WLA VA BUILDING 300 - EIN 85-3353491 (Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration)

Ryan Thompson filed this request with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration of the United States of America.
Tracking #


Multi Request WLA VA BUILDING 300 - EIN 85-3353491

From: Ryan Thompson

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

Copies of any and all written records, including but not limited to: emails, agreements, correspondence, leases, licenses, planning documents, minutes, vendor data, contractor data, grant data, applications, financial transactions, minutes and logs - regarding an entity named "WLA VA BUILDING 300".

Schedule R of the 2020 IRS Form 990 Tax Return for United States Veterans Initiative, reports a Disregarded Entity named WLA VA BUILDING 300 with EIN 85-3353491, located at 800 West 6th Street, Ste 1505, Los Angeles, California 90017. The entity's Primary Activity is reported as "Development of Veteran Housing" with a Total Income of $1,892,208.00 USD and End Of Year Assets of $4,946,563.00 USD; and it's Direct Controlling Entity is Reported as "United States Veterans Initiative". Despite the entity reportedly being Organized in California, the California Secretary of State has no Reocord of any business named WLA VA BUILDING 300.

Some background information regarding this Request is as follows:

Responses to prior FOIA's may not have produced any land use agreements for Building 300 at the WLA VA Soldiers Home.

United States Veterans Initiative is among entities promoted as "Principle Developers", which have been awarded invalid and illegal Enhanced Use Leases, Leases, Revocable Licenses and Access Agreements to privately acquire, control and sub-lease redevelopment of the WLA VA Soldiers Home for purposes including an approximately 450,000 square-foot commercial retail district (aka "Town Center") and other illegal uses of the Deed-Restricted WLA VA Soldiers Home in Our Nation's Capital of Veteran homelessness - on a for-profit basis over 50-99 year terms.

Building 300 is a funtional and operational facility developed by the U.S. Federal Government at the West Los Angeles VA Soldiers Home that is under the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' management. Private developers (including United States Veterans Initiative) either intend to obtain or claim to have authorities to convert Building 300 into private property under their private control within Los Angeles County's jurisdiction.

US DVA / VA GLAHS Contractor, Concourse Federal, a company in the business of privatizing and liquidating Federal Public Land and Facilities, has at least $85,000,000.00 USD in US DVA consulting fees regarding WLA VA Soldiers Home land use - may have developed, administered and / or coordinated transactions regarding Building 300 at the WLA VA Soldiers Home.

Prevailing authorities at Public Law expressly prohibit private developers from accounting for VA Facilities and land (lawfully) acquired under Enhanced Use Leases as financial collateral. Given the legal intent of US DVA Enhanced Use Leases are to, among other things, provide cost-saving benefits to US DVA supporting the agency's efforts to care for those who bore the battle - it may be of significant concern that US DVA may have paid any lessee nearly two-million dollars in Public Funds to a disregarded entity, regarding any land use agreement for Building 300 at the WLA VA Soldiers Home.

Recent FOIA's and Federal Contract databases produce no Responsive Documents for legally mandated bids, awards, SDVOSB status, competitor information, congressional reports and other related info about the so-called "Principal Developers". Furthermore, the so-called Principal Developers and VA GLAHS executives primarily operate on a non-transparent and secretive basis; thus little to no additional information beyond a few concept drawings and paragraph about contemplated land use are available to provide regarding Building 300 at this time.

Other so-called Principal Developers are: Thomas Safran & Associates, Century Housing Corporation and Housing Corporation of America. Collectively with United States Veterans Initiative, the entities have Organized many California LLC's to mitigate their liabilities regarding unlawful, private WLA VA Soldiers Home redevelopment projects for-profit. Despite such, they've yet to declare what entities will be the general partner in most to all of the projects they conspire to complete.

While somewhat off-topic, I'll note it appears the illegal US DVA Enhanced Use Lease Agreement with so-called Principal Developers for Building 207 at the WLA VA Soldiers Home, may obligate US DVA to make an approximately $10,500,000.00 USD lump-sum cash payment to the LESSEE; despite that LESSEE already having obtained approximately $50,000,000.00 USD in Public subsidies to remodel the existing building into housing for formerly homeless senior-citizen Veterans with low incomes and HUD VASH Vouchers (as opposed to homeless Veterans risking death on U.S. streets today)... Whereat said LESSEE hasn't delivered a single unit of such housing in approximately five years. Said Enhanced Use Lease also appears to NOT obligate the LESSEE to pay any lease fees / rents.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Ryan Thompson

From: Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration

Mr. Thompson,

The purpose of this email is to communicate the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Central Office Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Office's receipt and subsequent referral of your October 1, 2022 FOIA request, FOIA tracking number 23-00053-F, to the VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System (GLAHCS) FOIA Office for processing and direct response to you under the same FOIA tracking number, 23-00053-F. Please refer to the attached transfer letter for contact information for the GLAHCS FOIA Office.

Unless specifically requested by you, a hard copy of the attached document will not be mailed via postal mail.

If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 319-383-2609 or at barbara.swailes@va.gov<mailto:barbara.swailes@va.gov>.


Barbara Swailes, MHA, CIPP/US, CIPP/G
VHA FOIA Officer | Information Access and Privacy Office
Health Information Governance | Office of Health Informatics
810 Vermont Avenue, N.W. | Washington, D.C. 20420
Tel. (319) 383-2609 | Fax (202) 273-9387

From: Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration

An interim response, stating the request is being processed.

From: Federal Bureau of Investigation

A fix is required to perfect the request.

From: Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration


On October 26, 2023, the GLA FOIA Office mailed you a Fee Estimate Letter associated with your request and are awaiting your response. Once your response is received regarding fees, our office will continue processing your request.
Best Regards,

VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) Office
(310) 478 - 3711 Ex. 46878

From: Ryan Thompson


I'm deeply concerned with the uncanny followup on this Request.

Long after this Request was due by Federal Public Law, as well as acknowledged to be Processing by US DVA VHA - US DVA VHA purports charges shall be applicable, despite most of the Requested information is Mandated at Public Law for US DVA to have already Published for Public and Congressional review long ago.

Let us also take Notice that US DVA VHA fabricates mailing fee estimates to me over a month ago, that the overdue Response is suddenly conditioned upon (the moment WLA VA Soldiers Home's FOIA Officer takes over); and that all correspondence regarding this Request is properly handled here in Public view... Except of course for the nonexistent fee estimate I never received in the mail.

Notice even the followup purporting I never responded to the never-mailed, unwarranted estimate is communicated here... Just the nonexistent estimate is not.

While I agree that a VA Facility with corrupted leadership might not want the Public to see a likely exorbitant and unwarranted estimate for Responding to a press Request that is not made for any commercial purpose, is already mandated at law to have been Publicly disclosed and is in the Public interest to know; especially when the Requested information regards improper land use at said facility - such motivations are moot and frustrate the intent and lawful practice of the Administrative Procedures Act at a time when disabled homeless Veterans lives depend on lawful WLA VA Soldiers Home land use, here in Our Nation's Capital of Veteran Homelessness, more than ever before.

I respectfully demand the long overdue, Requested information immediately, free of charge. In any event efforts remain to continue obstructing this Request with a price - then properly disclose and substantiate that estimate here for Public review.

From: Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration


Please see the attached correspondence regarding your request mailed to the address provided on November 11, 2022.

Best Regards,

Tiffany Anderson
Assistant, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) & Privacy Officer
Bldg. 218, Rm 224
(310) 478-3711 Ext: 44082


From: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Mr. Thompson,

After further review of your request, I found that you received a response under FOIA Tracking Number 23-00053-F. Please see attached.

Jacqueline (Jackie) Short
Compliance, Risk & Remediation (CRR)
Office of Information and Technology (OI&T)
Office: (202) 680-2004 / Fax: (202) 632-7581
FOIA Service Hotline: 1-877-750-3642

[Quality, Privacy, Risk icon.]QPR’s Mission Statement:
“To instill and promote a culture of quality, privacy and risk management in collaboration with our business partners to enable a better Veteran experience.”