FamilySearch Indexing (Washington Department of Corrections)

Burkely Hermann filed this request with the Department of Corrections of Washington.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #


Est. Completion May 12, 2020
No Responsive Documents


From: Burkely Hermann

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

Policies, procedures and/or documents pertaining to indexing for FamilySearch, otherwise known as Intellectual Reserve, Inc., a genealogical non-profit operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), by inmates within facilities run by the Washington Department of Corrections. This includes any documents regarding Family History Centers operated within such facilities, and any documents referencing LDS Correctional Services, a division of LDS.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Burkely Hermann

From: Department of Corrections

September 16, 2019

Burkely Hermann

Dear Mr. Hermann:

I acknowledge receipt of your recent public records request received in our office on September 9, 2019 and September 13, 2019. We have assigned this request a tracking number of P-8579. Please refer to this number in all future communications with us about this request.

You write to request the following records:

1. Policies, procedures, and/or documents pertaining to indexing for FamilySearch

I interpret this to be for current policies, procedures and/or documents. If my interpretation is incorrect please notify me; otherwise I will proceed accordingly.

2. Documents regarding Family History Centers operated within Department of Corrections facilities

3. Any documents referencing Latter-day Saints (LDS) Correctional Services
Department staff are currently identifying and gathering records, if any, responsive to your request. I will respond further as to the status of your request within 52 business days, on or before December 2, 2019. If you have any questions in the interim, please contact me via email at<> or at the address below.


Donna Williams, Public Records Specialist
Public Records Unit
Department of Corrections
PO Box 41118
Olympia WA 98504-1118

cc: File

From: Burkely Hermann

Ms. Williams,
Thank you for your message on request P-8579. Your interpretation of no. 1 as any "current policies, procedures and/or documents" pertaining to indexing by FamilySearch is correct. The same is the case for no. 2 and no. 3. I look forward to hearing from you and the Public Records Unit within 52 business days, on or before December 2, 2019. If I have any further questions, I will definitely let you know.

Best regards,
Burkely Hermann

From: Department of Corrections

Dear Mr. Hermann:

We anticipate being able to provide an installment on or before December 2, 2019.


Donna Williams, Public Records Specialist
Public Records Unit
Department of Corrections
PO Box 41118
Olympia WA 98504-1118

cc: File

From: Burkely Hermann

Ms. Williams,
That's great to hear! I hope to hear positive news on or before December 2nd.

Best regards,
Burkely Hermann

From: Department of Corrections

December 2, 2019

Burkely Hermann

Dear Mr. Hermann:

This letter is in regard to your public records request P-8579, for the following records:

1. Current policies, procedures, and/or documents pertaining to indexing for FamilySearch

2. Documents regarding Family History Centers operated within Department of Corrections facilities

3. Any documents referencing Latter-day Saints (LDS) Correctional Services
Additional time is needed to finish processing your request. Therefore, we anticipate being able to provide you an installment within 24 business days; on or before January 15, 2020.


Donna Williams, Public Records Specialist
Public Records Unit
Department of Corrections
PO Box 41118
Olympia WA 98504-1118

cc: File

From: Burkely Hermann

Ms. Williams,
Thanks for the update. I hope to hear from you as soon as possible on this request, hopefully before the end of the year.

Best regards,
Burkely Hermann

From: Department of Corrections

January 10, 2020

Burkely Hermann

Dear Mr. Hermann:

This letter is in regard to your public records request P-8579, for the following records:

1. Current policies, procedures, and/or documents pertaining to indexing for FamilySearch

2. Documents regarding Family History Centers operated within Department of Corrections facilities

3. Any documents referencing Latter-day Saints (LDS) Correctional Services
This request is ready for disclosure and consists of twenty-seven (27) pages identified as being responsive to your request.

Redactions have been made as appropriate per statute and are noted on the denial form/exemption log which is also enclosed. If you wish to appeal my decision for redacting or withholding records in part or whole, you may do so by submitting the appeal portion of the form to the Public Disclosure Appeals Office, PO Box 41139, Olympia, WA 98504-1139.

These documents are provided to you in accordance with the Public Records Act. By providing you these documents and/or information, the Department is not responsible for your use of this information or for any claims or liabilities that may result from your use or further dissemination.

P-8579 is now closed


Donna Williams, Public Records Specialist
Public Records Unit
Department of Corrections
PO Box 41118
Olympia WA 98504-1118

cc: File

From: Burkely Hermann

Ms. Williams,
Thank you for providing the documents. However, the documents you provided were not exactly what I was looking for. Instead, I was looking for contracts between FamilySearch and the Washington Department of Corrections, if they exist. Some examples I received from counties in Utah have been attached. If you could look for documents resembling the ones that have been attached, I would greatly appreciate that. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Burkely Hermann

  • MOU20between20Kane20County20and20FamilySearch20-20Apr202019.pdf

  • Cache_County_Jail_Family_Search_Agreement20-20June202019.pdf

  • MOU20between20Summit20County20and20FamilySearch20-20June202019.pdf

From: Department of Corrections

March 31, 2020

Burkely Hermann

Dear Mr. Hermann:

I acknowledge receipt of your recent correspondence received in our office on March 24, 2020 in regard to your public records request P-8579.

You are requesting the following records:

1. Current policies, procedures, contracts, MOU's and/or documents pertaining to FamilySearch

2. Documents regarding Family History Centers operated within Department of Corrections facilities

3. Any documents referencing Latter-day Saints (LDS) Correctional Services
We have initiated another search for records responsive to your request.

We anticipate being able to provide you an installment within 30 business days, on or before May 12, 2020. If you have any questions in the interim, please contact me via email at<> or at the address below.


Donna Williams, Public Records Specialist
Public Records Unit
Department of Corrections
PO Box 41118
Olympia WA 98504-1118

cc: File

From: Department of Corrections

April 14, 2020

Burkely Hermann

Dear Mr. Hermann:

This letter is in regard to your public records request P-8579, for the following records:

1. Current policies, procedures, contracts, MOU's and/or documents pertaining to FamilySearch

2. Documents regarding Family History Centers operated within Department of Corrections facilities

3. Any documents referencing Latter-day Saints (LDS) Correctional Services

A second search was conducted which did not produce additional records responsive to your request.

P-8579 is now closed.


Donna Williams, Public Records Specialist
Public Records Unit
Department of Corrections
PO Box 41118
Olympia WA 98504-1118

cc: File


