FY2013 FOIA Log (USDA Farm Services Agency)

Jason Smathers filed this request with the USDA Farm Services Agency of the United States of America.
Tracking #



From: Jason Smathers

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I hereby request the following records:

A log of all FOIA requests made in fiscal year 2013.

I also request that, if appropriate, fees be waived as I believe this request is in the public interest. The requested documents will be made available to the general public free of charge as part of the public information service at MuckRock.com, processed by a representative of the news media/press and is made in the process of news gathering and not for commercial usage.

In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Jason Smathers

From: Underwood, John - FSA, Kansas City, MO


Please be good enough to enter this FOIA request into the appropriate processing track.

Thanks for your help.

From: RA.mokansasc2.fsakcfoia

Mr. Smathers,

Management Services Division (MSD) has received your Freedom of Information Act request dated October 21, 2013 and assigned it control number: 2014-FSA-00165-F. Please use this control number in all future communication involving this request.

You have requested: “A log of all FOIA requests made in fiscal year 2013.”

Please provide us with a non-P.O. Box mailing address. You may send it to the email address below, or simply reply to this email.

Your request is being handled under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552 (http://www.usdoj.gov/oip/amended-foia-redlined.pdf).

We process requests on a first-in, first-out basis. The actual processing time will depend upon the complexity of the request and whether or not it involves sensitive or voluminous records, or extensive searches and/or consultations. We also process requests on a multi-track basis. This means that simple requests, requiring minimal effort to respond, are processed in one track, and more voluminous and complex requests are processed in another track. We have placed your request in the Complex track.

Additionally, please be advised that we are taking a time extension in order to properly process your request, due to the need to search for, collect, and appropriately examine a voluminous amount of separate and distinct records which are requested in a single request.

If you have questions concerning our process, please contact Government Information (GI) Specialist Barbara Clark at 816-926-2636, GI Specialist Kevin Miller at 816-926-2618, GI Specialist Rachel Bankhead at 816-926-6200, (IMS) Section Chief Amber R. Ross at 816-926-6371, or the entire MSD FOIA/PA Team at the group e-mail address RA.mokansasc2.fsakcfoia@one.usda.gov<mailto:RA.mokansasc2.fsakcfoia@one.usda.gov>.

Sent on behalf of:

John W. Underwood
FSA Privacy Officer / FSA PII Officer
Chief, Kansas City Administrative Services Branch


From: MuckRock


Thank you for your prompt response.

Should you need to ship documents via a non-PO box address, please use:

MuckRock News
Dept MR8456
135 Morrissey Blvd
Boston, MA 02125

However, we again request that documents be provided in electronic form when possible, as in this case they should be given the routine digitization of FOIA logs. Further, please clarify why this is considered a voluminous and complex request given the routine nature of the documents.

Thank you.

From: RA.mokansasc2.fsakcfoia

Mr. Smathers,

MSD FOIA/PA received your request on October 21, 2013.

Your request reasonably describes the records sought and is duly acknowledged as Request 2014-FSA-00165-F.

Your request is for: “A log of all FOIA requests made in fiscal year 2013.”

We have classified your request as an “All Others” request. For All Other-use requesters, FSA will only assess fees for search fees in excess of two (2) hours and duplication services in excess of 100 pages of paper copies, or the equivalent cost if records are provided in some other form.

Our best estimate of the cost to processing your request is $144.62.

Mainframe Cost: $0.00
Contractor Search Time: $0.00
Government Search and Review Time: $233.42
Materials Cost: $0.00
Less 2 Hours’ Time: ($88.80)

Total Fee Estimate: $144.62

Before MSD FOIA/PA can begin processing your request, we must first have your written agreement to pay the estimated fees to process your request as per Title 7, CFR, Subtitle A § 1.15(c).

Upon receipt of your statement indicating your willingness to pay fees as high as the estimated fee amount shown above (you may simply reply to this email), your request will be moved from pending status into the appropriate FOIA case processing track. MSD FOIA/PA will then be in a position to provide you with an estimated delivery date for the responsive records. Please find the attached fees letter that must be used to submit with your check or money order for 50% of the estimated fee amount.

NOTE: We have our own FOIA log, so we will be responding to Request 2014-FSA-00165-F. However, it has been brought to our attention that WDC FOIA will be processing the request you submitted to their office for their FOIA LOG as control number is 2014-FSA-00415-F.

If we do not hear from you within 20 workdays from the date of this email, we will assume that you are no longer interested in pursuing your request, and will close the files on your request.

Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the MSD FOIA/PA process.

Sent on behalf of:
John W. Underwood
FSA Privacy Act Officer / FSA PII Officer
Chief, Kansas City Administrative Services Branch

By: Barbara J. Clark
Government Information Specialist
Management Services Division
Information Management Section
Farm Service Agency
United States Department of Agriculture
Phone: 816-926-2636

[USDA-FSA-MSD logos and icon_Page_1]<http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JHPBP3B>

Please comment on my services by clicking on the USDA log to complete a short survey. Your participation will help MSD as we continue in our improvement process.

From: Jason Smathers

Can you please further explain the fee estimate? You listed: "Government Search and Review Time: $233.42." How many hours of search time is required? How many hours of review time is required?

I suspect that the FOIA log is a tool used by your office on a daily basis and therefore, I would suspect that the search should only take a few seconds to open the link likely on your desktop.

Please correct me if my assumptions are wrong so I can understand.

Thank you.

Jason Smathers

From: MuckRock.com

To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on Oct. 21, 2013. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed. You had assigned it reference number #2014-FSA-00165-F.

Thank you for your help.

From: RA.mokansasc2.fsakcfoia

Mr. Smathers,

This responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated October 21, 2013 that was assigned control number 2014-FSA-00165-F.

Your request is for: “A log of all FOIA requests made in fiscal year 2013.”

Attached is the electronic Responsive Records from MSD FOIA/PA for the FSA-534 data request file for FY2013.

File Layout – 2013 Freedom of Information Request Log

Field Comment

1. Date Request Received (mm/dd/yyyy) Date Request Received, Transferred To, or Accepted By MSD FOIA/PA
2. Log Number FOIA/PA Control Number
3. Name of Requestor Name of Requestor and Business where applicable
4. FOIA or PA Type of Request - FOIA or Privacy Act
5. Description of Request **Describes exactly what was requested not what was released
6. Date of Final Response Final Delivery or Correspondence Date
7. Cost to Process Request Cost for Government and Contract Staff to process.
8. Days to Complete Work days to complete from Date of Perfection
9. Fees Collected Fees collected from Requestor
10.Fees Waived or Reduced See √
11.Granted in Full See √
12. Partial Denial See √
13. No Responsive Records See √
14. DENIAL BY 5 U.S.C. 552 (a.) AND 552 (b.) (Check √ applicable)
15. Pending and # of Days See √ and # of Days

Note: The FSA-534s are a point in time snapshot of the FOIA request process. The administrative tracking information changes as the request moves through the FOIA process. Blank columns indicated either no appropriate information received/no information available at this time (e.g., request is still pending perfection, pending completion, pending receipt of payment, etc.).

Note: ** = The statements represent each FOIA request as actually received from the requestor. The statements do not express or imply an actual release / deny determination nor do they indicate the actual content of the information that will be / has been provided to the requestor. Initial requests are often subject to modification due to direct clarification with the requestor and/or actual release / deny determinations.

Due to delay responding to this request, we feel that it is in the best interest of the FSA to waive the fees.

MSD FOIA/PA has officially Closed Request 2014-FSA-00165-F.

If you have questions concerning our process, please contact Government Information (GI) Specialist Barbara Clark at 816-926-2636, GI Specialist Rachel Bankhead at 816-926-6200, (IMS) Section Chief Amber R. Ross at 816-926-6371, or the entire MSD FOIA/PA Team at the group e-mail address RA.mokansasc2.fsakcfoia@one.usda.gov<mailto:RA.mokansasc2.fsakcfoia@one.usda.gov>.

Sent on behalf of:
John W. Underwood
FSA Privacy Officer / FSA PII Officer
Chief, Kansas City Administrative Services Branch

Barbara J. Clark
Government Information Specialist
Management Services Division
Information Management Section
Farm Service Agency
United States Department of Agriculture
Phone: 816-926-2636

[USDA-FSA-MSD logos and icon_Page_1]<http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JHPBP3B>

Please comment on my services by clicking on the USDA log to complete a short survey. Your participation will help MSD as we continue in our improvement process.