Oath of office and bonds

Erick filed this request with the U.S. Department of State of the United States of America.
Tracking #



From: Erick

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

Re: Freedom of Information Act Request

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, The Sunshine Act 5 U.S.C. §
552b, and Washington Public Records Act Title 14 Chapter 44-14, I request that a
photocopy of the following documents be provided to me:
I request that a photocopy of the following documents be provided to me:
● A photocopy of your Public Official surety bond that is required by Washington Title
● A photocopy of the blanket surety bond
● A photocopy of your Errors & Omissions (E&O), a Surety Liability Insurance policy,
and Duty of Care policy if applicable.
● A photocopy of your General Obligation Bonds if applicable.
● A photocopy of your general long-term bond if applicable.
● A photocopy of your Crime Policy if applicable.
● A photocopy of your Risk Management Policy if applicable.
● A photocopy of the following documents if applicable:
○ ACORD 125
○ ACORD 126
○ ACORD 127
○ ACORD 128
○ The documents should indicate the policy number and the insured amount of
the policy.
● Certificate of Liability if applicable.
● Public Officials and/or any other bonds pertaining to proof of liability and policies.
Based on any and all losses of financial responsibility due to negligence or dishonesty.
Any and all based on the contract of terms and conditions.
● A photocopy of your faithful Performance Bond if applicable.
● A photocopy of your Fidelity Bond if applicable.
● A photocopy of your Public Employee Dishonesty Policy if applicable.
● A photocopy of your Public Employee Blanket Bond if applicable.
● A photocopy of your Statutory Bond if applicable.
● A photocopy of the power of attorney for the surety bond company.
● A photocopy of the Blanket Bond power of attorney for the surety bond company if
● A photocopy of your oath' of office on file and for the last 4 years up to date copies.
Any federal tax statements for the last 5 years.
● A photocopy of your Anti Bribery and Corruption Statement.
Violations of past code of conduct
● A photocopy of your Form NDS-1, Registration Statement Pursuant to the Foreign
Agents Registration Act.
I am a private citizen seeking information concerning your public official surety bond, or
the Errors & Omissions (E&O), and or the Duty of Care policy that you are required by
the state of Washington to obtain before swearing the oath of office.
Washington Title 28A.330.060
Before entering upon the discharge of the superintendent’s duties, the superintendent
as secretary of the board shall give bond in such sum as the board of directors may fix
from time to time, but for not less than five thousand dollars, with good and sufficient
sureties, and shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, before a proper officer that
he or she will support the Constitution of the United States and of the state of
Washington and faithfully perform the duties of the office, a copy of which oath or
affirmation shall be filed with the educational service district superintendent.
Public Official Surety Bond requests fall under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5
U.S.C. § 552, The Sunshine Act 5 U.S.C. § 552b, Washington Public Records Act Title
14 Chapter 44-14 by law you are obligated to supply me with this information.
It is public knowledge in the State of Washington that all school boards in the state and
the superintendents are required to be bonded, carry a surety liability insurance policy,
an Errors & Omissions, or a Duty of Care policy.
Thank you for your consideration of this request.

U.S. District Judges

Chief Judge David G. Estudillo
Judge Tana Lin
Judge Lauren King
Judge John H. Chun
Judge Jamal N. Whitehead
Judge Tiffany M. Cartwright
Judge Kymberly K. Evanson

U.S. Magistrate Judges

Chief Magistrate Judge David W. Christel
Judge Brian A. Tsuchida
Judge Theresa L. Fricke
Judge Michelle L. Peterson
Judge S. Kate Vaughan
Judge Grady J. Leupold

Senior U.S. District Judges

Judge Barbara J. Rothstein
Judge John C. Coughenour important
Judge Carolyn R. Dimmick
Judge Robert J. Bryan
Judge Thomas S. Zilly
Judge Robert S. Lasnik
Judge Marsha J. Pechman
Judge Ricardo S. Martinez
Judge James L. Robart
Judge Benjamin H. Settle
Judge Richard A. Jones

Recalled and Part Time U.S. Magistrate Judges

Judge John L. Weinberg (Recalled)
Judge Mary Alice Theiler (Recalled)
Judge J. Richard Creatura (Recalled)
Judge Paula L. McCandlis (Part-time) Important

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.



From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Erick Erick:

Thank you for filing your information access request to the U.S. Department of State.  Your request number is F-2024-00818.
You will receive a formal acknowledgement to your request in no later than 10 working days.  If the Department requires additional information from you, then you will also be notified.
Should you have any questions about your request, you may also contact us at:
Requesters Communications Branch
Office of Information Programs and Services
U.S. Department of State

From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Erick Erick,

The status of your FOIA request #F-2024-00818 has been updated to the following status 'Received'. To learn more, please log into the DoS FOIA Portal via the Application URL below.

U.S. Department of State

From: U.S. Department of State

Good morning,

The Office of Information Programs and Services is in receipt of your inquiry below. We will follow-up with you as soon as possible to provide a response.

Thank you in advance for your patience.


U.S. Department of State

FOIA Requester Service Center

From: U.S. Department of State

*THIS EMAIL BOX IS NOT MONITORED, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL.** Dear Mr.Erick: This email acknowledges receipt of your October 16, 2023, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. § 552) request received by the U.S. Department of State, Office ofInformation Programs and Services on October 16, 2023.  Please See attachment for description. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2012 To 10/16/2023).

You are seeking a copy of Unless you advise otherwise, we will treat as non-responsive anycompilations of publicly available news reports and any publicly availabledocuments not created by the U.S. government, such as mass-distribution emailsfrom news media.  This Office assigned your request the subjectreference number and placed it in the complex processing track where it will beprocessed as quickly as possible.  See 22 CFR § 171.11(h).
This Office will not be able to respond within the 20 daysprovided by the statute due to “unusual circumstances.”  See 5 U.S.C.§ 552(a)(6)(B)(i)-(iii).  In this instance, the unusual circumstancesinclude the need to search for and collect requested records from otherDepartment offices or Foreign Service posts.
If you have any questionsregarding your request, would like to narrow the scope or arrange analternative time frame to speed its processing, or would like an estimated dateof completion, please contact our FOIA Requester Service Center or our FOIA PublicLiaison by email at ortelephone at 202-261-8484.  Additionally, you may contact the Office ofGovernment Information Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and RecordsAdministration to inquire about the FOIA mediation services they offer. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: Office of GovernmentInformation Services, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601Adelphi Road-OGIS, College Park, Maryland 20740-6001, email at (mailto:FOIAstatus@state.gov) FOIAstatus@state.gov ; telephone at202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at 202-741-5769. (mailto:ogis@nara.gov) ogis@nara.gov

From: U.S. Department of State

**THIS EMAIL BOX IS NOT MONITORED, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL.** Mr.Erick: This email responds to yourOctober 16, 2023, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. § 552) request received by the U.S. Department of State,Office of Information Programs and Services on October 16, 2023, regarding Please See attachment for description. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2012 To 10/16/2023).  This Office assigned your request the subject reference number. ThisOffice denies your request because no connection exists between the informationrequested and the U.S. Department of State. Please be advised that most of the records maintained by the Departmentpertain to the formulation and execution of U.S. foreign policy. See 22 CFR § 171.2. Sincerely, Brooke Nicholas Branch Chief Requester Communications Branch Requester Liaison Division Office of Information Programs and Services U.S. Department of State **THIS EMAIL BOX IS NOT MONITORED, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL.**

From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Erick Erick,

The status of your FOIA request #F-2024-00818 has been updated to the following status 'Closed'. To learn more, please log into the DoS FOIA Portal via the Application URL below.

U.S. Department of State

From: Erick

I cannot access any files i have tried a few times.

From: U.S. Department of State

Sir or Madam,

The Office of Information Programs and Services is in receipt of your inquiry below. We will follow-up with you as soon as possible to provide a response.

Thank you in advance for your patience.

U.S. Department of State
FOIA Requester Service Center

From: U.S. Department of State

Sir or Madam,

This is in response to your phone inquiry concerning your FOIA case control number F-2024-00818.

The Office of Information Programs and Services’ electronic records system indicates this request has been closed. The Departments’ letter dated February 28, 2024, advised of the Department’s response to this request. We have attached a copy of the letter for your records.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding a FOIA-related matter, please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center at 202-261-8484 or send an e-mail to foiastatus@state.gov<mailto:foiastatus@state.gov>.

U.S. Department of State
FOIA Requester Service Center