U.S. Space Force Logo Draft Designs (Air Force)

CJ Ciaramella filed this request with the Air Force of the United States of America.
Tracking #


Multi Request U.S. Space Force Logo Draft Designs

From: CJ Ciaramella

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

- all draft or alternate design for the United States Space Force logo that were submitted for consideration to Air Force or Space Force officials.
- Any comments or feedback accompanying those designs.

For background, the Space Force logo was revealed on Jan. 24: https://www.npr.org/2020/01/24/799396583/trump-unveils-new-space-force-logo-inciting-star-trek-fan-outrage

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


CJ Ciaramella

From: Air Force

Dear Mr. Ciaramella,
We received your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated 31 January 2020, for all draft or alternate design for the United States Space Force logo that were submitted for consideration to Air Force or Space Force officials.
Any comments or feedback accompanying those designs.
Due to our organization having a significant number of pending FOIA requests, we have been unable to process your request within the statutory 20 workdays.  To ensure all requesters are properly served in the order their requests were received, we have instituted multitrack processing of requests.  Based on the information you provided, we have placed your request in the complex track and have assigned FOIA Case Number 2020-01655-F to identify your request.
Since it has been some time since your case was submitted, please provide us with the following information as to your desire going forward.   Please let us know if you still desire the records being requested or if you would like to withdraw your request.  We ask that you submit your desire by responding to this email not later than 7 June 2023.  If we do not receive your response by the above referenced date, your case will be “administratively closed, no fees assessed.”  Should your case be “administratively closed” you have the option to resubmit your request at a later date via the Public Access Link.
Should you desire the FOIA Office to continue working your case, please note, currently, there are approximately 800 cases that will need to be processed ahead of your case to comply with 32 CFR, Part 286.8 subparagraph (a).  We will strive to provide an update between 90 and 120 days.  Our policy is to process requests within their respective tracks in the order in which they were received.  We do process each FOIA request as quickly as possible, however delayed responses can be expected.
Should you need to contact us about your request, please do so via email saf.aa.haf.foia.workflow@us.af.mil Attention Ms. Janet Beasley.    Please ensure to reference your case number.

From: CJ Ciaramella

I'm sorry, I just saw your message re: FOIA Request 2020-01655-F. I am still interested in this request, if it has not been closed already. If it has, could you please reopen it? Thank you,

CJ Ciaramella

From: Air Force

Dear CJ Ciaramella,
The status of your FOIA request #2020-01655-F has been updated to the following status 'Documents Delivered'. To log into the PAL Application click on the Application URL below.


Air Force FOIA Requester Service Center

From: Muckrock Staff


I am writing to inform you that I have been unable to access your agency's portal. Upon logging in, I receive an error message, stating that there was a problem with the username/password combination. However, upon resetting the password successfully, the updated login credentials do not work either. The same error message appears. Per your instructions, the URL of the last error message is: https://efoia.cce.af.mil/App/PalLogin.aspx?from=chngpwd.

Please advise at your earliest convenience.

Thank You,

MuckRock Staff

From: Air Force

Good Afternoon Mr. Jason,

Can you please assist?

Jasmine Young, Ctr
DAF FOIA Analyst
Email: jasmine.young.6@us.af.mil<mailto:jasmine.young.6@us.af.mil>

From: Air Force

Good afternoon,

We are unable to troubleshoot anything regarding the portal but we can resend the documents via DoD SAFE as an alternate method of delivery.

Very Respectfully,
Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
1000 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1000

From: Air Force


This is an automated message sent to you by the DoD SAFE service.
DIB.JASON.R <jason.dib@us.af.mil> has dropped off 2 files for you.
IF YOU TRUST THE SENDER, and are expecting to receive a file from them, you may choose to retrieve the drop-off by clicking the following link (or copying and pasting it into your web browser):

** This drop-off is encrypted. **<br />
To download any files you must have the correct passphrase, which you can only get from the sender.
You have 7 days to retrieve the drop-off; after that the link above will expire. If you wish to contact the sender, just reply to this email.
The sender has left you a note:
FOIA Request 2020-01655-F

Full information about the drop-off:
Claim ID: joVgWrXMF7Vdyytb Recipient Code: BF4NDc
Claim Passcode: pNZYU43qwP7PqDMy Drop-off Submitted: 2024-03-14 18:39:17 UTC Drop-off Completed: 2024-03-14 18:39:27 UTC
-- Sender --
Name: DIB.JASON.R Organization: USAF Email Address: jason.dib@us.af.mil
-- Files --
Name: PA Response - USSF Logo and Uniform Requests - Combined - Redacted.pdf Size: 3943655 SHA-256 Checksum: 4AEE6A473B07CC215E54866F1D56DF2353501F82F52D2C34ED613F0DB3A8A62B Content Type: application/pdf
Name: USSF Response - USSF Logo and Uniform Request - Combined - Redacted.pdf Size: 2508321 SHA-256 Checksum: 69FCEFD6879382756CE0209E22B422D710DE65F4C6133A445F86C2CD5411B256 Content Type: application/pdf

NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended solely for the use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any reading, dissemination, distribution, copying, or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately.

Thank you.

From: Air Force

Good afternoon,

You can access the documents via DoD Safe
Download URL: https://safe.apps.mil/pickup.php?claimID=joVgWrXMF7Vdyytb&recipCode=BF4NDc

Claim password and file password to follow in a separate email.

Very Respectfully,
Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
1000 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1000

From: Muckrock Staff


Thank you for your continued partnership on this request. Please know that I was unable to download the responsive documents recently shared. I do not have the passphrase required for that part of the process. I have received: claim ID, recipient code and claim passcode, respectively. I have attempted to use the claim passcode for the passphrase, but that doesn't work either. Please advise at your earliest convenience.

Thank You,

MuckRock Staff

From: Air Force


This is an automated message sent to you by the DoD SAFE service.
DIB.JASON.R <jason.dib@us.af.mil> has dropped off 2 files for you.
IF YOU TRUST THE SENDER, and are expecting to receive a file from them, you may choose to retrieve the drop-off by clicking the following link (or copying and pasting it into your web browser):

You have 7 days to retrieve the drop-off; after that the link above will expire. If you wish to contact the sender, just reply to this email.
The sender has left you a note:
FOIA Request 2020-01655-F

Full information about the drop-off:
Claim ID: FpsJTPNzxNStu9WW Recipient Code: sgA9TB
Claim Passcode: 5eN7NcDcjxAZfTcT Drop-off Submitted: 2024-03-15 12:43:36 UTC Drop-off Completed: 2024-03-15 12:43:44 UTC
-- Sender --
Name: DIB.JASON.R Organization: USAF Email Address: jason.dib@us.af.mil
-- Files --
Name: PA Response - USSF Logo and Uniform Requests - Combined - Redacted.pdf Size: 3943655 SHA-256 Checksum: 4AEE6A473B07CC215E54866F1D56DF2353501F82F52D2C34ED613F0DB3A8A62B Content Type: application/pdf
Name: USSF Response - USSF Logo and Uniform Request - Combined - Redacted.pdf Size: 2508321 SHA-256 Checksum: 69FCEFD6879382756CE0209E22B422D710DE65F4C6133A445F86C2CD5411B256 Content Type: application/pdf

NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended solely for the use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any reading, dissemination, distribution, copying, or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately.

Thank you.

From: Air Force

Good morning,

I have dropped off the files again in a new DoD Safe drop off. There should be a total of two files.
Disregard the previous DoD SAFE drop off's, as these are the same files.

Download link: https://safe.apps.mil/pickup.php?claimID=FpsJTPNzxNStu9WW&recipCode=sgA9TB
Claim Passcode: 5eN7NcDcjxAZfTcT
Claim ID: FpsJTPNzxNStu9WW

HAF FOIA office

From: Muckrock Staff

Good Morning,

Thank you so much for your prompt assistance on this! I was able to download both files.

Have a great weekend!

MuckRock Staff