HUD Bad Landlord Complaints

Shawn Musgrave filed this request with the Department of Housing and Urban Development of the United States of America.
Tracking #



From: Shawn Musgrave

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I hereby request the following records:

The database of all complaints submitted against federal housing landlords via the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line for the past 10 years from the date this request is processed, or however long such data is maintained.

I also request that, if appropriate, fees be waived as I believe this request is in the public interest. The requested documents will be made available to the general public free of charge as part of the public information service at, processed by a representative of the news media/press and is made in the process of news gathering and not for commercial usage.

In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Shawn Musgrave

From: Shawn Musgrave


This FOIA request has yet to receive a case number or acknowledgement. Please acknowledge receipt and provide an estimated date of delivery.

Thank you.

From: Shawn Musgrave


This is the second followup I have sent regarding this FOIA request, which was originally submitted nearly two months ago. Please confirm receipt and provide an estimated date of delivery, as required by the FOIA statute.

Shawn Musgrave

From: Sandra J. Wright Team Leader/FOIA Specialist Office of the Executive Secretariat

Hi Mr. Musgrave:

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has received your FOIA request dated June 5, 2013, however, we need to know whether you are seeking copies of the actual complaints or the number and types of complaints. Please respond to this email and let me know.


Sandra J. Wright
Team Leader/FOIA Specialist
Office of the Executive Secretariat
Room 10139
Office - (202) 402-5510
(Fax) - (202) 401-7947

From: Information Muckrock

Ms. Wright,

Thank you for your response. I am seeking a database of complaints, not
summary numbers. Does such a database exist?

Thank you,

From: Wright, Sandra J

Hi Mr. Musgrave,

I will check with the program office, they provided me with the number and types of complaints. If the database does not exist do you still want the number and types of complaints.

From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright,

If the database is not available, please send the number and types, yes.

Thank you,

From: Wright, Sandra J

Ok, I have sent the program office an email to see if the database exist, if it doesn't I will send you the number and types.

Thanks a lot.

From: Shawn Musgrave


Just checking in to see whether any progress had been made on this request.



From: Wright, Sandra J

Good Morning:

I am still waiting to hear back from the program office to see if the database exist. I will contact them today and provide you with a status.

From: Shawn Musgrave


Checking in again.


From: Wright, Sandra J

Good Morning:

Your request is with the Director for signature, should be mailed out by today or early next week.

From: Shawn Musgrave


Is there any update on this request?

Thank you!


From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

An interim response, stating the request is being processed.

From: Erlandson, Jane A

Shawn ,

Per our conversation, February 4,2004 is earliest date for HUD database for the Clearinghouse.

From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Erlandson,

Thank you very much for tracking this down. Per my original FOIA request, I would like to request this database as far back as it is available.

Thank you!

Shawn Musgrave

From: Erlandson, Jane A

What type of reports are you interested in at this time. Or are you asking for access to this database.

From: Shawn Musgrave


I am interested in the database or spreadsheet of all complaints submitted to the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line.



From: Shawn Musgrave

Hi Jane,

Thanks so much for your recommendations on the phone earlier. Per that conversation, I will submit a separate request for the inspections databases and regional follow-up data.

In the meantime, please continue processing my request for the Multifamily Hotline complaints.

Thanks again!


From: Erlandson, Jane A

I will. Good Luck.

From: Shawn Musgrave


Checking in again on this request -- is there an estimated delivery date on the complaints database?

Thank you,

From: Erlandson, Jane A

After our phone conversation, I believe you were interested in the PIH hotline which would address specific complaints about inspections? Our call center does not have the complaints broken down by inspection category. You would need to contact the office who resolves inspection complaints to research their database.

From: Shawn Musgrave


Thank you for getting in touch. Responses to your points below:

1) I would like a database of all complaints submitted to the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line, regardless of inspection status, etc.

2) What would be the appropriate office to follow-up with when it comes to inspections?

Thank you,

From: Erlandson, Jane A

The records are not coded in such a way as to separate the complaints for Management and Maintenance into those specific to landlords/inspections. If you are requesting a data file containing all complaints we can certainly try to place all of the tickets related to complaints onto a file, but it will take at least a week or so and there would be some cost for the analyst to program extraction language to only select tickets that are coded complaints (management and maintenance) to place in a formatted file.

Please submit a new FOI and we will give you the cost of this effort.

From: Shawn Musgrave


This is a continuation of my original FOIA request, and not a new one. That first request went more than a month without reply, so I cannot be assigned any fees under FOIA.

Please proceed with my request as you indicated: for a data file containing all complaints.

Thank you,

From: Erlandson, Jane A

We have not received funding or completed an estimate for the FOI? Please explain.

From: Shawn Musgrave


Apologies for any confusion.

This is all still with regards to FOIA 13-FI-HQ-01658, which was submitted to HUD FOIA office on 5 June 2013. The response of 18 August 2013 (attached) did not complete that request, as it provided only summary statistics of complaints received by the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line.

At that point, Ms. Wright of the HUD FOIA office referred me to Ms. Erlandson for a complete database of complaints. Based on the coded complaints in the attached table and previous emails, this database exists and is releasable.

Please continue processing this request and provide an estimated date of delivery for the database.

Thank you,

From: Erlandson, Jane A

I have instructed our programmer/analyst to determine the effort/cost involved in writing a program to extract the required data (tickets) into a formatted file. There will be a cost attached for this effort.
I will contact the FOI office to verify you are aware of the expense.


To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on June 5, 2013. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed.

Thank you for your help.


To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on June 5, 2013. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed.

Thank you for your help.

From: Shawn Musgrave


There has been no update on this request since September. Please advise?

Thank you.

From: Erlandson, Jane A

You will need to contact Sandra Wright about the proper procedures of this FOIA.
Thank you,

From: Erlandson, Jane A

There is a cost required for the contractors to extract the data you are requesting. Have you completed the proper forms for payment to allow the contractors to begin this data extract? If not , again, Please contact Sandra Wright for the proper forms/procedures for us to begin your request.

Thank you,

From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright,

This request has been "in process" for several months. Please provide an update and let me know if I can make any clarifications, but I believe I have been clear about the information and even database names that I am seeking.

To reiterate, this is a media request, not a commercial one, so fees ought to be minimal. Furthermore, given the considerable delay in response and lack of followup from your office, I respectfully ask for a fee waiver both in terms of your obligations under FOIA as well as the public interest served by publishing information about recalcitrant landlords.

Please get in touch right away if there are any lingering questions about what records I seek, and to provide an estimated date of delivery.

Thank you,
Shawn Musgrave

From: Wright, Sandra J

Hi Mr. Musgrave:

Your FOIA request pertaining to all complaints submitted against federal housing landlords via the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line for the past 10 years from the date of request, was responded to on August 18, 2013. You will need to resubmit a new request if you are requesting additional information.

Sandra J. Wright
Team Leader/FOIA Specialist
Office of the Executive Secretariat
Room 10139
Office - (202) 402-5510
(Fax) - (202) 401-7947

From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright,

As I've outlined numerous times, the response of August 18 did not fulfill my request. Your office provided aggregate numbers of complaints, not the complaint database itself. While I indicated that I would accept summaries if the database is not available, subsequent conversations with you and Ms. Erlandson suggested to me that this database can, in fact, be released, and I asked that this be done to fulfill my original request.

If you have closed my request in your system, that closing was done in error. It is unnecessarily burdensome on me to require a new request be submitted, unless that request could be expedited.

Please advise.


From: Shawn Musgrave


Checking in on this request -- I'm eager to resolve it and begin analyzing the data.


From: Wright, Sandra J

Hi Mr. Musgrave:

The program office needs to know which data fields you want captured about the landlords.

Sandra J. Wright

Team Leader/FOIA Specialist

Office of the Executive Secretariat

Room 10139

Office - (202) 402-5510

(Fax) - (202) 401-7947

From: Shawn Musgrave


Unless it is unduly burdensome, I seek all fields recorded from complaints to the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line for however long such data is maintained.

If this is unduly burdensome (and please explain in detail why it is if that is the case), I would at minimum be looking for:

-Site address or relevant property indicator
-Date of complaint
-Category of complaint
-Description of complaint
-Resolution action (if an outcome or resolution is tracked in this database)
-Referral agency/entity (if referrals are recorded)

Please confirm how you intend to proceed with this request.


From: Wright, Sandra J

Hi Mr. Musgrave, I have forwarded your email to the program office they will be providing me with the information pertaining to your request.

Sandra J. Wright
Team Leader/FOIA Specialist
Office of the Executive Secretariat
Room 10139
Office - (202) 402-5510
(Fax) - (202) 401-7947

From: Shawn Musgrave


Please provide an update on this request. It is more than six months since I submitted it to HUD.

Thank you,

From: Wright, Sandra J

HI Mr. Musgrave, I am still waiting for the CD-ROM from the program office, I will email them today to get the status.

Sandra J. Wright
Team Leader/FOIA Specialist
Office of the Executive Secretariat
Room 10139
Office - (202) 402-5510
(Fax) - (202) 401-7947

From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright,

Any update on this request? We're verging on 8 months.


From: Wright, Sandra J

Hi Mr. Musgrave:

I am currently reviewing the CD-ROM there are a lot of data on the CD once I finish my review I will submit the final response to my supervisor for review. At this time I cannot give you an exact date.

From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright,

Checking in again on this request.

Thank you for your help,


From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright,

Please provide an estimated completion date for this request, which has been in process for more than 9 months.

Thank you,


To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on June 5, 2013. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed.

Thank you for your help.

From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A cover letter granting the request and outlining any exempted materials, if any.

From: Wright, Sandra J

Good morning Mr. Musgrave:

Attached is the Department's final response letter and responsive documents pertaining to your FOIA request regarding all complaints submitted against federal housing landlords with the multifamily housing complaint line for the past 10 years.
Sandra J. Wright
Team Leader
HUD's HQ FOIA Branch
(202) 402-5510

From: Shawn Musgrave


Thank you for sending. Can you please send a digital copy of the redacted data? This scanned one is extensive but unreadable in parts.

Thank you,

From: Wright, Sandra J

Good morning:

CD is being mailed today.

From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright,

Can you clarify whether redactions were made in the spreadsheet file or on a PDF of the complaints record? The documents sent by CD are still not digital copies of the complaints database itself.


From: Wright, Sandra J

Hi Mr. Musgrave:

The redactions were made via the Department's FOIA tracking system (FMS2), the documents were can in FMS2 and the redactions were performed. If you have further questions, please feel free to email me or call me at (202) 402-5510.
Sandra J. Wright

From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright -

As sent to me by email as well as by CD, this spreadsheet contains only complaints filed from August 2002 to December 2002. Please advise.


From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright,

Checking on this.


From: Wright, Sandra J

Good morning Mr. Musgrave:

The data that is included on the CD is for the timeframe of August 2002 to December 2002, this information is what the program office provided to the FOIA Branch.
Sandra J. Wright
(202) 402-5510

From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright -

I clearly outlined on numerous occasions that this is a request for data held in the complaints database as far back as it is available -- your own letter indicated that the provided documents were meant to respond to my request for 10 years worth of data. Please advise as to whether additional documents will be forthcoming, or if you consider this request to be closed.


From: Wright, Sandra J

Mr. Musgrave the data was provided by our program office, I will contact them to see if the information you have requested is available for 10 years and I will let you know the outcome.

From: Wright, Sandra J

Hi Mr. Musgrave

Can you please give me a call on (202) 402-5510 to discuss this request.
Sandra Wright

From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright -

I apologize that I was unable to call today. Over the next couple of days, it will be much easier to communicate with me by email than by phone. Can we sort out whatever clarification you need by email?


From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright -

As I indicated in the voicemail I just left, it is much easier to get a hold of me via email. I respectfully request that you get in touch today, as this request is more than a year overdue.


From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright -

In the interest of expediency, please outline what you were planning to discuss by phone in an email addressed here.


From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A letter stating the requester must agree to or prepay assessed or estimated fees in order for the agency to continue processing the request.

From: Shawn Musgrave

Ms. Wright and Ms. Snowden:

I am in receipt of the attached letter requesting payment of more than $600 for documents responsive to a FOIA request submitted more than a year ago, for which HUD has numerous times provided documents insufficient even to its own description of the request. I have outlined the timeline of this request process below in an attempt to emphasize that this request certainly qualifies for a waiver of fees not only on public interest grounds, but on mishandling and excessive delay on the part of the HUD FOIA team.

The entirety of correspondence between myself and HUD FOIA staff can also be found online here:

I will submit a formal appeal if necessary to move this request closer to completion, but wanted to give HUD FOIA the opportunity to rectify its processing errors without an appeal, if possible.

On June 5, 2013, I submitted a request to HUD for the following:

"The database of all complaints submitted against federal housing landlords via the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line for the past 10 years from the date this request is processed, or however long such data is maintained."

After more than two months of fragmented communications with a handful of members of the HUD FOIA and data analysis team, I received the attached final response for FOIA request 13-FI-HQ-01658, signed by Ms. Dolores Cole and dated August 18, 2013. This response provided aggregate numbers for complaints submitted to the indicated hotline from 2003 through June 18, 2013, rather than the complaint data itself for the previous 10 years as requested.

While I had indicated to HUD FOIA staff that I would accept aggregate numbers if the database itself was unavailable, subsequent conversations had confirmed that the database was, in fact, available for release. When I contacted HUD FOIA staff to indicate that my FOIA request had not been completed as submitted and that the database itself had been confirmed to be available, it took several more weeks simply to establish with the HUD FOIA staff that this request remained unfulfilled. On November 29, 2013, Ms. Wright suggested that I would need to submit a new request, which I refused to do in light of the considerable delays I had already endured, as well as given that my original request had not yet been completed as submitted. Again, the table of aggregate numbers provided did not complete my request as submitted.

Another two months later, in January 2014, Ms. Wright confirmed that she had received a CD-ROM of the requested data, but it would not be until May 29 that this data would be released. The attached cover letter signed by Ms. Cole included a new FOIA number (14-FI-HQ-00347) despite my explicit indication on several occasions that this was a continuation of my request as submitted nearly a year earlier, rather than a new request as HUD FOIA staff attempted to assert.

The data sent on May 29 was not only in a non-native format -- i.e., scanned printouts of spreadsheets rather than the spreadsheets themselves -- but included only complaints filed from August 2002 to December 2002. That is, HUD FOIA staff released 4 months of data from 12 years earlier, without indication or comment as to why this release varied so widely from the scope of my request as summarized in the first paragraph of the May 29 cover letter. Again, I had communicated the scope of my request (complaints submitted to the hotline for the previous 10 years) to Ms. Wright and a HUD data analyst on a number of occasions, and a number of communications with HUD FOIA staff confirmed that the request scope had been conveyed sufficiently as to eliminate confusion.

I pointed out this discrepancy by email to Ms. Wright twice before receiving response. In her July 8 response, Ms. Wright provided no explanation for the discrepancy between my request and the documents provided, but simply indicated that "this information is what the program office provided to the FOIA Branch."

After a series of back-and-forth voicemails and unanswered email queries, I received the attached letter of July 31, signed by Ms. Snowden and referring to FOIA tracking number 14-FI-HQ-00347. That letter requests payment of $669.06 for 3,967 pages of duplication.

By this email, I once again assert to HUD FOIA that my original request submitted in June 2013, 13-FI-HQ-01658, remains unfulfilled. Aggregate statistics provided in August 2013 under the incorrect pretense that the underlying data itself was unavailable did not fulfill HUD's obligations to provide data under FOIA, and so it is wholly incorrect to demand such steep payment to cover fees for a FOIA now overdue by more than a year.

Furthermore, the latest fee letter demands such a steep fee for duplication, when I have explicitly requested the data in electronic format. HUD FOIA has failed to date to adequately explain its inability to provide data in native electronic format as required under the amended FOIA statute.

Finally, the data requested are of considerable public interest, pertaining as they do to safety and quality of life matters within federally-funded public housing units. Given the interest in this same issue at a number of public housing developments around the country (including in New York City and the Bay Area), it is clear that the public interest and government accountability will be served by releasing such a critical representation of HUD's oversight of public housing maintenance.

In summary, I respectfully insist that HUD comply with its obligations under FOIA by acknowledging that my original request remains unfulfilled as submitted, revising its fee estimate in light of my request for data rather than duplicated copies of printed out spreadsheets, and promptly fulfill a request overdue by more than a year. As an additional matter, I request a full waiver of fees in light of the considerable delay, public interest in the requested data and my status as a journalist.

Please let me know if any of the above is unclear in any way, or if I should need to formulate it as a formal appeal in order to move this process forward. I look forward to your prompt reply.



From: Shawn Musgrave


I respectfully insist on a response within the next business day or I will submit an appeal and begin exploring litigation to obtain the requested data.


From: Wright, Sandra J

Hi Mr. Musgrave:

I am currently working on reviewing/redacting the remaining documents regarding your above captioned FOIA request (14-FI-HQ-00347). Please be advised that your fees have been waived. Due to the complexity of your request, you will be receiving interim responses for the remaining years (2003 - 2013). If you have further questions, feel free to give me a call on (202) 402-5510 or email at:
Sandra J. Wright

From: Dryer, Kirk A

Mr. Musgrave-

We are currently working on releasing the remainder of the information you have requested in a timely fashion. The span of complaints you have requested amounts to thousands of pages of responsive records of which each one must be reviewed and redacted to protect personally identifiable information (such as tenant names, social security numbers, and home addresses) that is often included in these types of complaints.

Due to the need to redact this information, we will be unable to provide the database in a native format. Over the coming weeks you will be receiving multiple interim responses in the form of printed PDFs as the voluminous number of responsive pages are redacted and released. Please feel free to contact me at or 202-402-7086 to discuss this case at any time.

Kirk Dryer

Kirk A. Dryer
Administrative Law Division
US Dept. Of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, S.W. Room 9262
Washington DC 20410-0500


This email is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521 and is legally privileged. This email message and any files transmitted with it are also subject to the attorney-client privilege and attorney work product doctrine, and contain confidential information intended only for the person(s) to whom this email message is addressed. If you have received this email message in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone at (202) 402-7086 or email, and destroy the original message without making a copy.

From: Wright, Sandra J

Good afternoon Mr. Musgrave:

Please see attached letter.
Sandra J. Wright

From: Shawn Musgrave


Please provide an update on this request.


From: Dryer, Kirk A

Mr. Musgrave-

We have two large packets of responsive documents for you request currently going thru the legal clearance process.

As previously discussed, this request produced a voluminous number of records and we will be sending interim responses as large portions of the documents are reviewed and cleared for release.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Kirk Dryer

Kirk A. Dryer
Administrative Law Division
US Dept. Of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, S.W. Room 9262
Washington DC 20410-0500


This email is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521 and is legally privileged. This email message and any files transmitted with it are also subject to the attorney-client privilege and attorney work product doctrine, and contain confidential information intended only for the person(s) to whom this email message is addressed. If you have received this email message in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone at (202) 402-7086 or email, and destroy the original message without making a copy.

From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A cover letter granting the request and outlining any exempted materials, if any.


To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on June 5, 2013. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed. You had assigned it reference number #14-FI-HQ-00347 ; 13-FI-HQ-01658.

Thank you for your help.

From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A first set of responsive documents from the agency, with more to be sent at a specified date.

From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A cover letter granting the request and outlining any exempted materials, if any.

From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A first set of responsive documents from the agency, with more to be sent at a specified date.

From: Wright, Sandra J

Good morning Mr. Musgrave:

The FOIA Branch is still reviewing responsive documents pertaining to your request. We have sent several interim responses and another one will be mailed to you soon. The purpose of this email is to see if you still want the remaining portion of your request. The remaining years that need to be reviewed and redacted are from 2008 - 2013. Please let me know if you still need the remaining portion of your request.
Sandra J. Wright

From: Shawn Musgrave

Hello -

Yes, I am still interested in receiving the remainder of the documents.

Thank you,
Shawn Musgrave

From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A first set of responsive documents from the agency, with more to be sent at a specified date.

From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A cover letter granting the request and outlining any exempted materials, if any.

From: McGirt, Eugene A


Sorry for the delay in processing your FOIA request. HUD has experienced changes that have contributed to a tremendous backlog and extensive delays in the ability to process incoming requests in a timely manner. Management wanted me to check with you again regarding this request.

Do you still need the information?

From: Shawn Musgrave

Hello -

Yes, please continue to process this request.

Shawn Musgrave

From: McGirt, Eugene A


From: McGirt, Eugene A


You have already all complaints submitted against federal housing landlords via the multifamily housing complaint line for the years 2003-2007.

From: Shawn Musgrave

Eugene -

That's correct. My request covers the years 2003 to 2013.


From: McGirt, Eugene A


You should be receiving additional documents next month. Sorry for the delay.

From: McGirt, Eugene A


The redactions are lengthy for your request because they cover over 4,000 pages. Documents need to be reviewed to ensure that private, privileged, and confidential information is not released.

This is a time consuming process.

From: McGirt, Eugene A


Attached is the 5th interim response letter to your FOIA request. The responsive documents are being sent to your address of record.

From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A cover letter granting the request and outlining any exempted materials, if any.

From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A first set of responsive documents from the agency, with more to be sent at a specified date.

From: McGirt, Eugene A


Sorry for the delay in processing your FOIA request. HUD has experienced changes that have contributed to a tremendous backlog and extensive delays in the ability to process incoming requests in a timely manner. Management wanted me to check with you again regarding your request.

Do you still need the information?

From: MuckRock

Hi Mr. McGirt,

Thanks so much for checking in. We would appreciate any additional materials.

Best wishes,
Beryl, MuckRock

From: McGirt, Eugene A


Sorry for the delay in processing your FOIA request. HUD has experienced changes that have contributed to a tremendous backlog and extensive delays in the ability to process incoming requests in a timely manner. Management wanted me to check with you again regarding this request.

Do you still need the information?

From: Shawn Musgrave

Hello -

Yes, please continue to process this request.

Thank you,

From: McGirt, Eugene A


I am currently working in a different office but you may contact Sandra Wright at<> for a status update on the request.


From: MuckRock

Hello Ms. Wright,

We've been directed to you for a status on this FOIA request. Could you please provide an update on where it stands?

Thanks so much!

From: Wright, Sandra J

Good afternoon Mr. Musgrave:

We are currently working on fulfilling the remaining of your request, however, I have been recently made aware from the program office that they have the attached monthly and annual reports on the activity from the complaint line and I wanted to know if these reports will suit your needs better rather than receiving the voluminous complaint logs. Please let me know your preference, however, we will continue processing the logs if your prefer the logs over the summaries. I can complete the remainder of your request with the summaries.

Sandra J. Wright
Team Leader, FOIA Branch
Office of the Executive Secretariat
(202) 402-5510

From: Shawn Musgrave

Hi Sandra -

Thank you. The summaries are fine for my purposes.


From: Glover, Shelby L

Dear Mr. Musgrave,

The responsive documents were not attached in the previous email I sent you. I apologize for the error. Please see the attached response letter and responsive documents regarding your FOIA request. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call.

Thank you

Shelby L. Glover
Shelby L. Glover
Government Information Specialist
Office of the Executive Secretariat
451 7th Street SW, Room 10139
Washington, DC 20410
Office: 202-402-2673

From: Glover, Shelby

Good morning Mr. Musgrave,
Please see the final response with the responsive documents for your Freedom of Information Request Act request.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call.
Thank you

From: Department of Housing and Urban Development

A copy of documents responsive to the request.