Procurement software and processes (County Clerk)

John Adams filed this request with the County Clerk of Vanderburgh County, IN.
Multi Request Procurement software and processes
Est. Completion None
No Responsive Documents

From: John Adams

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Indiana Access to Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

1. All documents signed with procurement software or software to create and publish RFI, RFQ, RFP this agency uses or used in the past five years.

Additionally, if possible, please answer the following four questions:
a. What is the name of the procurement software you use (or the name of the software you use to create and publish RFI, RFQ, RFP)?
b. What is the annual cost for this software?
c. When did the most recent contract with the software provider begin?
d. Do you use your ERP system to manage the process of RFI, RFQ, RFP?

If there are any fees required to fulfill this request, please let me know in advance of fulfilling my request.


Arie Bronshtein


From: Hayden, Carla J.
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 12:43 PM
To: '' <>
Cc: Maxwell, Matthew <>
Subject: Public Records Request

The attached fax was brought to my attention today. It references a previous request dated June 11, 2020. I do not have any knowledge of a previous request.

RFIs, RFQs, and RFPs are done through our City-County Purchasing Department. I have copied Purchasing Director Matt Maxwell on this email. He may be able to fulfill your request.

Carla J. Hayden
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Vanderburgh County<>
(812) 435-5162
Fax (812) 435-5849
PO BOX 3356

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From: County Clerk


Please fill out the attached Public Records Request Form and return to me via email or fax at (812) 436 5747.

Matt Maxwell
City of Evansville - Vanderburgh County
Purchasing Director
Office: 812 436 4917

From: Muckrock Staff

Please find the filled out form attached. Thank you!


MuckRock Staff

From: County Clerk

Please see attached document “MuckRock – initial response.pdf”

Matt Maxwell
City of Evansville – Vanderburgh County
Purchasing Director
Office: 812 436 4917

From: County Clerk

Mr. Bronshtein:

The City-County Purchasing Department is in receipt of your public records request, faxed to the Vanderburgh County Clerk's Office, attached above.

* We do not have any records responsive to your request.

Matt Maxwell
City of Evansville - Vanderburgh County
Purchasing Director
Office: 812 436 4917

CC: Craig Emig