Lee Harvey Oswald & Synanon, UCLA, Etc. (Defense Intelligence Agency)

Ryan Thompson filed this request with the Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States of America.
Multi Request Lee Harvey Oswald & Synanon, UCLA, Etc.

From: Ryan Thompson

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

Copies of any and all materials, documents, audio recordings, video recordings, film recordings, photographs, written communications, as well as other written and audiovisual Records (hereinafter referred to as 'Record' or 'Records') mentioning, depicting, discussing and / or otherwise regarding the person, term and / or subject of "Lee Harvey Oswald" or "Oswald"; wherein the same Record / Records is also mentioned, depicted, discussed and / or otherwise regards any of the following persons, entities, institutions, programs, operations, terms and / or subjects: "Synanon Foundation" (aka "Synanon", aka "Tender Loving Care", aka "Synanon Game", aka "The Game", aka "Attack Therapy", aka "Lifetime Rehabilitation"), "Louis Jolyon West" (aka "Jolly", aka "Dr. West", aka "Dr West", aka "Doctor West", aka "Jolyon"), Sydney Cohen (aka "Dr Cohen", aka "Dr. Cohen", aka Doctor Cohen"), "Charles Dederich" (aka "Dederich"), "UCLA" (aka "University of California", aka "UC", aka "UC Los Angeles", aka "Regents"), "Santa Monica", "Casa Del Mar", "Nathan Pritikin" (aka "Pritikin"), "Mel Wasserman" (aka "Wasserman"), "Daniel Casriel" (aka "Casriel"), "Paul Morantz" (aka "Morantz"), "Keith Ditman" (aka "Ditman"), "National Guard Armory", "Imperial Marine", "Alcoholics Anonymous", "behavior modification", "LSD", "ULTRA", "Artichoke", "Stargate", "Brentwood", "Veterans Administration" and / or "Veterans Affairs".

Do not process this Request in any manner limiting related Records searches to case-sensitive query terms. Quoted words and phrases above are provided to clarify that the text appearing between those quotes are the terms to query.
The following information is provided as notes that may be interesting to anyone reviewing this Request, without in any way limiting the scope of Information Requested above.

I'm a U.S. Citizen residing in Los Angeles, California who's researching the ongoing West Los Angeles VA Soldiers Home (aka Soldiers Home) land misuse Racket since Spring of 2019; and advocate for the Civil Rights and entitlements of disabled and homeless U.S. Military Veterans' unobstructed, conflict-free entitlements and access to housing, housing related services and land use at that Soldiers Home. I perform the foregoing work on a personal, independent, unpaid and volunteer basis.

Approximately two years ago, while researching hazardous experiments which UCLA performed on persons and animals at the Soldiers Home, including those Causing U.S. Federal Government suspensions, criminal investigations, findings, hearings of sworn testimony and reports thereabout - I noticed photographs and other Publicly released information inspiring my concerns with knowing whether U.S. Citizen Lee Harvey Oswald (1939 - 1963) was a test subject and / or witness to any such experiments at the Soldiers Home and / or the Santa Monica, California operations of a company doing business as the Synanon Foundation between 1956 - 1963.
Some of many Facts about the experiments and Mr. Oswald that may be relevant to the Requested Information, along with links to credible, Public information supporting them appear as follows below.

In the 1940's, the University of California lobbied the State of California for approximately $7,000,000.00 USD to establish a UCLA medical school West of UCLA's operations in Hollywood, California. After receiving those Public Funds from California Taxpayers, UCLA lobbied the U.S. Federal Government to obtain use of approximately 36-acres of Soldiers Home land popularly known as the Wolfskill C+H Tract, free of charge - for the express, limited purpose of developing and operating a medical center and hospital for disabled Veterans that the University's medical school students could perform their Residency at.
Subsequent Acts of Congress permitted UCLA's surface use of the aforementioned Soldiers Home land, exclusively for the aforementioned purposes; with an express Mandate for any of the subject land ceasing to function for the authorized purposes be immediately Reverted to U.S. Government operations of a Soldiers Home thereat.

Congress and UCLA's Reported intent to enter into the foregoing land use transaction; was satisfying the Federal Government's needs to provide uninterrupted medical services to disabled Veterans in Los Angeles, California - at a time the Soldiers Home's existing hospitals and nursing school facilities aged beyond repair; and UCLA would benefit from the then-proposed new medical center proving UCLA a Residency program location.

In 1947, UCLA recruited Manhattan Project Medical Chief Stafford Leak Warren as the University's first Medical School Dean. Despite Congressional Mandates tasking UCLA's development and operation of a medical center and hospital for disabled Veterans at the Soldier's Home's C+H Tract, Warren relocated from Oak Ridge, Tennessee to Pacific Palisades, California; and showed up for work in military fatigues, to establish and administer hazardous yet lucrative, nuclear radiological weapons research for his former colleagues at the Department of Energy... Without ever attempting to build any medical center and hospital for disabled Veterans upon the Soldiers Home. In Fact, the University did not even construct a medical center on its own land until a decade later.

Ultimately UCLA illegally sold and or redeveloped the C+H Tract for dense private apartment complexes, luxury student housing complexes, nuclear physics and experimental rehabilitation laboratories, multi-level paid-parking structures; and an over $1,300,000,000.00, Publicly Funded subway station now under construction to primarily serve UCLA faculty, students, the 2028 Olympic Games events it intends to host and future patrons of its Master Plan to illegally redevelop most to all of the Soldiers Home land remaining under VA management.
Alike Dean Warren's role in the Marshall Island Atolls, Hiroshima and Nagasaki; he and his successors presided over decades of nuclear radiological and other hazardous experiments injuring and / or directly / indirectly killing disabled U.S. Military Veterans and other persons; and create an approximately 25-acre, radioactive toxic waste dump on Soldiers Home land known today as the Arroyo Section, parts of an illegal L.A. City Dog Park and parts of an illegal Brentwood School East Campus - before Federal Criminal and Congressional Investigations discovered the tragedies and temporarily suspended UCLA research programs at the Soldiers Home between the late-1980's and mid-1990's.
From the 1950's onward - UCLA's hazardous Soldiers Home research programs ventured into Psychiatric and Neurosurgical experiments supporting its medical school's Residency curriculums, while branching into behavior-modification weapons technology development programs and commercial joint-ventures with drug manufacturers.

It appears the foregoing programs initially involved performing at least hundreds of traditional and chemical lobotomies upon disabled Veteran Residents of the Soldiers Home under Dr. Sydney Cohen's supervision, typically from a building UCLA named "Brentwood Hospital"; before devolving into LSD, radio telepathy and electrical brain implant studies which Dr. Cohen conceded to Dr. Louis Jolyon West's supervision; as well as crystal methamphetamine, alcohol and tobacco abuse experiments with pharmacological components under the supervision of Dr. West's protégé, Dr. Edythe D. London.
Dr. Cohen and to a greater extent, Dr. West often Publicly declared their Soldiers Home research had eugenic, racist, homophobic and / or classist objectives. For example, some lobotomies under Cohen were performed to resolve patients' homosexual and lesbian thoughts; while West crusaded to prove Black and Hispanic persons' genetic predispositions for violent behavior and criminal recidivism; and Dr. London's perpetually inconclusive explorations into the desires of homeless crystal methamphetamine addicts UCLA pays up to $900 per day; for radiologically-traced, neuroimaging sessions over extended periods while high on the narcotic.
Paradoxically, Dr. West Testified before the U.S. Senate on April 4th, 1970 - in support of permitting UCLA Medical School Psychiatry Program Residents' to moonlight at private practices (UCLA joint-ventures) while working at the Soldiers Home's Brentwood Hospital; as well as reporting those Medical School Residents were "chemically lobotomizing" the Brentwood Hospital's disabled Veteran patients; because they were incapable of caring for them in absence of Publicly Funding alternative behavior modification research programs Dr. West proposed.

Despite related funding increases continuing through at least the 21st Century's first decade, the population of disabled Veteran residents at the Soldiers Home plummeted from approximately 5,000 in 1971 to around 350 today... Beginning with a fabrication of Sylmar Earthquake damages to Soldiers Home housing facilities, which UCLA then converted into research labs once VA evicted upwards of 2,000 disabled Veterans into homelessness over a two-week period in 1972, due to "potential earthquake damages". Thus Los Angeles County then emerged as what it today remains; The United States of America's Capital of Veteran homelessness.

Among Dr. West's infamous, UCLA behavior modification programs for disabled Veterans at the Soldiers Home, was the Center For The Study And Prevention Of Violence. In essence - private developers, oil drillers and racist homeowners operating a special interest group organized by the drillers as the Brentwood Homeowners Association, criminalized disabled Veterans to displace them from the Soldiers Home and consolidate the Home's remaining disabled Veteran residents into a smaller land use footprint; facilitating illegal redevelopment of vacated Soldiers Home land for profit. The businesses invested into Jolyon's UCLA Program via tax-deductible, charitable donations which UCLA leveraged to secure Federal research grants and control of Los Angeles County's Department of Mental Hygiene (now L.A. County Department of Mental Health). In this case, the grants funded studies of predominantly Black, Hispanic, impoverished and / or homeless Veterans' purportedly genetic causes of and / or potential for violent behavior; which evidently may have been a front for weaponized behavior modification studies. Department of Mental Hygiene Officers and Sheriffs arrested persons matching the Program and it's backers' criteria and committed them into the program; by which UCLA acquired human test subjects by schemes evading Federal Informed Consent Laws.
Despite Dr. West's last ditch efforts to hide the Program's operations inside an underground, decommissioned Nike missile base above the Mandeville Canyon neighborhood of Los Angeles; Congress denied West's request. In result, Dr. West's hazardous behavior modification experiments on disabled Veterans figuratively continued underground (so to speak) at the Soldiers Home into the 1990's.

Another program under Dr. West's supervision at the Soldiers Home was awarded by CIA to UCLA in the 1990's via Science Applications International Corporation - to explore the potential for gamma rays to be modulated as carriers of inaudible messages, and assess whether unwitting human test subjects perceived the communications upon being harmfully radiated by them.
In hindsight of UCLA's ongoing hazardous research and land misuse legacy at the Soldiers Home, which Chancellor Gene Bloch nostalgically misrepresents as the University's "70-year partnership with the Veterans Administration to heal the physical and psychological wounds of war and to help improve the lives of thousands of veterans and their families" at what UCLA calls a "Campus" - UCLA's canvassing for 500 Angeleno volunteers to scrub the graves of deceased Veterans at the Soldiers Home, using an unidentified "enzyme" it'll provide them to do so on 09/24/2022; reinforces UCLA's feigned attempts to appear respectful of deceased disabled Veterans while defrauding homeless and disabled Veterans struggling to survive.

In the late 1950's, Charles E. Dederich; a formerly-homeless, unemployed and recovering alcoholic who'd recently been a test subject of Keith Ditman's UCLA LSD research programs - opened a private business advertising breakthrough alcohol and drug rehabilitation services as the Synanon Foundation; which Dederich ran until Synanon's dramatic collapse and relocation to Germany in 1991.
Despite the paltry net worth of Dederich and Synanon's clients, the company became an uncanny success during its first year in business; and moved from a modest storefront in Venice, California, to a large National Guard Armory along the Santa Monica, California beach. Less than a year later, Synanon relocated a few blocks down that beach, upon purchasing the Casa Del Mar hotel; that was previously operated by the U.S. Army during WWII.
Synanon's illogical success, use of LSD to rehabilitate drug addicts, controversial service contracts with L.A. County law enforcement and mental hygiene agencies, wild parties, residents' deaths, escaped clients' testimony about cult-like operations, admission to brainwashing clients and attempted murder of it's harshest critic - motivated Santa Monica residents' unsuccessful attempts to close Synanon, decades before demands for criminal investigations finally emerged.
An initial effort resulted in Dederich's conviction for refusing to license Synanon's business, yet he was swiftly pardoned by California Governor Edmund Brown; who ordered Dederich's removal from jail and exempted Synanon from all business licensing requirements.

Synanon was subsequently sued in a publicized action at the Santa Monica Superior Court that Plaintiffs anticipated winning, until UCLA Psychiatry principals unexpected and successful intervention in Synanon's defense.

In 1982, a $21,000,000.00 Settlement was filed in Court by the parties to Synanon's Slander lawsuit against ABC Television Affiliate KGO-TV; regarding the station's five mysterious news broadcasts, alleging Synanon's ties with terrorist activities and corporate purchase of 139 firearms; which aired against a backdrop of Lee Harvey Oswald's likeness beside Synanon's logo. ABC refused to comment on the lawsuit.

In the 1950's, prior to his temporary residence in the Soviet Union at both an apartment and military-operated institute for the mentally ill - Lee Harvey Oswald resided in Los Angeles and San Diego California while reporting for duty as a U.S. Marine at El Toro and Camp Pendleton. Oswald was known to visit Los Angeles prior to residing there and often spent his time there alone, without discussing what he did in the City with friends, family and / or his commanding officers.

Dr. Louis Jolyon West intervened on behalf of Jack Ruby, during Ruby's criminal hearings for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. West intervened in similar manners during Charles Manson and Patricia Hearst's criminal trials. Evidently Ruby was an unwitting test subject of Dr. West's hallucinogenics research for U.S. Intelligence Agencies in the Haight Ashbury District of San Francisco, California during the 1950's.

Notwithstanding the Fact I currently don't know whether Oswald was involved with Synanon, I believe U.S. Citizens have a Right to any of the Requested Information that is available; as its reasonable such Information may be valuable toward improving U.S. Citizens' constructive oversight and ethical influence over the United States' National Security, its Taxpayers General Welfare, resistance to Public Corruption and disabled homeless Veterans' personal safety.

Links to information substantiating the aforementioned Facts:






The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Ryan Thompson

From: Ryan Thompson

I'm following up on my request to correct a typo in the notes section below the request.

I had stated that Synanon had sued ABC for Slander and settled the case for $21,000,000.00 USD. What I meant to state is Synanon's suit was for $21,000,000.00 USD; not the Settlement amount. Furthermore, it's reported that the Settlement amount was $1,250,000.00 USD. Thanks for you time and I apologize for the typo.

From: Ryan Thompson

Please note Dr. Sidney Cohen's name was misspelled in my Request as Sydney. I apologize for the typo and hope notifying the Agency of this correction is helpful.

Best regards,

Ryan Thompson

From: Defense Intelligence Agency

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Greetings Mr. Thompson,

Thank you for contacting our agency and submitting your FOIA requests to the Defense Intelligence Agency. Unfortunately, after review, your requests do not reasonably describe a connection between the scope of your requests and the mission, functions and tasks of the DIA, and potentially relevant records that DIA might hold in its system of records. This is not under our purview. Please refer to the Department of Justice’s FOIA.gov website: https://www.foia.gov<https://usg01.safelinks.protection.office365.us/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foia.gov%2F&data=04%7C01%7CCheryl.Cross-Davison%40dodiis.mil%7C133a0768ee4642547c5608da38358994%7Cceda544f67774246a89c4da391f6d81e%7C0%7C0%7C637884099830828753%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=XdtsvfP6HKub4c7uzqVFiJMfvdsykMhYwtMt6zxZDUc%3D&reserved=0> for information on federal agencies that may apply to your request. DIA will take no further action.

With Warm Regards,