Police Data Collection Request (2021)

Samuel Sinyangwe filed this request with the Vallejo Police Department of Vallejo, CA.
Tracking #



From: Samuel Sinyangwe

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

1. the total number of use of force incidents, separated by type of force and year used in 2021 (for example, information that specifies the number of taser incidents in 2021, baton incidents in 2021, etc.)

2. the total number of civilian complaints alleging any form of law enforcement misconduct that were reported and the total number sustained in 2021.

3. the total number of civilian complaints alleging law enforcement use of excessive force that were reported and the total number sustained in 2021.

4. the total number of civilian complaints alleging biased policing or racial profiling that were reported and the total number sustained in 2021.

5. the total number of civilian complaints alleging criminal conduct that were reported and the total number sustained in 2021.

6. the total number of officer involved shootings in 2021, both fatal and non-fatal.

When available, I would appreciate being sent individualized data for each item in this request in spreadsheet format. If individualized data are unavailable, please send information that includes aggregate statistics for the item instead.

Note that my requests for civilian complaints are specifically for civilian complaints alleging police misconduct, please do not include complaints filed by one officer/the department against another officer.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 calendar days, as the statute requires.


Samuel Sinyangwe

From: Vallejo Police Department

City of Vallejo


Your first City of Vallejo record request (request number #22-777) has been submitted.
It is currently unpublished and is not available for the general public to view.

Request #22-777.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at City of Vallejo.<br></br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href='https://help.nextrequest.com/knowledge/requester-resources'>help page</a>

From: Vallejo Police Department

City of Vallejo


A message was sent to you regarding record request #22-777:

Officially Receiving PRA Request


I have received your request for a public record. Please note, if you are a party in a case and want to request your police report or traffic collision report, please contact the Records Division at (707) 648-4491 for further instructions. You may also request your police report online at www.vallejopd.net.


The California Public Records Act, Government Code §6250, et seq., gives you the right to obtain a copy of identifiable public records. Government Code §6253(c) provides that the City has up to 10 days after receipt of your request to determine whether to comply with your request and shall immediately notify you of this determination and the reasons therefor.


I will notify you in writing of the City’s determination. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at City of Vallejo.<br></br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href='https://help.nextrequest.com/knowledge/requester-resources'>help page</a>

From: Vallejo Police Department

City of Vallejo


Record request #22-777 has been published and is now available for public view.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at City of Vallejo.<br></br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href='https://help.nextrequest.com/knowledge/requester-resources'>help page</a>

From: Vallejo Police Department

City of Vallejo


A message was sent to you regarding record request #22-777:

Pursuant to California Government Codes section 6253, the City of Vallejo shall, within 10 days from the receipt of the request, determine whether the request, in whole or in part, seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the agency.

Under certain limited circumstances, the city may extend this time limit. With regard to your request, the City will make a determination by August 10, 2022, to search for and collect the requested records and appropriately examine them for information exempt under the PRA.

Thank you for your patience, and please let me know if you have any questions.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at City of Vallejo.<br></br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href='https://help.nextrequest.com/knowledge/requester-resources'>help page</a>

From: Vallejo Police Department

City of Vallejo


A message was sent to you regarding record request #22-777:

Pursuant to California Government Codes section 6253, the City of Vallejo shall, within 10 days from the receipt of the request, determine whether the request, in whole or in part, seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the agency.

Under certain limited circumstances, the city may extend this time limit. With regard to your request, the City will make a determination by August 22, 2022, to search for and collect the requested records and appropriately examine them for information exempt under the PRA.

Thank you for your patience, and please let me know if you have any questions.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at City of Vallejo.<br></br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href='https://help.nextrequest.com/knowledge/requester-resources'>help page</a>

From: Vallejo Police Department

City of Vallejo


A message was sent to you regarding record request #22-777:

Item #6 of your request can be located on the Vallejo Police Department web page under the "Use of Force Analysis" page found here. The complete web address is: https://www.vallejopd.net/public_information/crime_data/use_of_force_analysis

We are continuing to gather and review records related to your request. We anticipate these records to be disclosed to you subject to any exemptions on or before September 1, 2022


If we can make the records available before the date indicated above, we will do so. Likewise, if we require additional time to complete the review and redaction, if necessary, of the responsive documents, we will notify you in writing on or before the above-listed date.

Thank you

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at City of Vallejo.<br></br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href='https://help.nextrequest.com/knowledge/requester-resources'>help page</a>

From: Vallejo Police Department

City of Vallejo


A message was sent to you regarding record request #22-777:

Records responsive to your request.  


We have identified records that appear to respond to your request, which it is releasing today. This release of records completes our response to your PRA request, and deem this request complete. Please feel free to contact me should you have any additional questions or concerns. 

Items #2 through #5 are located on the Vallejo Police Department web page under the "Accountability &amp; Transparency" page by clicking here.

The complete web address is




Lieutenant Shane Bower 

Professional Standards Division 

Vallejo Police Department 



<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at City of Vallejo.<br></br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href='https://help.nextrequest.com/knowledge/requester-resources'>help page</a>

From: Vallejo Police Department

City of Vallejo


Record request #22-777 has been closed and published.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at City of Vallejo.<br></br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href='https://help.nextrequest.com/knowledge/requester-resources'>help page</a>