SF-716 2001-2017 (National Archives and Records Administration)

Emma North-Best filed this request with the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States of America.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #

2019-FPRO-01014, 19-00045, 2019-DA-06484-F

2019-FPRO-01014, 19-00045




2019-FPIS-00033, 19-F-0213


2019-FPIS-00024, 869492, 19-F-0213, 19-00005-GOVT

2019-FPIS-00024, 869492, 19-F-0213

2019-FPIS-00024, 869492


2019-FPIS-00024, DOJ-2019-000702



NARA-NGC-2018-000692, NRC-2019-000079

NARA-NGC-2018-000692, NRC-2019-000079, 19-F-0213

NARA-NGC-2018-000692, NRC-2019-000079


Multi Request SF-716 2001-2017


From: Emma North-Best

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

Copies of all drafted, submitted or received SF-716 forms (https://www.archives.gov/files/isoo/security-forms/sf716.pdf) produced from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2017. SF-716 forms are filed annually and may also be identified as Agency Security Classification Costs Estimates.

I am a member of the news media and request classification as such. I have previously written about the government and its activities, with some reaching over 100,000 readers. As such, as I have a reasonable expectation of publication and my editorial and writing skills are well established. In addition, I discuss and comment on the files online and make them available through non-profits such as the Internet Archive and MuckRock, disseminating them to a large audience.

Case law states that “proof of the ability to disseminate the released information to a broad cross- section of the public is not required.” Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Dep’t of Justice, 365 F.3d 1108, 1126 (D.C. Cir. 2004); see Carney v. U.S. Dep’t of Justice, 19 F.3d 807, 814-15 (2d Cir. 1994). Courts have held that "qualified because it also had “firm” plans to “publish a number of . . . ‘document sets’” concerning United States foreign and national security policy." Under this criteria, as well, I qualify as a member of the news media.

Additionally, courts have held that the news media status "focuses on the nature of the requester, not its request. The provision requires that the request be “made by” a representative of the news media. Id. § 552(a)(4)(A)(ii)(II). A newspaper reporter, for example, is a representative of the news media regardless of how much interest there is in the story for which he or she is requesting information." As such, the details of the request are moot for the purposes of determining the fee category.

As my primary purpose is to inform about government activities by reporting on it and making the raw data available, I request that fees be waived.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Emma Best

From: National Archives and Records Administration

This message is to confirm your request submission to the FOIAonline application: View Request. Request information is as follows: (https://foiaonline.regulations.gov:443/foia/action/public/view/request?objectId=090004d2819b3bae)
* Tracking Number: NARA-NGC-2018-000692
* Requester Name: Emma Best
* Date Submitted: 07/02/2018
* Request Status: Submitted
* Description: Copies of all drafted, submitted or received SF-716 forms (https://www.archives.gov/files/isoo/security-forms/sf716.pdf) produced from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2017. SF-716 forms are filed annually and may also be identified as Agency Security Classification Costs Estimates.

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Your request for Fee Waiver for the FOIA request NARA-NGC-2018-000692 has been fully granted. Additional details for this request are as follows:
* Request Created on: 07/02/2018
* Fee Waiver Disposition Reason: N/A
* Request Long Description: Copies of all drafted, submitted or received SF-716 forms (https://www.archives.gov/files/isoo/security-forms/sf716.pdf) produced from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2017. SF-716 forms are filed annually and may also be identified as Agency Security Classification Costs Estimates.

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Sent via FOIAOnline
July 31, 2018
Emma Best MuckRock News
DEPT MR 56712
411A Highland Ave.
Somerville, MA 02144
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC18-367
Dear Ms. Best:
We received your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted via FOIAonline on July 2, 2018. We have assigned your request internal tracking number NGC18-367, and FOIAOnline tracking number NARA-NGC-2018-000692. You requested SF-716 forms submitted to NARA from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2017.
Your request falls within one of the “unusual circumstances” categories contemplated by the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552 §§ (a) (6) (B) (iii) (II) and (III) due to the volume of records requested, and the need to consult with other agencies that may have an interest in the request. We need additional time to respond to your request beyond the twenty business days provided by the FOIA statute.
To enable us to respond more quickly to you, you do have the option to reformulate your request to reduce the amount of time required to complete our review, or to arrange an alternative time frame for the processing of this request.
We regret the necessity of this delay, but assure you that your request will be processed as soon as possible. If you have any questions you may contact me. You may also contact our FOIA Public Liaison, Gary M. Stern for assistance at 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6002, 301-837-1750, Garym.Stern@nara.gov.
Susan Gillett Government Information Specialist
Office of General Counsel
Tel: 301-837-3409
Email: susan.gillett@nara.gov

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Greetings Ms. Best -

USAID is in receipt of a FOIA referral for direct reply from the National
Archives and Records Administration (NARA), NARA FOIA Tracking No.
NGC18-367. The referral concerns your July 2, 2018 FOIA request to NARA
for copies of all drafted, submitted or received SF-716 forms produced from
January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2017. SF-716 forms are filed annually
and may also be identified as Agency Security Classification Costs

On September 28, 2018, NARA provided you with its final release
determination. In its response, NARA indicated that it located records
that belong to other Federal agencies, and as a result those records were
being forwarded to those agencies for review and direct response to you.
USAID is one of those agencies.

This FOIA referral for direct reply is assigned to Jermaine Cathcart, FOIA
Specialist. You may reach Jermaine by phone (202-712-4186) or by email (

Thank you.


*Alecia S. Sillah *
*Team Lead, FOIA Specialist*
*USAID - US Agency for International Development *
*Bureau for Management, Office of Management Services, Information and
Records Division (M/MS/IRD) | **RRB - 2.07C - **Washington, DC 20523
| **Direct:
(202) 712-1371 | asillah@usaid.gov <asillah@usaid.gov>*

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Dear Ms. Best,

Please find attached the final response letter with responsive records for
FOIA request OS-2019-00095.

Department of the Interior
Office of the Secretary, FOIA Office
1849 C Street, NW, MS-7328
Washington, D.C. 20240
(202) 513-0765 - phone
(202) 219-2374 - fax

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Good Morning,

The Department of the Treasury is in receipt of a referral of records from the National Security Archive you submitted to them for processing.

Thank you,


From: National Archives and Records Administration


From: National Archives and Records Administration

The request has been forwarded from one agency to another agency or department for further review or follow up.

From: National Archives and Records Administration

The request has been forwarded from one agency to another agency or department for further review or follow up.


Ms. Best,
Attached is a letter pertaining to your Freedom of Information Act request referred to our office from NARA.
Thank you, Tiffanie Woodland FOIA Analyst foia@uspis.gov 202-268-7004

  • Freedom of Information Act Request Acknowledgement - Referrals

From: National Archives and Records Administration

This message is to confirm your request submission to the FOIAonline application: View Request. Request information is as follows: (https://www.foiaonline.gov/foiaonline/action/public/submissionDetails?trackingNumber=NRC-2019-000079&type=request)
* Tracking Number: NRC-2019-000079
* Requester Name: Emma Best
* Date Submitted: 10/25/2018
* Request Status: Submitted
* Description: Copies of all drafted, submitted or received SF-716 forms (https://www.archives.gov/files/isoo/security-forms/sf716.pdf) produced from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2017. SF-716 forms are filed annually and may also be identified as Agency Security Classification Costs Estimates

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Dear Ms. Best:

This e-mail acknowledges receipt, by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Departmental FOIA Office (DFO), of the October 23, 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) referral to the DFO from the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), pertaining to your attached July 2, 2018 FOIA request seeking SF-716 records.

The DFO is under the purview of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) and serves as the focal point for USDA's FOIA program. The DFO provides coordination and ensures agency-wide compliance with the FOIA. Additionally, the DFO processes requests and appeals on behalf of the Office of the Secretary and Departmental Administration's (DA) components (previously Departmental Management). For a complete listing of DA's components, please visit http://www.dm.usda.gov/agencies.htm.

Following a review of the responsive records referred to DFO by NARA, the DFO determined that the responsive records contain equities of the USDA Office of the Inspector General (OIG). The DFO is referring those records to OIG for processing and direct response to you. For your reference, NARA's September 28, 2018 response letter to you regarding your July 2, 2018 request is attached. In the event you have questions regarding the processing of the responsive records, please contact the OIG FOIA Officer:

Alison Decker
FOIA Officer
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 441-E Whitten Building
Mail Stop 2308
Washington, DC 20250
Tel. 202-720-5677
Fax 202-690-6305
Email: FOIAStaff@org.usda.gov

For additional information regarding USDA FOIA regulations and frequently requested records, please visit the USDA FOIA homepage at www.dm.usda.gov/foia<http://www.dm.usda.gov/foia>. There you can access our Public Access Link (PAL). Once registered, PAL allows you to: 1) submit a FOIA request to any of our 20 USDA component agencies electronically; 2) check the status of your FOIA request; and 3) download responsive records as they become available.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this email, please contact Kathleen Drohan at (202) 694-1802, kathleen.drohan@ocio.usda.gov<mailto:kathleen.drohan@ocio.usda.gov>, USDAFOIA@ocio.usda.gov<mailto:USDAFOIA@ocio.usda.gov>.

The DFO Team appreciates the opportunity to assist you.


Kathleen Drohan, on behalf of the DFO

Kathleen Drohan
FOIA Analyst (Contractor)
United States Department of Agriculture
Departmental FOIA Office
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Room 4105
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington DC 20250
Telephone: (202) 694-1802
Email: Kathleen.Drohan@usda.gov

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Greetings Ms. Best,

Please be advised that this request has been placed in the "Media" category. The NRC attempts to ensure that the fee category is correct for every FOIA request. At you earliest opportunity, please verify that this request is correctly categorized as Media.

Also, attached please find your Acknowledgment letter signed by Stephanie Blaney, FOIA Officer. No hard copy to follow. If you are unable to open the document, please let us know by return email (FOIA.Resource@nrc.gov<mailto:FOIA.Resource@nrc.gov>) or call 301-415-7169.

If you are interested in receiving information from the NRC FOIA program, subscribe to our distribution list<https://service.govdelivery.com/accounts/USNRC/subscriber/new>.

Thank you for your interest in the NRC.

Ruthanne Murray
Government Information Specialist
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Governance & Enterprise Management Services Division
Information Services Branch
Location: T8-A11
Mail Stop: T8-D36M
Phone: 301-415-1215
"When life hands you lemons, chuck 'em back and demand CHOCOLATE"

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Dear Emma Best,
Your request has been received by the OSD/JS FOIA Requester Service Center. The request has been assigned tracking # '19-F-0213', please log into your account and review your submission.
The application address is https://pal.whs.mil.
Thank you,
OSD/JS FOIA Requester Service Center

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Good afternoon, Ms. Best:

Attached is the acknowledgment letter for the referral from the National Archives and Records Administration of your July 2, 2018 FOIA request.

Office of the Chief Information Officer
Freedom of Information Act
Requester Service Center
Telephone: (202) 606-3642
E-mail: FOIA@opm.gov<mailto:FOIA@opm.gov>


Ms. Best,
This is an Acknowledgement letter regarding your Freedom of Information Act request.
Thank you,
Melissa Figueroa

From: National Archives and Records Administration

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: National Archives and Records Administration

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Ms. Best,

Attached please find a response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that you filed with the National Archives and Records Administration that was referred to the Federal Communications Commission, FOIA Control NO. NARA-NGC-2018-367.

Ryan Yates
Attorney Advisor
Federal Communications Commission
Office of General Counsel

From: National Archives and Records Administration

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: University of Cincinnati

Lennell Jackson (lennell.jackson@exim.gov) has sent you a file:

201900002R Responsive Records.pdf [https://app.box.com/link/?lp=WJ5BVLqok-584Q_6dhM94u-YZbctHuudYH0OcsI1A53u3Svk87BVyJrcy8MhleW-78103mjFvCXb5EfEtoIIPRtyNUXNuErcmvvSfHh7KyuN3Fhh-rqnQzyZMC2TuU4Q8TUI7m7NFDrozp3dyTZfoJdo2nfPml6QxVLbsqfMx9whr5ZAFPZqAfVWdbF8oGRLvQPpN_n1gyIMFx__JaPJOp6nFvL81LmJFiIIcpHt3X0TCifKrzS4CrErNz4xk1J6YBgKoGQqdSicFHb0mXxyF9dueCK3RqL1EER5Olicv8wX41pMDEYSNZqOivaGOPJm5PwTiL8sw5fu1_6LxrtPiCwi9LnU3QmyGGfSHyzPPXUMSSX9gpG-V1e_W4Bs6KnQgwVFyUWvgozBWQTREyfjR5GVdJ0xiAGyyHht2qol&a=click&tt=ItemLink&ru=oCdj0KO-e5dSMqaSQqQXM1CTzA6CzfwFDop2LXTWPoJP-aJD7CCmcy2LKIFCV9e1Bge1porFyAgKYHPhkiErxBoffkHodCV6xut-2WroptQifxo7F63MglHBjy4X7QccdQF6AwaJgCfig9Q2DEmCGEBgecm1VMXL5iBs5pA.]
View [https://app.box.com/link/?lp=WJ5BVLqok-584Q_6dhM94u-YZbctHuudYH0OcsI1A53u3Svk87BVyJrcy8MhleW-78103mjFvCXb5EfEtoIIPRtyNUXNuErcmvvSfHh7KyuN3Fhh-rqnQzyZMC2TuU4Q8TUI7m7NFDrozp3dyTZfoJdo2nfPml6QxVLbsqfMx9whr5ZAFPZqAfVWdbF8oGRLvQPpN_n1gyIMFx__JaPJOp6nFvL81LmJFiIIcpHt3X0TCifKrzS4CrErNz4xk1J6YBgKoGQqdSicFHb0mXxyF9dueCK3RqL1EER5Olicv8wX41pMDEYSNZqOivaGOPJm5PwTiL8sw5fu1_6LxrtPiCwi9LnU3QmyGGfSHyzPPXUMSSX9gpG-V1e_W4Bs6KnQgwVFyUWvgozBWQTREyfjR5GVdJ0xiAGyyHht2qol&a=click&tt=ItemLink&ru=oCdj0KO-e5dSMqaSQqQXM1CTzA6CzfwFDop2LXTWPoJP-aJD7CCmcy2LKIFCV9e1Bge1porFyAgKYHPhkiErxBoffkHodCV6xut-2WroptQifxo7F63MglHBjy4X7QccdQF6AwaJgCfig9Q2DEmCGEBgecm1VMXL5iBs5pA.]

"I'd like to share my file with you on Box.

- Lennell Jackson"

View File [https://app.box.com/link/?lp=WJ5BVLqok-584Q_6dhM94u-YZbctHuudYH0OcsI1A53u3Svk87BVyJrcy8MhleW-78103mjFvCXb5EfEtoIIPRtyNUXNuErcmvvSfHh7KyuN3Fhh-rqnQzyZMC2TuU4Q8TUI7m7NFDrozp3dyTZfoJdo2nfPml6QxVLbsqfMx9whr5ZAFPZqAfVWdbF8oGRLvQPpN_n1gyIMFx__JaPJOp6nFvL81LmJFiIIcpHt3X0TCifKrzS4CrErNz4xk1J6YBgKoGQqdSicFHb0mXxyF9dueCK3RqL1EER5Olicv8wX41pMDEYSNZqOivaGOPJm5PwTiL8sw5fu1_6LxrtPiCwi9LnU3QmyGGfSHyzPPXUMSSX9gpG-V1e_W4Bs6KnQgwVFyUWvgozBWQTREyfjR5GVdJ0xiAGyyHht2qol&a=click&tt=ItemLink&ru=oCdj0KO-e5dSMqaSQqQXM1CTzA6CzfwFDop2LXTWPoJP-aJD7CCmcy2LKIFCV9e1Bge1porFyAgKYHPhkiErxBoffkHodCV6xut-2WroptQifxo7F63MglHBjy4X7QccdQF6AwaJgCfig9Q2DEmCGEBgecm1VMXL5iBs5pA.]

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From: National Archives and Records Administration

Dear Ms. Best:

The is the final response of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) in regard to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the National Archives (NARA), FOIA Request # NGC18-367 that was transferred to our office.

Attached is the final response letter. The responsive documents can be accessed at the following link: https://app.box.com/s/4xdxxab2rzab0qrt6oxzff5jkqckfp5f.

If you have any questions about this request, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.


Lennell C. Jackson
FOIA Public Liaison
Export-Import Bank of the United States
(202) 565-3290

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Dear Ms. Best:

This is in reference to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request FOIAOnline tracking number NARA-NGC-2018-000692 filed with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) seeking copies of all drafted, submitted or received SF-716 forms produced from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2017. NARA referred the attached responsive documents to the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC/Commission), on October 23, 2018. NARA has asked us to respond directly to you regarding this document. This referral has been assigned FMC FOIA number 19-003.

The referred documents are attached and being provided in full.

With this response, we will consider your request closed. There will be no charge for responding to your FOIA request. When corresponding with the Commission regarding this FOIA request, please refer to the assigned FMC FOIA number provided above. Administrative appeals should be submitted to the Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission pursuant to 46 C.F.R. §503.32<http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=9109e9d6d5bedc9383fae368c74ea2a9&mc=true&node=pt46.9.503&rgn=div5#se46.9.503_132>.

Feel free to contact Linda Hale of my staff or me at 202-523-5725<tel:202-523-5725> if you have any questions regarding this response. All other questions regarding this FOIA request should be directed to NARA.

Rachel E. Dickon
Secretary/FOIA Public Liaison
Federal Maritime Commission

The Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) offers mediation services to resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal agencies as a non-exclusive alternative to litigation. Using OGIS services does not affect your right to pursue litigation.


Good Afternoon Ms. Best,

Please find attach the interim response to your FOIA request 19-F-0213.

Thank you!

Claudia Cisneros | FOIA Analyst
ODS/JS Office of Freedom of Information
O: (571) 372 - 0428
E: Claudia.Cisneros2.ctr@mail.mil

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Attached is this Office's response to the above-referenced request.

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Attached is this Office's response to the above-referenced request.

From: National Archives and Records Administration



From: National Archives and Records Administration

November 21, 2018

Ms. Emma Best
MuckRock News
Department MR 56712
411A Highland Avenue
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144-2516

Sent via E-mail to requests@muckrock.com

RE: Freedom of Information Act Acknowledgment Letter
FOIA Tracking Number SOL-FOIA-F2018-869492 - Subject: Copies of all drafted, submitted or received SF-716 Forms between
January 2001 to November 2018.

Dear Ms. Best:

The National Archives and Records Administration referred your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request made under FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552, dated July 2, 2018, to the Department of Labor (DOL) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (OASAM) National Office, and asked us to respond directly to you. Specifically, you requested copies of all drafted, submitted or received SF-716 Forms between January 2001 to November 2018.

The OASAM National Office will process your request pursuant to FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Additionally, your FOIA request has been assigned the FOIA tracking number above. You may use the FOIA tracking number to check the status of your request on DOL's FOIA Public Portal. Please refer to this number in any future correspondences about your request.

For your information, we have attached a signed copy of the acknowledgment letter.

We hope this information has been helpful.


Stacey C. Thompson
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management
Disclosure Officer


From: National Archives and Records Administration

November 21, 2018

Ms. Emma Best
MuckRock News
Department MR 56712
411A Highland Avenue
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144-2516

Sent via E-mail to requests@muckrock.com

RE: Freedom of Information Act Response Letter
FOIA Tracking Number SOL-FOIA-F2018-869492

Dear Ms. Best:

The National Archives and Records Administration referred your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request made under FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552, dated July 2, 2018, to the Department of Labor Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management National Office, and asked us to respond directly to you. Specifically, you requested copies of all drafted, submitted or received SF-716 Forms between January 2001 to November 2018.

For your information, we have attached a signed copy of the response letter, and the responsive documents.

We hope this information has been helpful.


Stacey C. Thompson
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management
Disclosure Officer


From: National Archives and Records Administration

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: National Archives and Records Administration


Good Afternoon Ms. Best,

Please find attach the final response to your FOIA request 19-F-0213.

Thank you!

Claudia Cisneros | FOIA Analyst
ODS/JS Office of Freedom of Information
O: (571) 372 - 0428
E: Claudia.Cisneros2.ctr@mail.mil

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Please see the attached response.


Sonja Osborne
FOIA Lead Research Specialist
Office of FOIA Services
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street N.E.
Washington, DC 20549
Phone | 202.551.8371

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Ms. Best,

Attached, please find your initial FOIA requests with NARA, a final response letter from the PCLOB, and redacted responsive records. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.


Annan Mortensen
Attorney Advisor
Privacy & Civil Liberties Oversight Board
(202) 296-2706
S: 934-2289

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Dear Ms. Best:

We are pleased to inform you that we have completed work on the above-referenced FOIA request. In addition to posting the response to FOIA Online, which should be available to you (and the general public) within a few hours, and ultimately into public ADAMS, we have attached a copy of the final response to this email.

Please take a moment to help us improve our FOIA processes, and let us know what your experience has been. Just click on this embedded link: http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/foia/foia-user-survey.html. Once you have completed the survey, (Note: You will need Adobe Reader in order to complete the survey online. If you do not already have Adobe Reader, you may download it for free at https://get.adobe.com/reader/. just click the "SUBMIT" button and your survey response will be returned to us.

Thank you for your patience.

Scott David Britt
Senior FOIA Analyst (Qual X Contractor)
OCIO/GEMS/Information Services Branch
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Mail Stop T-6A60
Rockville, Maryland 20555-0001
Telephone #: (301) 348-5764

From: National Archives and Records Administration

NRC-2019-000079 has been processed with the following final disposition: Full Grant


Dear Emma Best,
The password to open the responsive records delivered in a separate email for 2019-HQFO-00088 is listed below. If you do not receive the email containing the responsive documents within a reasonable timeframe please contact our office at .
Document Password: 6W97rcxH
US DHS Privacy Office


Good Afternoon, Attached is our final response to your request.  If you need to contact this office again concerning your request, please provide the DHS reference number. This will enable us to quickly retrieve the information you are seeking and reduce our response time. This office can be reached at 866-431-0486. Regards, DHS Privacy Office
Disclosure & FOIA Program
STOP 0655
Department of Homeland Security
245 Murray Drive, SW
Washington, DC 20528-0655
Telephone:  1-866-431-0486 or 202-343-1743
Fax:  202-343-4011
Visit our FOIA website

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Dear Emma Best,

Your request has been received by the OSD/JS FOIA Requester Service Center. The request has been assigned tracking # '19-F-0915'. Please log into your account and review your submission.

The application address is https://pal.whs.mil.

Thank you,
OSD/JS FOIA Requester Service Center

From: National Archives and Records Administration

EPA-HQ-2019-000663 has been processed with the following final disposition: Partial Grant/Partial Denial

From: National Archives and Records Administration


Attached, you will find a final response to your FOIA request which was referred to our office from NARA.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Chanel Diggs
FOIA/PA Specialist

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Dear Ms. Best,
Please see the attached final response to your subject FOIA request with USAID.
Thank you, Jermaine Cathcart Government Information Specialist (FOIA) US AID - US Agency for International Development Bureau for Management (M), Office of Management Services (MS), Information and Records Division (IRD) - M/MS/IRD | RRB - 2.07C - Washington, DC  20523 Direct: (202) 712-4186 | Email: jcathcart@usaid.gov (mailto:jcathcart@usaid.gov)

From: National Archives and Records Administration

An acknowledgement letter, stating the request is being processed.

From: National Archives and Records Administration

The request has been forwarded from one agency to another agency or department for further review or follow up.

From: National Archives and Records Administration

An acknowledgement letter, stating the request is being processed.

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Dear Ms. Best,

Attached is the National Science Foundation's response to the National Archives and Records Administration's Freedom of Information Act referral, NARA-NGC-2018-000692, NGC 18-367. Should you have any questions regarding this response, please contact me.


Justin Guz

Justin Guz
Government Information Specialist
Office of the General Counsel
National Science Foundation
2415 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Telephone: 703-292-2289
E-mail: foia@nsf.gov<mailto:foia@nsf.gov>


Dear Ms. Best:

The attached letter responds to your FOIA request 19-00045.



From: National Archives and Records Administration

Good Morning Ms. Best,

Please find attached the final response letter and records responsive to the above-referenced FOIA request.


Stephanie Ostrowski, Esq.
FOIA Analyst
Departmental FOIA Office
Office of the Chief Information Officer
US Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., SW, Room 4105
Washington, DC 20250
☎ 202-205-9548

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.

From: Department of Treasury

Good afternoon Ms. Best ...

Attached is the final response from the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the National Archives and Records Administration dated July 2, 2018, seeking "[c]opies of all drafted, submitted or received SF-716 forms (https://www.archives.gov/files/isoo/security-forms/sf716.pdf) produced from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2017." Your FOIA request was assigned Departmental Office's Case #2018-10-171 in Treasury's FOIA case tracking system.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on the mobile number listed below.

Karen Edwards
FOIA Analyst
U.S. Department of the Treasury
FOIA and Transparency
Privacy, Transparency, and Records
Telephone: 202 927-8989 (office)
Telephone: 202 339-7604 (mobile)

  • 9.24.2021_2018-10-171_Responsive Doc Set_Final_Redacted Copy_Redacted

  • 2018-10-171_Final Response Letter_Final Copy_Signed



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