this request be delivered in electronic format via email or, if that is not possible, on CD-ROM if available.
Please do not hesitate to contact me (preferably via email) with any questions or information. You may, and I request that you do so if convenient, engage in rolling release of responsive documents.

I look forward to receiving your response within the twenty day statutory period. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and time in this matter.


Martin Pfeiffer


Mr. Pfeiffer:

Please find the attached interim letter.
I look forward to processing your request.


Jeffrey Crile, Esq.
FOIA Analyst
Central Research, Inc., Contractor
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
t: 202-586-6097

From: Department of Energy

Mr. Pfeiffer,

I am reaching out to request a phone call with you about this FOIA request.
Call me when you can, or I can schedule a time to speak with you. I am available until 4:00 PM EDT business days.


Jeffrey Crile, Esq.
FOIA Analyst
Central Research, Inc., Contractor
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
t: 202-586-6097

From: Department of Energy

Mr. Pfeiffer,

Please contact me regarding this FOIA request.


Jeffrey Crile, Esq.
FOIA Analyst
Central Research, Inc., Contractor
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
t: 202-586-6097

From: Martin Pfeiffer

Hi Mr. Crile,

Thank you for your message and for having sent the acknowledgment letter. I am happy to drop you a call. This week is a touch odd for me but I can try to call Thursday or Friday after 2pm my local (which is I believe 4pm your local). Next week I could call at or after 1:45pm my local.

Please let me know if you have any preferences or schedule constraints. If there are any topics/thoughts you'd like me to consider prior to our convo please let me know.

Martin Pfeiffer

From: Department of Energy

Good morning Mr. Pfeiffer,

Call me when you can today, or when you can next week.

Thank you,

Jeffrey Crile, Esq.
FOIA Analyst
Central Research, Inc., Contractor
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
t: 202-586-6097

From: Martin Pfeiffer

Hi Mr. Jeff,

Thank you again for making the time to talk with me and for discussing this request and the sprawling reach of DOE. I appreciate your patience as I continue to learn this process.

1) As per our conversation, I would like to amend the scope of my request to include DOE HQ.

2) In addition, I would like to include the offices responsible for Oak Ridge, Savannah River, and Hanford/Richmond. Please let me know if I need to ping their FOIA folk with a request directly.

3) As mentioned, I have filed a version of this request with the NNSA folk.

4) As mentioned, and if it helps in any way, one of my interests here is in the operationalization of generic or broad policy guidance at the local level of practice.

Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you. Have a good week.

Martin Pfeiffer

From: Department of Energy

Good morning Marty,

It was nice speaking with you on the phone yesterday. No need to file additional requests at this time, the field offices you listed are not handled by DOE's HQ, however I would be happy to transfer this request to them, in part. Expect your responses from HQ and the field offices separately.


Jeffrey Crile, Esq.
FOIA Analyst
Central Research, Inc., Contractor
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
t: 202-586-6097

From: Martin Pfeiffer

Hi Mr. Jeff,

Thank you so much, I appreciate it! I hope you have a great week and let me know if I can be of any help.

Martin Pfeiffer

From: Department of Energy

Mr. Pfeiffer,

Please find the attached letter.
I look forward to servicing your request.

Jeffrey Crile, Esq.
FOIA Analyst
Central Research, Inc., Contractor
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
t: 202-586-6097

From: Martin Pfeiffer

Hi Mr. Crile,

Thank you for your assistance and effort with this request. Once again, I truly appreciate you having taken the time to discuss this and the DOE's set-up with me on the phone. My future requests and research will benefit.

Martin Pfeiffer

From: Department of Energy

A fix is required to perfect the request.

From: Department of Energy

Mr. Pfeiffer,

Attached is a final response to your Freedom of Information Act request.

Linda G. Chapman
Government Information Specialist
Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act Officer
Office of Chief Counsel
U.S. Department of Energy
Oak Ridge Office
Post Office Box 2001
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831
(865) 576-2129; fax (865) 576-1556

The information contained in or attached to this e-mail message contains Official Use Only (OUO) information which may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act at 5 USC 552(b)(6), Exemption 6. Approval by the Department of Energy prior to release outside the agency is required.

From: Department of Energy

Good morning,

I wanted to introduce myself. I am the new analyst assigned to your FOIA request with the Department of Energy. As I am reviewing the old request reassigned to me, I would like to make sure that you are still interested in continuing with this FOIA request.

I would love to have a conversation with you and discuss your request. Please let me know a good time and number where I can contact you.

Have a great day.
Best regards,

Rosa M. Vazquez, Esq.
FOIA Analyst
US Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20585<>

From: Department of Energy

Good morning again,

I am trying to contact you to discuss your interest in the request. Please let me know when is a good time to talk. If I do not hear from you, I would understand that you are no longer interested in the request.

Please reply by October 21, 2021 or the request will be close for lack of interest.

Thank you.

Rosa M. Vazquez, Esq.
FOIA Analyst
Wits Solutions Inc. - Contractor
US Department of Energy