State Department Passport Adjudication Policy

Hassan Ahmad filed this request with the U.S. Department of State of the United States of America.
Tracking #



From: Hassan Ahmad

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

Any and all documents, emails, internal memos, external memos, cables, correspondences, directives, or any other media dated January 20, 2017 to the present containing any of the following words:

1. "passport adjudication" or "adjudication of passports"
2. "birth certificate"
3. "fraudulent"
4. "citizenship fraud"
5. "border"
6. "midwife" or "midwives"

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Hassan Ahmad

From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Mr. Ahmad,

This is in reference to your inquiry regarding the status of your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case control number F-2018-06650. The Office of Information Programs and Services (IPS) electronic records system indicates that your request is pending processing. You will be notified of the Department's search and review effort in response to this request as soon as it becomes available.

The Department processes FOIA and Privacy Act requests on a first-in, first-out basis, and currently has a backlog of approximately 10,700 cases. As a result, there is presently a delay in the completion of FOIA and Privacy Act requests.

If you have further concerns or any questions regarding any FOIA-related matter, please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center (FRSC) at (202) 261-8484, or fax us at (202) 261-8579 or send an e-mail to<>.


U.S. Department of State

FOIA Requester Service Center

(202) 261-8484<>

Official - Transitory

From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Mr. Ahmad,

This is in reference to your email below. The Office of Information Programs and Services will soon provide you with a status update on your FOIA case control number F-2018-06650.

If you have further concerns or any questions regarding any FOIA-related matter, please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center (FRSC) at (202) 261-8484, or fax us at (202) 261-8579 or send an e-mail to<>.


U.S. Department of State

FOIA Requester Service Center

(202) 261-8484<>

From: U.S. Department of State

Mr. Ahmad,

This is in response to your email below regarding the status of FOIA Case Control Number F-2018-06650. The Office of Information Programs and Services electronic records system indicates that your request remains in process. You will be notified of the Department's search and review efforts in response to this request as soon as that information becomes available.

We appreciate your continued patience.

If you have further concerns or any questions regarding any FOIA-related matter, please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center (FRSC) at 202-261-8484 or send an e-mail to<>.
Katrina Wood
U.S. Department of State
FOIA Requester Service Center

From: U.S. Department of State

Mr. Ahmad,

This is in response to your email below concerning your FOIA case control number F-2018-06650.

Your request is in process. We will soon follow-up with your regarding request for an estimated date of completion in this case.
Please note that the Department currently has a backlog of approximately 11,000 cases. As the Department continues to work through its backlog, it is mindful of its accountability to the public.
We truly appreciate your continued patience.
If you have further concerns or any questions regarding any FOIA-related matter, please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center (FRSC) at 202-261-8484 or send an e-mail to<>.
Katrina Wood
U.S. Department of State
FOIA Requester Service Center

From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Hassan Ahmad,

This is in response to your e-mail below concerning your Freedom of Information Act case control number F-2018-06650.

Your request is in process. We will soon follow-up with you regarding your request for an estimated date of completion in this case.

Please note that the Department currently has a backlog of approximately 11,000 cases. As the Department continues to work through its backlog, it is mindful of its accountability to the public.

We truly appreciate your continued patience.

If you have further concerns or any questions regarding any FOIA-related matter, please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center (FRSC) at 202-261-8484 or send an e-mail to<>.

U.S. Department of State
FOIA Requester Service Center

From: U.S. Department of State

Mr. Ahmad,

This is in response to your email below concerning your FOIA case control number F-2018-06650.

Your request is in process. We will soon follow-up with you regarding your request for an estimated date of completion in this case.

Please note that the Department currently has a backlog of approximately 11,000 cases. As the Department continues to work through its backlog, it is mindful of its accountability to the public.

We truly appreciate your continued patience.

If you have further concerns or any questions regarding any FOIA-related matter, please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center (FRSC) at 202-261-8484 or send an e-mail to<>.
U.S. Department of State
FOIA Requester Service Center

From: U.S. Department of State

Mr. Ahmad,

This is in response to your email below concerning your FOIA case control number F-2018-06650

Your request is still in process. We will follow-up with our colleagues about your request for an estimated date of completion in this case.

We truly appreciate your continued patience.

If you have further concerns or any questions regarding any FOIA-related matter, please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center (FRSC) at 202-261-8484 or send an e-mail to<>
Katrina M. Wood
U.S. Department of State
FOIA Requester Service

From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Mr. Ahmad,

This is in reference to your email below regarding the status of FOIA Case Control Number F-2018-06650. Your request is being processed. We will follow-up with you regarding your request for an estimated date of completion in this case as soon as it becomes available.

If you have any questions, please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center (FRSC) at (202) 261-8484, or fax us at (202) 261-8579 or send an e-mail to


U.S. Department of State

FOIA Requester Service Center

From: U.S. Department of State

Please disregard this email. It was sent in error

Official - Transitory

From: Hassan Ahmad

Where can I get an estimate on processing time remaining (estimated?) Has a date been set?

From: U.S. Department of State

Mr. Ahmad,

This is response to your email concerning your FOIA case control number F-2018-06650.

Your request is in process. We will follow-up with our colleagues about your request for an estimated date of completion in this case.

We truly appreciate your continued patience.

If you have further concerns or any questions regarding any FOIA-related matter, please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center (FRSC) at 202-261-8484 or send an e-mail to<>
Katrina M. Wood
U.S. Department of State
FOIA Requester Service Center

From: U.S. Department of State


This is the wrong email address for an FOIA status checks please send all FOIA status checks to<>. to properly be addressed therefore everything will be deleted from<>.

From: U.S. Department of State

**THIS EMAIL BOX IS NOT MONITORED, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL.** Mr.Ahmad: This email responds to yourAugust 30, 2018, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. § 552) request received by the U.S. Department of State,Office of Information Programs and Services on August 30, 2018, regarding any and all documents, emails, cables or correspondences containing the following words: passport adjudication, birth certificate, fraudulent, citizenship fraud, border midwife or midwives. This Office assigned your request the subject reference number. This Office denies your request, as currently written, because itdoes not reasonably describe the records sought. request mustreasonably describe the Department records that are sought to enable Departmentpersonnel to begin a search for responsive records. Such details may include the subject,timeframe, names of any individuals involved, a contract number (ifapplicable), and reasons why the requester believes the Department may haverecords regarding the subject of the request. See 22 CFR 171.4(b). If you are not satisfied with thisOffice’s determination in response to your request, you may administrativelyappeal to: Appeals Officer, Appeals Review Panel, Office of InformationPrograms and Services, U.S. Department of State, 2201 C Street, NW, Suite B266,Washington, D.C. 20520; or facsimile at 202-485-1718. Your appeal must be postmarked orelectronically transmitted within 90 days of the date of this email. If you have any questionsregarding your request, please contact our FOIA Requester Service Center or ourFOIA Public Liaison by email at or telephone at 202-261-8484. Additionally, youmay contact the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at theNational Archives and Records Administration to inquire about the FOIAmediation services they offer. Thecontact information for OGIS is as follows: Office of Government InformationServices, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS,College Park, Maryland 20740-6001, email at; telephone at202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at 202-741-5769. Sincerely, /s/ Nicholas J. Cormier Chief, Requester Communications Branch Office of Information Programs and Services **THIS EMAIL BOX IS NOT MONITORED, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL.**