Gun policies & incidents (Wakulla County, FL)

Vanessa Nason filed this request with the Wakulla County Sheriff's Office of Wakulla County, FL.
Est. Completion None
Payment Required


From: Vanessa Nason

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to Florida's Sunshine Law (Fla. Stat. secs. 119.01 to 119.15 (1995)), I hereby request the following records:

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to Florida's Sunshine Law, I hereby request the following records:

All data, statistics, or reports from the year 2015 regarding incidents involving firearms, including but not limited to:
> firearm-related homicides
> firearm-related assaults

Any and all policies, procedures, directives, memorandums, and any other guiding materials regarding matters pertaining to firearm acquisition, licensure, use, and transfer, including, but not limited to, the following:
• policies and procedures on the issuance of firearms permits and licenses. (Please note that this point is not a request for the identities of individual permit or license holders, but, rather, is a request for governmental policies and parameters regarding the process and regulations by which one may obtain either a permit or a license. If separate strictures exist for each, provision of both would be greatly appreciated.)
• policies and procedures on the revocation of firearms permits and licenses.
• any and all available policies and procedures regarding local firearms policies. Please provide all such materials that alter or supplement departmental procedures.
• policies and procedures regarding the sale and purchase of firearms. Please include all materials regarding the appropriate qualifications for the sale or purchase of firearms. Please include materials for particular venues, if available, including but not limited to the sale and purchase of firearms at gun shows.
• policies and procedures regarding the transfer, either out-of-state or between individuals, of firearms.
Please include all available segregable data.

All data, statistics, or reports regarding matters pertaining to gun acquisition, licensure, use, and transfer, from the year 2015, including, but not limited to, the following:
• the issuance of firearms permits and licenses.
• the revocation of firearms permits and licenses.
• the sale and purchase of firearms.
• the transfer, either out-of-state or between individuals, of firearms.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Please limit your search to all records from the year 2015.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request.


Vanessa Nason

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I would request your response within ten (10) business days.


Vanessa Nason

From: Geneva Stokley

Your requested has been received and is under review. Once we have determined an estimate of cost, I will forward that figure to you.

Thank you

Geneva Stokley

Geneva Stokley

From: Geneva Stokley

Ms. Nason,

Can you please clarify the gun acquisition question, are you referring to agency acquisition? In regards to the transfer of guns, individual to individual, are you referring to in-house transfers?

Your help in clarification is greatly appreciated.

Geneva Stokley

From: Vanessa Nason

By gun acquisition I mean how individuals receive guns and how many are licensed to have guns. By transfer I mean individual to individual.

Thank you!


From: Geneva Stokley

Ms. Nason,

Attached you will find the estimated invoice for your public records request pertaining to the data and/or reports for Firearm related homicides/assaults for the year 2015. Once payment is received documents will be released.

I am still needing clarification on the following requests:
• the transfer, either out-of-state or between individuals, of firearms – We do not transfer out of state, our only transfers would be to certified LE officers employed with the Sheriff’s office. If an employee left employment, he/she would be required to return his firearm as per our G.O. and then that firearm would be issued to another certified employee. Are you wanting our internal equipment assignment sheets? If so, that would require an estimate of 5 additional hours of staff time to review inventory files.

• the sale and purchase of firearms – We purchase firearms for agency use only. Are you requesting copies of all purchase request and invoices pertaining to in-house firearm purchases?

Thank you for your cooperation in clarifying your request.

Geneva Stokley

From: Vanessa Nason


Thank you, but no need to provide that information on transfer, sale, and purchases. I was looking for information on transfers, sales, and purchases among non-law enforcement officers, and have come to understand that the individual sheriff's offices do not maintain this data.

However, does your agency maintain data, statistics, or reports from the year 2015 regarding incidents involving firearms, including but not limited to:
> firearm-related homicides
> firearm-related assaults

Could we focus on that part of the request?

Thank you,

From: Vanessa Nason


Thank you, but no need to provide that information on transfer, sale, and purchases. I was looking for information on transfers, sales, and purchases among non-law enforcement officers, and have come to understand that the individual sheriff's offices do not maintain this data.

However, does your agency maintain data, statistics, or reports from the year 2015 regarding incidents involving firearms, including but not limited to:
> firearm-related homicides
> firearm-related assaults

Could we focus on that part of the request?

Thank you,

From: Vanessa Nason


Thank you, but no need to provide that information on transfer, sale, and purchases. I was looking for information on transfers, sales, and purchases among non-law enforcement officers, and have come to understand that the individual sheriff's offices do not maintain this data.

However, does your agency maintain data, statistics, or reports from the year 2015 regarding incidents involving firearms, including but not limited to:
> firearm-related homicides
> firearm-related assaults

Could we focus on that part of the request?

Thank you,

From: Geneva Stokley

Ms. Nason,

Attached you will find the estimated invoice for your public records request pertaining to the data and/or reports for Firearm related homicides/assaults for the year 2015. Once payment is received documents will be released.
