Simcoe Mountains

Brandon Cline filed this request with the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife of Washington.
Tracking #

PDR #17404

Est. Completion Aug. 30, 2017
No Responsive Documents


From: Brandon Cline

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to RCW Ch. 42.56 (Public Records Act), I hereby request the following records:

Documents pertaining to the Simcoe Mountains acquisition and land management plan.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Brandon Cline

From: Lasiter, Susan E (DFW)

Dear Mr. Cline:

As required under Washington's Public Records Act (RCW 42.56.520) this email is to notify you that your request for public records was received 7/21/17 and assigned tracking number PDR #17404 (email thread below).

You requested the following records:

Documents pertaining to the Simcoe Mountains acquisition and land management plan.

Staff are seeking clarification on your request as follows:

"Documents pertaining to.." is very broad. Staff are asking if you are looking for closing documents.

Please inform me of your response by 8/3/17, upon receipt of your clarification staff can determine a timeframe.

Please contact me by telephone at (360) 902-2253 or by email if you have questions concerning your public records request.


Susan Lasiter
WDFW Forms & Records Analyst 3, Information Governance
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
PO Box 43136, Olympia, WA 98504<>
(p) 360-902-2253

From: Brandon Cline

Hi Susan,

I guess I'd say I'm looking more specifically for contractual documents regarding the Simcoe Mountains acquisition, as well as records of communication between WDFW and the selling party.

I was also looking on the WDFW website for the Simcoe Mountains Management Plan, but couldn't find anything. If that sounds confusing, this is the type of document I'm looking for:

Thank you, and please let me know if there's anything else I need to clarify!

Brandon Cline

From: Lasiter, Susan E (DFW)

Hi Brandon,

Thank you for the clarification below. If staff require further clarification, I'll let you know. A delivery date will be sent 8/3/17, after staff assess the time it will take to search and assemble records.

Please contact me by telephone at (360) 902-2253 or by email if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Susan Lasiter
WDFW Forms & Records Analyst 3, Information Governance
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
PO Box 43136, Olympia, WA 98504<>
(p) 360-902-2253

From: Lasiter, Susan E (DFW)

Hi Brandon:

As required under Washington's Public Records Act (RCW 42.56.520) this email is to formally acknowledge your request for public records, PDR # 17404, received 7/21/17, and to ask for further clarification.

You requested the following records on 7/21/17:

Documents pertaining to the Simcoe Mountains acquisition and land management plan.

Your clarification on 7/28/17:

1) Specifically for contractual documents regarding the Simcoe Mountains acquisition, as well as records of communication between WDFW and the selling party.

2) I was also looking on the WDFW website for the Simcoe Mountains Management Plan, but couldn't find anything. If that sounds confusing, this is the type of document I'm looking for: [link<> to Klickitat Wildlife Area Management Plan, August 2016].

Note on Item 2: There is no management plan at this time.
Seeking further clarification:
As staff have explained, the request as written for Item 1 is broad and would involve multiple staff and years of records. Would you be willing to narrow the item to conclusory communications between WDFW and the selling party in association to contractual documents on acquisition? The date range would then be specific to those documents. As I understand there are several acquisitions associated with the Simcoe area, and the responsive records would include those. Otherwise, we will also need a date range.

Please inform me of your response to this new clarification request by 8/10/17.

Please contact me by telephone at (360) 902-2253, or by email if you have questions concerning your public records request.


Susan Lasiter
WDFW Forms & Records Analyst 3, Information Governance
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
PO Box 43136, Olympia, WA 98504<>
(p) 360-902-2253

From: Lasiter, Susan E (DFW)

Hi Brandon,

In rereading the email below, I wanted to further clarify - would you consider narrowing the request to the final communications between the seller and WDFW in connection to the contractual documents on the Simcoe acquisitions? This would include the final contractual records and agreements.

Please let me know what you decide or if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Susan Lasiter
WDFW Forms & Records Analyst 3, Information Governance
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
PO Box 43136, Olympia, WA 98504<>
(p) 360-902-2253

From: Brandon Cline

Hi Susan,

Yes, that would be perfectly fine, thank you!

Brandon Cline

From: Lasiter, Susan E (DFW)

Hi Brandon,

Thank you for your quick response, and narrowing the scope to final communications between seller and WDFW in connection to contractual documents on the Simcoe acquisitions. After checking with program staff, and consistent with RCW 42.56.520, additional time is needed to search and assemble records. We anticipate the response to be provided to you no later than August 24, 2017.

Please contact me by telephone at (360) 902-2253, or by email if you have questions.


Susan Lasiter
WDFW Forms & Records Analyst 3, Information Governance
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
PO Box 43136, Olympia, WA 98504<>
(p) 360-902-2253

From: Lasiter, Susan E (DFW)

Hi Brandon,

Thanks for your message below checking on the status, and yes, we are still on track for the record delivery tomorrow. The records may be available earlier, that is, late this afternoon.

Susan Lasiter
Information Governance Office
Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife<>
(p) 360-902-2253

From: Lasiter, Susan E (DFW)

Hi Brandon,

This email is a follow-up to your public disclosure request, PDR # 17404, as clarified (email thread below).

Attached are the responsive records to your request as clarified. The first zip file contains contractual documents on the Simcoe acquisitions; the second contains final communications between seller and WDFW in connection to contractual documents. By my understanding, the purchase of an additional parcel is underway for Simcoe, considered Phase 3B. If you have questions on these transactions, please contact Julie Sandberg, Real Estate Manager, at (360) 902-8149 or by email at<>.

Consistent with RCW 42.56.520, additional time is needed to ensure closure with the Program of the request as clarified. A response will be forthcoming next week, 8/30/17.

Please contact me by telephone at (360) 902-2253 or by email if you have questions concerning your public records request.


Susan Lasiter
WDFW Public Records Analyst
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife<>
(p) 360-902-2253

From: Brandon Cline

Thanks so much for your help with this request, Susan! I really appreciate it.


From: Lasiter, Susan E (DFW)

Hi Brandon,

Thank you for your reply regarding PDR # 17404. After further checking with the Program staff, there are no further records as the request was clarified. With this email your request is considered complete and closed.

Please contact me by telephone at (360) 902-2253 or by email if you have questions concerning your public records request.

Susan Lasiter
Public Records Analyst
Information Governance Office
Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife<>
(p) 360-902-2253
