PWBC Tri-County FOIA Project: Residential Water Data (Clerk)

PWBC filed this request with the Clerk of Warren, MI.
Multi Request PWBC Tri-County FOIA Project: Residential Water Data
Est. Completion None
Fix Required


From: PWBC

Dear Records Custodian,

This is a request under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (MCL 15.231 et. seq.) for documents that detail how your community’s water system functions, including details on utility terminations, restorations, and rates.

As context for this request, I am requesting these records on behalf of the People’s Water Board Coalition, a non-profit organization that advocates for equitable access, protection, and affordability of utility services, and water conservation. We are filing similar requests for information with many other Michigan water utilities in collaboration with residents, community leaders, and local officials to better support the needs of low-income customers. If any of this information is publicly available and accessible, please send a link to the webpage where it is located. Please reply to this request via email. If you have any question or concern about this request, please call Cass Charrette at 248-980-1191.

When possible, please provide the requested quantitative data in an Excel spreadsheet or other native digital format (such as CSV files).

1. A copy of any data and documents that list the addresses and dates of residential customers that have had their water service terminated starting January 1, 2019 to date of the submission of the FOIA, the reason for the termination, and the amount of arrears for each account. If this data is produced in another format, such as written logs or summary reports, please provide a copy of that instead. If your agency has a policy that home address information is exempt from FOIA, please provide this data at the street level.

2. Any documents describing and listing the addresses and dates of residential customers that have had their water service restored starting January 1, 2019 to date of submission of the FOIA, following a disconnection. If this data is included in the same data set as Item 6, you may provide that full data set in lieu of processing this element separately.

3. A copy of any existing, regularly generated reports that include the total amount of water and wastewater customer arrearages, number of customers in arrears, and median amount of arrearages per customer, and number of customers subject to potential service disconnection due to arrears by customer class (e.g., residential, non-profit, commercial, industrial) starting January 1, 2019 to date of submission of the FOIA.

4. A copy of a list of referrals the utility/water system/municipality sent to the tax assessor to place a tax lien on properties due to non-payment of any water or sewer bill, starting January 1, 2019 to date of submission of the FOIA, and the amount of arrears for each account. If this information is stored in a summary database, you may provide that database.

5. Any documents describing or listing the addresses of residential customer accounts that have been enrolled in and have been discharged from the Great Lakes Water Authority’s Water Residential Assistance Program, and the reason for such removal or discharge, starting January 1, 2019 to date of submission of the FOIA.

As I am requesting these records as a representative of People’s Water Board Coalition, a non-profit organization, and am doing so in the public interest, I request a waiver of fees. The analysis and release of these materials will contribute significantly to public understanding of water affordability issues in the tri-county area.

I will expect a response within 5 business days as provided by law. If my request is denied in whole or in part, I expect a detailed justification for withholding the records. I also request any segregable portions that are not exempt to be disclosed.

If you have any questions or suggestions for reducing the burden of my request, please reach out and we are happy to discuss.

People’s Water Board Coalition

From: Clerk

Dear Sir or Madam:

Attached please find our response to your recently submitted FOIA request along with attachments.

WARREN, MI 48093
(586) 574-4674 (phone)
(586) 574-4530 (fax)

The material contained in this message and the attached documents contain information which is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under the law. These materials are not to be duplicated, reproduced, distributed or disseminated in any fashion and/or by any means whatsoever. If you are not the intended recipient, employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any viewing, examination, distribution or copying in any fashion or manner of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify Warren City Attorney's Office by telephone at (586) 574-4671.

From: PWBC

Dear Ms. Dacoff,

Thank you for your FOIA attachments.

I am in receipt of your invoice for the FOIA fees for 121.73, and I would like to request a reduction in fees to $100.
We would be happy to send the deposit of 50.00.

We are sending FOIA requests to the Tri-County cities and with such a large amount of cities we are asking for the fees to not exceed 100.00. We would like to acknowledge all cities we have sent requests except one has either given the data for no fees or at a small minimal amount.

We are seeking information about water affordability in your city. I am requesting these records as a representative of the People’s Water Board, a non-profit organization that advocates for access, protection, and conservation of water.

We request fee reduction because my interest in the records is not for commercial purposes, and disclosure of the information is in the public interest and will contribute significantly to public understanding of water affordability. We intend to use the data, along with similar information received from surrounding communities, to analyze water affordability issues in the Tri-County Region. To our knowledge, there is no other known examination of this issue that includes this information. Water affordability concerns are matter of public concern and release of this data will contribute meaningfully to that discussion.

Please let me know if you can honor my request for a fee reduction.

Thank you.


From: Clerk

I spoke with the Water Superintendent and we would be able to provide this information to you for the $100 fee. Once we receive the payment, please allow a few days for processing the reports and then we will email them to you.

Thank you,

Julia A. Harris,

Office Coordinator

City of Warren Water Department

One City Square

Warren MI 48093


From: PWBC

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $100.00 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

City of Warren Water Department
FOIA Office
1 City Square
Warren, MI 48093

Amount of: $100.00
  • Created — 09/14/2022
  • In Transit — 09/17/2022
  • In Local Area — 09/18/2022
  • Processed For Delivery — 09/18/2022
  • Deposited — 09/30/2022

From: Clerk

We are in the process of working on your FOIA request. We should have it sent to you within the next week.

Thank you,

Julia A. Harris,

Office Coordinator

City of Warren Water Department

One City Square

Warren MI 48093


From: Clerk

Item 1. Turn off's completed
Item 3. Delinquent notice lists
Item 5. Water Residential Assistance Program (WRAP) Accounts

Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

From: PWBC

Dear Records Custodian,

This is a request under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (MCL 15.231 et. seq.) for documents that detail how your community’s water system functions, including details on collection practices and rates.

As context for this request, I am requesting these records on behalf of the People’s Water Board Coalition, a non-profit organization that advocates for equitable access, protection, and affordability of utility services, and water conservation. We are filing similar requests for information with many other Michigan water utilities in collaboration with residents, community leaders, and local officials to better support the needs of low-income customers. If any of this information is publicly available and accessible, please send a link to the webpage where it is located. Please reply to this request via email. If you have any question or concern about this request, please call Cass Charrette at 248-980-1191.

When possible, please provide the requested quantitative data in an Excel spreadsheet or other native digital format (such as CSV files).

(1) Collection Practices: Any documents describing policies, procedures, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) regarding:
a. Water arrearages, and
b. Shutoffs,
c. Liens, including temporary policies and procedures for customers of the utility/water system/municipality (i.e., delinquency amount that triggers water service shut-off notice and lien, seasonal and short-term and temporary suspensions of disconnections).
d. Please include these policies covering both:
- residential customers and
- non-residential customers.

2. Customer Charges: The most current documents describing:
a. Rates, charges, and user fees for
- water,
- wastewater and
- stormwater service for the utility/water system/municipality,
b. Definitions of customer category distinctions for water, wastewater and stormwater service:
- Residential (single-family vs. multi-family),
- Nonresidential (e.g, commercial, industrial, Nonprofit)
c. Any written procedures the process used for:
- approving new rates,
- the legal authority for approving the rates.
- what stakeholder is the advisory decision maker for the city related to water customer rates and charges

3. Water Assistance Programs, Affordability Programs, and/or Payment Plans: Any documents describing:
a. Water service affordability or assistance programs offered by the utility/water system/municipality and communicated to residential customers of the utility/water system/municipality
- Describe the benefit level
- Eligibility criteria
- Enrollment process
- Funding source
- Program cost
b. Names of any other state, county and local assistance programs the utility/water system/municipality refers to its customers:
- State assistance programs,
- County assistance programs, and
- Local assistance programs
c. Information about how assistance or affordability programs are communicated or markets to residential customers:
- Where it is marketed; and
- How it is marketed to customers;
d. Outreach materials:
- Template letters used for such outreach or marketing
- Pamphlets
- Phone scripts, and
- Other materials distributed to residents inquiring about assistance.
e. Enrollment and utilization statistics
- Customers enrolled in calendar year
- Payment amount
f. Payment plan information
- Details of program - term
- Enrollment

4. Federal Funding: Any documents, including budgets, describing the use of ARPA and other federal relief funds for
a. water arrearages,
b. lead service line replacements, and
c. other water programs.

5. Customer Service Issues. Any documents, policies and procedures describing
a. Customer service or billing dispute processes (e.g., how can a customer dispute a bill or payment plan denial?), and
b. Appeals process for billing decisions.

As I am requesting these records as a representative of People’s Water Board Coalition, a non-profit organization, and am doing so in the public interest, I request a waiver of fees. The analysis and release of these materials will contribute significantly to public understanding of water affordability issues in the tri-county area.

I will expect a response within 5 business days as provided by law. If my request is denied in whole or in part, I expect a detailed justification for withholding the records. I also request any segregable portions that are not exempt to be disclosed.

If you have any questions or suggestions for reducing the burden of my request, please reach out and we are happy to discuss.

People's Water Board Coalition

From: Clerk

Please be advised that you will need to file a FOIA request with the City Attorney's Office. They may be reached at 586-574-4671 or you may visit our website at:<> and at the home screen "How do I...?" type in Freedom of Information Act and it will direct you to the Attorney's office.

Hope this helps.

Thank you,

Julia A. Harris,

Office Coordinator

City of Warren Water Department

One City Square

Warren MI 48093


From: Clerk

To whom it may concern;

We just received this email today, in the future, do not send any FOIA request to my email address. All FOIA requests MUST go to the City Attorney's office. I have forwarded this request to the Attorney's office. Since there are too many threads attached to it, we are requesting that you resubmit your FOIA with only the information needed.

Please submit your request to:

Or you may contact them directly at: 586-574-4671

Thank you,

Julia A. Harris,

Office Coordinator

City of Warren Water Department

One City Square

Warren MI 48093



