Tracking # |
FOIA-LP-JC-2024-004 24-09862 |
Submitted | Nov. 17, 2023 |
Est. Completion | None |
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From: Robert Skvarla, Jr.
To Whom It May Concern:
You are receiving this correspondence as a request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. subsection 552. I am requesting access to the following records:
1. Collection: JC-CABSEC, Series: Bruce Kirschenbaum's Subject Files, Container 540;
2. Collection: JC-CABSEC, Series: Jack Watson's Oversized Attachment Files, Container 321.
I look forward to your response within 20 working days, as the statute requires. If access to the records I am requesting will take longer, please advise of which tier of processing queue this request falls under and an estimated time frame for processing.
If you deny any or all of this request, please cite each specific exemption you feel justifies the refusal to release the information and notify me of the appeal procedures available to me under the law.
If any potentially responsive records have been destroyed and/or transferred, then I request copies of the destruction or transfer slips as well as any other documentation relating to, mentioning or describing said destruction or transfer, to include but not be limited to confirmation that the the National Archives and Records Administration has no other copies of said records.
Robert Skvarla, Jr.
This is an automated reply to inform you that the National Archives and Records Administration received your email.
We have received your request and you will receive a response within 20 working days. Please note that submitting duplicate requests will increase wait times.
If you have any questions, you can call our office at 301-837-3190. You can also visit our web page at
Thank you.
From: National Archives And Records Administration – Archival Or Special Access
Dear Robert Skvarla, Jr.:
This is an interim response to your November 17, 2023, Freedom of
Information Act request (24-09862) for access to two documents from the
Collection entitled Records of the Cabinet Secretary (Carter
Administration), 1977–1981 (JC-CABSEC). Specifically, you are seeking
access to box 540 of Bruce Kirschenbaum's Subject Files, 1977–1981
<> and box 321 of Jack Watson's
Oversized Attachment Files, 1977–1981
<>. We received your request on
November 28, 2023.
The records you are seeking are located at the Jimmy Carter Presidential
Library and Museum <>. We are forwarding
your request to their office. They will reply to you as soon as they can.
We do not consider this a denial of your FOIA request because this is
an interim response to keep you aware of the status of your
request. However, if you are not satisfied with our action on this request,
your options for appeal and dispute resolution are outlined in the enclosed
Archives II Textual Reference Branch (RR2RR)
National Archives at College Park, MD
From: National Archives And Records Administration – Archival Or Special Access
Mr. Skvarla, the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library recieved your request on
December 1, 2023.
Please see our response which is pasted below.
Robert Skvarla, Jr.
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 154624
263 Huntington Ave,
Boston, MA 02115
Dear Mr. Skvarla:
This letter is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request dated 11/17/2023, received at the National Archives on 11/28/2023
for access to material from the Collection Records of the Cabinet Secretary
(Carter Administration), 1977–1981 (JC-CABSEC). The Jimmy Carter
Presidential Library received your request on 12/1/2023.
The records you have requested are donated historical material,
gubernatorial records, etc., and are not subject to request under the
provisions of FOIA. According to 5 U.S.C. § 552(f), the Freedom of
Information Act does not apply to donated historical material or the
records of local or state governments.
While this material is not subject to request under FOIA, we have conducted
a search of the finding aids of our donated historical material and have
located material responsive to your request.
For reference purposes you have requested. Both boxes are processed and
JC-CABSEC, Series: Jack Watson's Oversized Attachment Files, Container 321.
Estimated page count: 500
JC-CABSEC, Series: Bruce Kirschenbaum's Subject Files, Container 540
Estimated page count: 500
We will be happy to provide you with copies of the open and partially open
records upon receipt of the reproduction fee of $.80 per page. Historical
records at NARA are not governed by the FOIA fee and fee waiver provisions
in section 552(a)(4)(A)(vi). Accordingly, the Jimmy Carter Presidential
Library does not provide fee waivers for copying. NARA charges standard
reproduction fees for copying of historical records in accordance with our
statutorily based fee schedule, codified at 44 U.S.C. § 2116(c). You may
also view the records in our research room at the Jimmy Carter Presidential
Library where a self-service copier is available for the price of $.80 a
page. The Library accepts checks or money orders made out to the National
Archives Trust Fund. When you provide a check as payment to the National
Archives and Records Administration, please be advised that you authorize
them to use the information from your check to make a one-time electronic
funds transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check
transaction. When NARA uses information from your check to make an
electronic funds transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as
early as the day we receive your payment, and you will not receive your
check back from your financial institution. The Library also accepts Visa,
Master Card, American Express, or Discover/Novus orders.
Because the records you requested are not subject to FOIA, we are denying
your request on procedural grounds. At this time, you may appeal by writing
to the Deputy Archivist of the United States, (ATTN: FOIA Appeal Staff),
Room 4200, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road,
College Park, Maryland 20740-6001. You should explain why you believe this
response does not meet the requirements of the FOIA. Both the letter and
the envelope should be clearly marked “FOIA Appeal.” To be considered
timely, your appeal must be postmarked or electronically submitted within
90 calendar days from the date of this letter.
If you would like to discuss our response before filing an appeal to
attempt to resolve your dispute without going through the appeals process,
you may contact our FOIA Public Liaison Stephannie Oriabure for assistance
at: Archival Operations Division, National Archives and Records
Administration, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room G-7, Washington, DC
20408-0001; email at; telephone at
202-357-5200; or facsimile at 202-357-5941.
You may also contact the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS),
the Federal FOIA Ombudsman’s office, for assistance. OGIS offers mediation
services to help resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal
agencies. The contact information for OGIS is: Office of Government
Information Services, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601
Adelphi Road – OGIS, College Park, MD 20740-6001; email at;
telephone at 202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at
We will take no further action regarding this request unless we hear from
you. If you have any questions, please contact our staff at 404-865-7100 or Your case log number is FOIA-LP-JC-2024-004.
Sara Mitchell
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library
From: Robert Skvarla, Jr.
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for your prompt response to case log number FOIA-LP-JC-2024-004. Given the payment fees for accessing these documents, I am writing to reduce the scope of the request to the following items found in the requested containers:
Container: 321
File Unit: Department of Defense: Project Seafarer [OA 391]
NAID: 4576533
Container: 540
File Unit: Project Seafarer in Michigan - Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Detection and U.S. Navy
NAID: 16954423
Container: 540
File Unit: Project Seafarer in Congressional Record
NAID: 16954415
Please let me know how this will change the payment total.
Robert Skvarla, Jr.
From: National Archives And Records Administration – Archival Or Special Access
Mr. Skvarla, I did a page count for the boxes you are interested in:
Container: 321
File Unit: Department of Defense: Project Seafarer [OA 391]- *40 pages*
NAID: 4576533
Container: 540
File Unit: Project Seafarer in Michigan - Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)
Detection and U.S. Navy- *102 pages*
NAID: 16954423
Container: 540
File Unit: Project Seafarer in Congressional Record- *13 pages* and
Congressional Record Volume 123, No. 84. May 17, 1977. I have not included
this report in my page count. I think you can find this online.
NAID: 16954415
*The total for all 3 folders (minus the Congressional Record ) is 155
pages- $124.00.* I can send you an invoice if you are interested in
ordering this material.
Copies/scans produced by archival staff are $0.80 per page with a minimum
charge of $15.00. While you are required to prepay, but please do not pay
in advance of being billed.
Please note that, due to limited staff time and resources, Library staff
typically cannot make value judgments as to what material should or should
not be copied/scanned—instead, we will copy/scan the entire contents of
specific file units as identified by the researcher. If individual items
(for example, a speech) are easily locatable, we can provide copies/scans
of individual items in those instances.
Provide specific citation information (e.g. collection, container number,
file unit title) to the extent possible when making copy requests.
For audiovisual materials, please visit Fees for A/V Reproduction Services
Additionally, researchers may make self-service copies onsite for $0.25 per
Thanks- Sara Mitchell
*Sara S Mitchell*
Archivist, Jimmy Carter Library & Museum
Phone: 404-865-7155 || Fax: 404-865-7102
Connect with us!: Twitter <> | Facebook
<> | Instagram
<> | YouTube
From: Robert Skvarla, Jr.
To Whom It May Concern:
Please find enclosed a check for $124.00 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.
Thank you.
From: National Archives And Records Administration – Archival Or Special Access
Mr. Skvarla, I did a page count for the boxes you are interested in:
Container: 321
File Unit: Department of Defense: Project Seafarer [OA 391]- *40 pages*
NAID: 4576533
Container: 540
File Unit: Project Seafarer in Michigan - Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)
Detection and U.S. Navy- *102 pages*
NAID: 16954423
Container: 540
File Unit: Project Seafarer in Congressional Record- *13 pages* and
Congressional Record Volume 123, No. 84. May 17, 1977. I have not included
this report in my page count. I think you can find this online.
NAID: 16954415
*The total for all 3 folders (minus the Congressional Record ) is 155
pages- $124.00.* I can send you an invoice if you are interested in
ordering this material.
Copies/scans produced by archival staff are $0.80 per page with a minimum
charge of $15.00. While you are required to prepay, but please do not pay
in advance of being billed.
Please note that, due to limited staff time and resources, Library staff
typically cannot make value judgments as to what material should or should
not be copied/scanned—instead, we will copy/scan the entire contents of
specific file units as identified by the researcher. If individual items
(for example, a speech) are easily locatable, we can provide copies/scans
of individual items in those instances.
Provide specific citation information (e.g. collection, container number,
file unit title) to the extent possible when making copy requests.
For audiovisual materials, please visit Fees for A/V Reproduction Services
Additionally, researchers may make self-service copies onsite for $0.25 per
NARA Special Access
Form 72 Order
NA TrustFund Accts Receivable Form
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740
From: National Archives And Records Administration – Archival Or Special Access
Robert Skvarla, Jr.,
I have been informed that a check for $124.00 was mailed to
NARA SPECIAL ACCESS , Attn: Form 82 Order
8601 Adelphi Rd.
College Park, MD. 20740-6002
The material you have requested is located at the Jimmy Carter Presidential
Library in Atlanta, Ga. We are happy to make the copies you requested but
you will need to reissue a check and mail it to the Jimmy Carter
Presidential Library.
*Please make the check out to The National Archives Trust fund*
Our mailing address is
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library
Attn: Sara Mitchell
441 John Lewis Freedom Parkway
Atlanta, Ga 30307
The National Archives at College Park, MD is mailing us the original
check. I can return this check to you but you will need to provide me with
a mailing address.
Please feel free to email me directly at or call at
We look forward to providing you with the copies you requested.
Thank you
Sara Mitchell
*Sara S Mitchell*
Archivist, Jimmy Carter Library & Museum
Phone: 404-865-7155 || Fax: 404-865-7102
Connect with us!: Twitter <> | Facebook
<> | Instagram
<> | YouTube
From: Robert Skvarla, Jr.
Good morning, Ms. Mitchell:
I am following up on a request sent at the end of last year, FOIA request 24-09862, for the following records:
1. Collection: JC-CABSEC, Series: Bruce Kirschenbaum's Subject Files, Container 540;
2. Collection: JC-CABSEC, Series: Jack Watson's Oversized Attachment Files, Container 321.
You responded in January of this year, stating that the original check cut by Muckrock had been sent to the wrong location and was being forwarded to the Jimmy Carter Library. I think there may be some confusion internally on our end and am seeking clarification. We took your email to mean that the original check would still be used. Re-reading your email again, I see that you asked for a new check to be cut and addressed to:
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library
Attn: Sara Mitchell
441 John Lewis Freedom Parkway
Atlanta, Ga 30307
For completion for this records request, am I correct in my understanding that a new check is needed?
Apologies for the confusion. I am new to the NARA system and still learning how to navigate this process.
Robert Skvarla, Jr.
From: National Archives And Records Administration – Archival Or Special Access
I am out of the office. If you need immediate assistance please
contact my supervisor, Billy Glasco,
Thank you.
*Sara S Mitchell*
Archivist, Jimmy Carter Library & Museum
Phone: 404-865-7155 || Fax: 404-865-7102
Connect with us!: Twitter <> | Facebook
<> | Instagram
<> | YouTube
From: National Archives And Records Administration – Archival Or Special Access
Mr. Skvarla, thank you for reaching out. Yes you are correct we will need a
new check sent to us. Please remind me, do you want copies of all the
folders in these 2 boxes or are you looking for specific folders?
Here is a list of the folders in each box. I can give you a page count if
that is helpful.
Copies/scans produced by archival staff are $0.80 per page with a minimum
charge of $20.00. While you are required to prepay, but please do not pay
in advance of being billed. Once I know which folders you are interested in
I can count the pages so I can bill you for the correct amount.
*Collection: JC-CABSEC, Series: Bruce Kirschenbaum's Subject Files,
Container 540;*
Project Seafarer in Congressional Record
Project Seafarer in Michigan – Extremely low Frequency (ELF) Detection and
U.S. Navy
Quincy, Massachusetts- ShipYards and Navy
Rail Relocation [1]
Rail Relocation [2]
Rail Relocation [3]
Realities for Women in the New Decade- Press Release
Revenue Ruling- Notes, 8/23
Rock Island and Milwaukee Road Railroads
Section 316- Clean Air Act
Shopping Center- Charleston West Virginia
Shopping Center- Correspondences
Shopping Centers- Council of Shopping centers
*Collection: JC-CABSEC, Series: Jack Watson's Oversized Attachment Files,
Container 321.*
Department of Commerce - Miscellaneous Memos [OA 391]
Department of Commerce - National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Related [OA 391]
Department of Commerce - Oil Cargo Preference & Other Maritime Options [OA
Department of Defense - “Project Seafarer” [OA 391]
Department of Defense - B-1 Bomber [OA 391]
Department of Defense - Base Realignment [1-2] [OA 391]
Department of Defense - Dr. Harold Brown, Secretary Memoranda [OA 391]
Department of Education Department of Energy Reports [1] [OA 653]
Payable: National Archives
Jimmy Carter Library and Museum
Attn; Sara Mitchell
441 John Lewis Freedom Parkway
Atlanta, Ga. 30307
Thank you
Sara Mitchell
*Sara S Mitchell*
Archivist, Jimmy Carter Library & Museum
Phone: 404-865-7155 || Fax: 404-865-7102
Connect with us!: Twitter <> | Facebook
<> | Instagram
<> | YouTube
From: Robert Skvarla, Jr.
Dear Ms. Mitchell,
Thank you for the clarification! I would like the following folders:
*Collection: JC-CABSEC, Series: Bruce Kirschenbaum's Subject Files, Container 540;*
"Project Seafarer in Congressional Record"
"Project Seafarer in Michigan – Extremely low Frequency (ELF) Detection"
*Collection: JC-CABSEC, Series: Jack Watson's Oversized Attachment Files, Container 321.*
"Department of Defense - “Project Seafarer” [OA 391]"
Robert Skvarla, Jr.
From: National Archives And Records Administration – Archival Or Special Access
Mr. Skvarla, Jr.
Thank you,
*Collection: JC-CABSEC, Series: Bruce Kirschenbaum's Subject Files,
Container 540;*
"Project Seafarer in Congressional Record" 13 pages plus The Congressional
Record Proceedings and Debates of the 95th Congress
The report from Congress is available online see the link
"Project Seafarer in Michigan – Extremely low Frequency (ELF) Detection" 99
*Collection: JC-CABSEC, Series: Jack Watson's Oversized Attachment Files,
Container 321.*
"Department of Defense - “Project Seafarer” [OA 391]" 39 pages
The total for 151 copies is $120.80. I've attached an invoice.
The Jimmy Carter Library requires pre-payment for all duplication orders
and will accept a credit card or check made out to the National Archives
Trust Fund.
Do you want digital copies emailed or copies mailed to you?
Please provide an email for digital copies or a mailing address for xerox
If paying by a check please mail the check to
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum
Attn; Sara Mitchell
441 John Lewis Freedom Parkway
Atlanta, Ga. 30307
Thank you, Sara
*Sara S Mitchell*
Archivist, Jimmy Carter Library & Museum
Phone: 404-865-7155 || Fax: 404-865-7102
Connect with us!: Twitter <> | Facebook
<> | Instagram
<> | YouTube
Skvarala, Jr. INVOICE1.6.5.2024