USDOS 12.11.23

Robert Skvarla, Jr. filed this request with the U.S. Department of State of the United States of America.
Tracking #


Est. Completion Sept. 30, 2024
No Responsive Documents

From: Robert Skvarla, Jr.

Dear FOIA officer:

You are receiving this correspondence as a request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. subsection 552. I am requesting the following:

Copies of records for a grant and/or contract awarded by the United States Department of State to the Global Internet Freedom Consortium (GIFC) in 2010. Please see the following link from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC):

The lede in the above BBC article states: "A Falun Gong-linked group that promotes internet freedom says the US state department has offered it $1.5m, in a move condemned by Chinese officials."

The GIFC, as noted, is linked to practitioners of Falun Gong, a new religious movement originating from China. Falun Gong members have created and currently run non-profit organizations, media companies, and human rights groups, all of which focus on censorship and human rights abuses in China, and because of this, the group and its associated entities have received public and financial support from the United States government.

Yet, in 2021, news organizations such as National Public Radio (NPR) reported on disputes within the United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) over a contract (award ID: 95170021K0011) awarded to Ultrareach Internet Corp. (UEI: P9R8NZXL3SH3), a member of the GIFC, in 2020. Please see the following link from NPR:

In the above NPR article, Matthew Baise, director of digital strategy and audience development for Voice of America, a child organization of the USAGM, was quoted from an internal audit as stating the following of Ultrasurf, software developed by Ultrareach Internet Corp. and promoted by the GIFC: "We spent nearly two weeks checking and double-checking how the number could possibly be this low. We believe the true, final number of measurable traffic from Ultrasurf to be so miniscule because a) none of the networks were ever notified of its existence so it was never promoted b) it's only available for Windows desktop machines (almost all our audience is on mobile devices) and c) it is a brand new product. In the absence of promotion on Ultrasurf's end, this thing was essentially invisible."

Given public reporting on the dispute over contract ID 95170021K0011 and the apparent failure of Ultrasurf to meet the parameters of that contact, any other financial support, whether through grants or contracted work, awarded to the GIFC and its member organizations can reasonably be understood as being of public interest.

This request includes, but is not limited to:

- Correspondence (traditional mail, faxes, email, etc.)

- Requests for Proposals

- Requests for Information

- Statements of Work

- Memorandum(s) of Understanding

- Letters of Interest

- Award Letters

- Task Letters

- Privacy Impact Assessments

- Invoices

- Purchase and/or Change Orders

- Project Budgets and/or Budget Proposals

- Evaluation Reports

- Presentations by the Global Internet Freedom Consortium

I am asking you to waive any fees associated with this request. I am a member of the news media and request classification as such. My bylines, which include Unicorn Riot, the Geopolitical Economy Report, and Creem Magazine, can be found in both print and electronic publications. Please take note of the Office of Management and Budget guidelines published March 27, 1987 (52 FR 10012) that include electronic publications and other nontraditional publishers as representatives of the news media.

A fee waiver is appropriate in situations where "disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations and activities of the government, and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester,” 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(iii). Reasons for public interest have been noted above.

In the event that there are fees, I am willing to pay up to $100. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

This request is not being made for commercial purposes. All documents will be provided to the general public without charge.

I look forward to your response within 20 working days, as the statute requires. If access to the records I am requesting will take longer, please contact me with information about when I might expect copies or the ability to inspect the requested records.

If you deny any or all of this request, please cite each specific exemption you feel justifies the refusal to release the information and notify me of the appeal procedures available to me under the law.


Robert Skvarla, Jr.

From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Robert Skvarla:

Thank you for filing your information access request to the U.S. Department of State.  Your request number is F-2024-02968.
You will receive a formal acknowledgement to your request in no later than 10 working days.  If the Department requires additional information from you, then you will also be notified.
Should you have any questions about your request, you may also contact us at:
Requesters Communications Branch
Office of Information Programs and Services
U.S. Department of State

From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Robert Skvarla,

The status of your FOIA request #F-2024-02968 has been updated to the following status 'Received'. To learn more, please log into the DoS FOIA Portal via the Application URL below.
U.S. Department of State

From: Robert Skvarla, Jr.

To Whom It May Concern:

I am following up on FOIA request #F-2024-02968, for information related to "Copies of records for a grant and/or contract awarded by the United States Department of State to the Global Internet Freedom Consortium (GIFC) in 2010." This request was sent to your office on December 11, 2023, and I received an acknowledgment that same date identifying it as "Received."

In the acknowledgment, I was also directed to the U.S. Department of State (DoS) FOIA Portal for further information on the processing of my request. The DoS Portal states that the estimated delivery date was 1/26/24, or January 26, 2024. As it is now February 12, 2024, two weeks beyond that estimate, I am checking in to see if the DoS requires additional time to comply with delivery of this request. Please identify if there are any unusual circumstances that would prevent your office from processing the request at this time.

Thank you in advance, and please let me know if you have any questions related to FOIA request #F-2024-02968.

Robert Skvarla, Jr.

From: U.S. Department of State

*THIS EMAIL BOX IS NOT MONITORED, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL.** Dear Mr.Skvarla: This email acknowledges receipt of your December 12, 2023, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. § 552) request received by the U.S. Department of State, Office ofInformation Programs and Services on December 12, 2023.  Copies of records for a grant and/or contract awarded by the United States Departmentof State to the Global Internet Freedom Consortium (GIFC) in 2010. Please see thefollowing link from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC): (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2012 To 12/12/2023).

You are seeking a copy of Unless you advise otherwise, we will treat as non-responsive anycompilations of publicly available news reports and any publicly availabledocuments not created by the U.S. government, such as mass-distribution emailsfrom news media.  This Office assigned your request the subjectreference number and placed it in the complex processing track where it will beprocessed as quickly as possible.  See 22 CFR § 171.11(h).
This Office will not be able to respond within the 20 daysprovided by the statute due to “unusual circumstances.”  See 5 U.S.C.§ 552(a)(6)(B)(i)-(iii).  In this instance, the unusual circumstancesinclude the need to search for and collect requested records from otherDepartment offices or Foreign Service posts.
If you have any questionsregarding your request, would like to narrow the scope or arrange analternative time frame to speed its processing, or would like an estimated dateof completion, please contact our FOIA Requester Service Center or our FOIA PublicLiaison by email at ortelephone at 202-261-8484.  Additionally, you may contact the Office ofGovernment Information Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and RecordsAdministration to inquire about the FOIA mediation services they offer. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: Office of GovernmentInformation Services, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601Adelphi Road-OGIS, College Park, Maryland 20740-6001, email at ( ; telephone at202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at 202-741-5769. (

From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Robert Skvarla,

The status of your FOIA request #F-2024-02968 has been updated to the following status 'In Process'. To learn more, please log into the DoS FOIA Portal via the Application URL below.
U.S. Department of State

From: U.S. Department of State

“DearRobert Skvarla,
Regarding your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request stating yourinterest in “copies of records for a grant and/or contract awarded by theUnited States Department of State to the Global Internet Freedom Consortium(GIFC) in 2010. “.
To better enable us in processing your request, could you provide us with thecontract number?
For your reference, we have attached a copy of your initial FOIA request. Wekindly ask that you provide a response within 10 business days of the date ofthis email. If no response within 10 days, case will be administrativelyclosed.
-Tyeesha Green

From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Robert Skvarla,

The status of your FOIA request #F-2024-02968 has been updated to the following status 'On Hold - Need Info/Clarification'. To learn more, please log into the DoS FOIA Portal via the Application URL below.
U.S. Department of State

From: Robert Skvarla, Jr.

Dear Tyeesha Green:

I am writing in regard to FOIA request #F-2024-02968.

At this time, I do not have a contract number. But as verification such a contract (or contracts) exist, please see the following link, beginning at 57:45:

The link is for a clip of U.S. Ambassador Mark Palmer speaking before Congress, on March 24, 2010. Ambassador Palmer states: "Realizing the enormous success of this Global Internet Freedom Consortium and its potential, a bipartisan group of your colleagues, senators and congressmen, appropriated $15 million in 2008 to begin to scale up this system and any others which could demonstrate proven ability to circumvent Internet censorship in China, Iran and elsewhere. And in 2010, as you know, another $30 million was appropriated."

Although these appropriations did not initially make it to the Global Internet Freedom Consortium (GIFC), the Washington Post confirmed in May 2010, from a State Department official, that an offer had been made to the GIFC, for $1.5 million. Please see the following link, also attached, published by the Washington Post on May 12, 2010:

The article reads, in part: "State Department officials recently called the group, the Global Internet Freedom Consortium, offering it $1.5 million, according to Shiyu Zhou, one of the group's founders. A State Department official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, confirmed the offer. "

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Robert Skvarla, Jr.

  • U.S._risks_Chinas_ire_with_decision_to_fund_software_maker_tied_to_Falun_Gong.pdf

From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Robert Skvarla,

The status of your FOIA request #F-2024-02968 has been updated to the following status 'In Process'. To learn more, please log into the DoS FOIA Portal via the Application URL below.
U.S. Department of State

From: U.S. Department of State

Mr. Skvarla,

This is in reference to your email below regarding your FOIA request control number F-2024-02968.

The Department has a backlog of FOIA requests, and there will be a delay in processing FOIA requests. As the Department continues to work through its backlog of FOIA requests, it is mindful of its accountability to the public and is processing this request as quickly as possible.

The Office of Information Programs and Services' electronic records system indicates that your request is being processed. At this time, the estimated date of completion (EDC) is September 30, 2024. EDCs are estimates and are subject to change. If your request can be completed prior to the EDC, a response will be sent to you sooner.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding a FOIA-related matter, please send an email to the FOIA Requester Service Center at<>.

We appreciate your patience and apologize for the delayed response.


U.S. Department of State
FOIA Requester Service Center


From: Robert Skvarla, Jr.

Dear FOIA Officer:

I am following up on FOIA request control number F-2024-02968. On March 25, 2024, I received a message from the U.S. Department of State's FOIA Requester Service Center notifying me that the estimated date of completion for this request would be September 30, 2024. As of today, October 15, 2024, the order is still showing up as In Process in your FOIA status portal and the estimated date of completion has been updated to September 30, 2026.

I am writing to verify if the new estimated date of completion is correct, and if so, what necessitated the change? I did not receive any notifications indicating additional time would be needed to fulfill this request, so I'm hoping you can provide clarification.

Thank you in advance for you any help you may be able to offer.


Robert Skvarla, Jr.

From: U.S. Department of State

Good morning please see our final response to your FOIA request. F-2024-02968

From: U.S. Department of State

Dear Robert Skvarla,

The status of your FOIA request #F-2024-02968 has been updated to the following status 'Closed'. To learn more, you may log into the DoS FOIA Portal via the Application URL at
If that status is "On Hold", please review the email you received and provide the requested information. If you did not receive an email, please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center via email at (
If that status is "Closed" or "Documents Delivered", then the Department's response will be emailed or mailed (via US Postal Service). Please check your email account (including junk/spam mail) for the Department's response OR allow 7 to 10 business days to receive the Department's response by US Postal Service mail.
U.S. Department of State