Seymour Antelope

Nicholas Marritz filed this request with the Bureau of Land Management of the United States of America.
Tracking #

DOI-BLM-2019-000865 / BLM-2019-00745


Due June 18, 2019
Est. Completion None
Awaiting Response


From: Nicholas Marritz

To Whom It May Concern: This is a request for records under the Freedom of Information Act.


I hereby request the following records:

All records related to BLM's mascot, Seymour Antelope. These would include (but are not limited to) all communications and documents related to the development of, use of, and public reception to the Seymour Antelope costume and character.

I respectfully request that all fees related to this request be waived. The requested records will be made available to the general public online for free. There is no other public-domain source for these records (that I am aware of), and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

If my fee waiver request is denied, please inform me of the total charges before processing my request.

I request that all records produced in response to this request be produced electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or on CD-ROM if not.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the FOIA requires. Thanks very much for your work.


Nicholas Marritz

From: Bureau of Land Management

Good afternoon Mr. Marritz:

Our FOIA office received your FOIA request dated May 20, 2019 and received
that same day. We have assigned it control number 2019-00745. Please cite
this number in any future communications regarding your request.

In your request you asked for the following:

"All records related to BLM's mascot, Seymour Antelope. These would include
(but are not limited to) all communications and documents related to the
development of, use of, and public reception to the Seymour Antelope
costume and character."

We have received your fee waiver request and it will be processed
accordingly. In the interim, we have classified you as an “other”
requester. As such, we may charge you for some of our search and
duplication costs, but we will not charge you for our review costs; you are
also entitled to up to 2 hours of search time and 100 pages of photocopies
(or an equivalent volume) for free. See 43 C.F.R. § 2.39. If, after taking
into consideration your fee category entitlements, our processing costs are
less than $50.00, we will not bill you because the cost of collection would
be greater than the fee collected. See 43 C.F.R. § 2.49(a)(1).

We use Multitrack Processing to process FOIA requests. The Simple track is
for requests that can be processed in one to five workdays. The
Normal track is for requests that can be processed in six to twenty
workdays. The Complex track is for requests that can be processed in
twenty-one to sixty workdays. The Exceptional/Voluminous track is
for requests requiring more than sixty workdays for processing. The
Expedited track is for requests that have been granted expedited
processing. Within each track, requests are usually processed on a
first-in, first-out basis.

This request falls into the *Complex *track.

If you have any questions, please contact us at or
202-912-7650. Thank you for your interest in public lands and in programs
and activities of the BLM.

[image: Inline image 1]
Washington Office FOIA Coordinators
Bureau of Land Management
Phone: 202-912-7650
Fax: 202-245-0027
* <>*

From: Bureau of Land Management

This email is in regards to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request
dated May 20, 2019. The BLM acknowledges receipt and has assigned the FOIA
number NM 2019-048/BLM 2019-00893. Please reference that number when
corresponding about the request.

Please accept our sincere apologies for not responding to your FOIA in a
timely manner. The FOIA Officer (Sarah Westenberg) for the State of New
Mexico has moved on, therefore, leaving the position vacant. We are in the
process of filling the position and hope to get FOIAs back on track as soon
as possible.

Thank you

Marietta Esquibel
State Records Administrator
Bureau of Land Management
New Mexico State Office (NMSO)
(505) 954-2130

From: Nicholas Marritz

Dear Ms. Esquibel,

Thank you for your message, and I hope that you are able to fill your State FOIA Officer position soon. Also, I'd appreciate it if you could help me clarify something: I submitted my FOIA request to BLM's main office, not the New Mexico State office. I'm not surprised that they forwarded my request to you, as I understand that the Seymour Antelope character was developed by BLM New Mexico. But it's also my understanding that around 2010, BLM started using the character nationwide. So I'd imagine that BLM's main office (and perhaps other state or regional offices) might have Seymour-related records as well.

Do you know if any other BLM offices are searching for responsive records as well, or does the agency only intend to search the New Mexico office? Any clarification you can give me would be most appreciated.

My thanks,

Nick Marritz



Please accept our sincere apologies for not responding to your FOIAs in a timely manner.  The FOIA Officer (Sarah Westenberg) for the State of New Mexico has moved on, therefore, leaving the position vacant.  We are in the process of filling the position and hope to get FOIAs back on track as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact Marietta Esquibel, State Records Administrator and she will provide as much guidance as possible.  She may be reached at
Clarisa Gallegos
Acting Administrative Officer


Marietta Esquibel
State Records Administrator
Bureau of Land Management
New Mexico State Office (NMSO)
(505) 954-2130

From: Bureau of Land Management

Good afternoon Mr. Marritz,

Yes; the request did come to the New Mexico (NM) State Office from the
Washington Office (WO). The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) mascot was
developed in NM,
but not sure when other states began using Seymour as their mascot.

It would be best if you contacted the WO to see if they distributed the
request nationwide.

Hope that helps.

Marietta Esquibel
State Records Administrator
Bureau of Land Management
New Mexico State Office (NMSO)
(505) 954-2130

From: Nicholas Marritz

Dear BLM Washington Office,

I'm writing with regards to my FOIA request #2019-00745 seeking records about the Seymour Antelope mascot. I'd appreciate it if you could help me clarify something: I submitted my FOIA request to BLM's main office, but it looks like the request was forwarded to the New Mexico State office. I'm not surprised, as I understand that the Seymour Antelope character was developed by BLM New Mexico. But it's also my understanding that around 2010, BLM started using the character nationwide. So I'd imagine that BLM's main office (and perhaps other state or regional offices) might have Seymour-related records as well. Are other BLM offices are searching for responsive records, or just the New Mexico office? Any clarification you can give me would be most appreciated.

Also, it looks like the BLM New Mexico office recently lost its FOIA officer, Sarah Westenberg. How is BLM New Mexico processing FOIA requests in her absence?

My sincere thanks as always,

Nick Marritz

From: Bureau of Land Management

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Bureau of Land Management

A cover letter granting the request and outlining any exempted materials, if any.

From: Nicholas Marritz

Thank you so much for all your work on this request. These documents are great! I really appreciate it.

Nicholas Marritz

From: Bureau of Land Management

Good Afternoon,
This letter acknowledges your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated and received in our office May 20, 2019. Your request has been logged in under control number 2019-000865. Please use this control number in all subsequent correspondence concerning your request.
In your letter you have requested the following:
No date given: All records related to BLM's mascot, Seymour Antelope.
In the interim, we have classified you as a Other requester. As such, we may charge you for some of our duplication costs, but we will not charge you for our search and review costs; you are also entitled to up to 2 hours of search time and 100 pages of photocopies (or an equivalent volume) for free. See 43 C.F.R. § 2.39. If, after taking into consideration your fee category entitlements, our processing costs are less than $50.00, we will not bill you because the cost of collection would be greater than the fee collected. See 43 C.F.R. § 2.49(a)(1)
We use Multitrack Processing to process FOIA requests. The Simple track is for requests that can be processed in one to five workdays. The Normal track is for requests that can be processed in six to twenty workdays. The Complex track is for requests that can be processed in twenty-one to sixty workdays. The Exceptional/Voluminous track is for requests requiring more than sixty workdays for processing. The Expedited track is for requests that have been granted expedited processing. Within each track, requests are usually processed on a first-in, first-out basis.
This request falls into the Complex track.
If you have any questions, please contact us at or 202-912-7650. Thank you for your interest in public lands and in programs and activities of the BLM.
Thank you,
Washington Office FOIA Coordinators
Bureau of Land Management
Phone: 202-912-7650
Fax: 202-245-0027 (

From: Bureau of Land Management

Dear Mr. Marritz,

As part of the Department of Interior's (DOI) FOIA Support Team (FST) deployed to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to assist with processing FOIA requests in BLM's HQ backlog, we have been reviewing the status of the open FOIA requests filed on or before December 31, 2023, excluding requests in litigation. During this process, we reviewed your open FOIA case that you filed with the BLM.

On May 20, 2019, you requested:

All records related to BLM's mascot, Seymour Antelope. These would include (but are not limited to) all communications and documents related to the development of, use of, and public reception to the Seymour Antelope costume and character.

Upon review, it looks like an identical request, request no. DOI-BLM-2019-007041, provided responsive documents to this request. Can you kindly advise whether the documents provided in the release for DOI-BLM-2019-007041 satisfied your request that is still open as request no. DOI-BLM-2019-000865 / BLM-2019-00745? If so, we are happy to assist in closing out request no. DOI-BLM-2019-000865 / BLM-2019-00745 in FOIAXpress.

As background, the BLM is experiencing a backlog of FOIA requests that has impacted our ability to process this request. Please know that the BLM’s management is very committed to providing responses to FOIA requests and remedying the FOIA backlog.
If we do not receive a response from you within 30 workdays, we will presume you are no longer interested in pursuing the request and will administratively close it.


From: Nicholas Marritz

Dear BLM:

Thank you for your message. The documents provided in the release for DOI-BLM-2019-007041 satisfied my request that is still open as request no. DOI-BLM-2019-000865 / BLM-2019-00745. I am not sure why there are duplicate requests. You may close the open requests.


Nicholas Marritz


