Records of West Los Angeles VA Soldiers Home Land Use According With Prevailing Authorities At Law (2014 - 2021)

Ryan Thompson filed this request with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration of the United States of America.
Tracking #


Est. Completion None
Fix Required

From: Ryan Thompson

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

On October 18th of 2021, The Public was first-provided for review, by Federal Register Document Number 2021-22642 - a "Community Plan" (and separate, Master Plan); to privately redevelop 80-acres of the West Los Angeles VA Soldiers Home, purportedly via the Enhanced Use Lease Authority, in Our Nation's Capital of Veteran homelessness that is formally known as Los Angeles County, California.

The Community Plan was drafted by a consortium of private developers describing themselves as the West Los Angeles Veterans Collective; in consultation with the University of California, Brentwood School, Concourse Federal, Booz Allen Hamilton and other third-parties - by non-transparent means and procedures in isolation from the Principal and Exclusive Stakeholders of the WLA VA Soldiers Home, i.e.: National Veterans Community, Local Veterans Community, disabled Veterans and homeless Veterans.

The West Los Angeles Veterans Collective comprises Thomas Safran & Associates, Housing Corporation of America, Century Housing Corporation and U.S. Vets. The foregoing entities, along with Ms. Vivian Ming Lum, Shangri-La, Figueroa Economical Development Corporation and Step-Up On Second; are purported Awardees, via their subsidiary CA LLC Entities, of Enhanced Use Lease Agreements to redevelop the WLA VA Soldiers Home; since presumably Entered Into By The Secretary of The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as Mandated Under Prevailing Authorities at Public Law that do not provide for Delegation of such Authority.

Brentwood School and University of California are non-compliant land users at the WLA VA Soldiers Home, as Found by the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and / or Ninth Circuit Federal Court; and regularly lobby Congressional Veterans Affairs Members to evade legal consequences thereby. Ms. Lum and Figueroa are Defendants at Trail for Deceit, Fraud, Quiet Title and other Violations regarding affordable housing development projects the City of Los Angeles is suing them for. Century Housing Corporation deceived Taxpayers and families displaced by the Century Freeway expansion, by earnestly working to evade it's housing development mandates under a related Consent Decree; and by leasing out most of a Naval Shipyard the Federal Government provided it, to private businesses unrelated to a small housing development enclosed within it.

The "Community Plan" literally and / or essentially declares it is designed to be vague, conceptual, flexible and amendable; in anticipation of legislative reforms conspired by its Drafters... Hence the brochure / plan's missing chapter entitled "To Be Developed - Administration & Implementation".

What the "Community Plan" is not vague about, is it's diligent and intentional effort, to entirely omit stating any and all development proposed therein Shall Principally Benefit Veterans. Contrarily, the "Community Plan" expressly declares its proposed developments will merely honor, memorialize, support, help, focus, prioritize, serve and / or include Veterans along with the community, Public, neighborhoods and / or Greater Los Angeles.

Public Law 114-226, The West Los Angeles Leasing Act (as Amended) is the prevailing authority over land-use Agreements at the WLA VA Soldiers Home. Accordingly thereunder...

The only Enhanced Use Leases and Leases Authorized are those which Principally Benefit Veterans as expressly Defined therein:

(b) LEASES DESCRIBED.—Leases described in this subsection are the following:

(1) Any enhanced-use lease of real property under sub- chapter V of chapter 81 of title 38, United States Code, for purposes of providing supportive housing, as that term is defined in section 8161(3) of such title, that principally benefit veterans and their families.

(2) Any lease of real property for a term not to exceed 50 years to a third party to provide services that principally benefit veterans and their families...

(l) PRINCIPALLY BENEFIT VETERANS AND THEIR FAMILIES DEFINED.—In this section the term ‘‘principally benefit veterans and their families’’, with respect to services provided by a person or entity under a lease of property or land-sharing agreement—

(1) means services—

(A) provided exclusively to veterans and their families; or

(B) that are designed for the particular needs of veterans and their families, as opposed to the general public, and any benefit of those services to the general public is distinct from the intended benefit to veterans and their families; and

(2) excludes services in which the only benefit to veterans and their families is the generation of revenue for the Depart- ment of Veterans Affairs...

... And Furthermore ...

‘‘(D) The Secretary may not waive or postpone the obligation of a lessee to pay any consideration under an enhanced-use lease, including monthly rent.’’.

Given the foregoing Facts, reasonable concerns about the impact that Violating any of them will have upon the lives of disabled and homeless Veterans in Our Nation's Capital of Veteran homelessness and that The Secretary of The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Declared on Record, many times, that He Intends to Approve the "Community Plan" by or before January 1st, 2022 - I, a Citizen of the United States and Resident of Los Angeles, California; am Requesting the following Information:

1) Copies of All Records between 2014 - 2021; Establishing every proposed development within the "Community Plan", including but not limited to its: Town Center, libraries, museums, coffe-shops, retail stores, commercial district, movie theaters, ampitheaters, parks, open space, bike trails, utility relocations, housing and connections with the surrounding communities and neighborhoods - Shall Principally Benefit Veterans & Their Families, as expressly Defined and Mandated under Federal Public Law; and

2) Copies of All Enhanced Use Leases and Leases of WLA VA Soldiers Home land (aka WLA VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare / Medical Center, etc.) Agreed to between 2014 - 2021 containing express, obligated, non-waiveable and non-postponeable Terms; by which Lessees Shall Pay Monthly Rent... Including but not limited to such Agreements for Buildings 205, 207, 208, 209 and All Parking Lots.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Ryan Thompson

From: Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration

An interim response, stating the request is being processed.

From: Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration

A fix is required to perfect the request.

From: Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration

We understand this request is closed.

Thank you,

Michael Sarich, VHA FOIA Director
VHA Central Office FOIA Office
Health Information Governance (HIG) (105HIG)
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420
Office: 202-461-5329
Fax: 202-495-5087

From: Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration


The above attachment is the final response letter that pertains to a recently FOIA Request submitted by Ryan Thompson to Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System FOIA Office. The attached Final Response Letter was mailed to Mr. Ryan Thompson via mail on January 13, 2022.

DEPT MR 122072
411A Highland Ave
Somerville, MA 02144-2516

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this request please feel free to contact the GLA FOIA office.

Best Regards,

Tiffany Anderson
Assistant, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) & Privacy Officer
Bldg. 218, Rm 224
(310) 478-3711 Ext: 44082
