Request for 2019 death records (Open Records)

Kyra Senese filed this request with the Open Records of Wayne County, MI.

It is a clone of this request.

Multi Request Request for 2019 death records
Est. Completion Nov. 9, 2020
Payment Required


From: Kyra Senese

To whom it may concern:

This is a request pursuant to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act. We are requesting all death records dating Jan. 1, 2019, to Dec. 31, 2019, with the following information for each case:

- case number
- decedent name
- date of death
- location of death
- race
- ethnicity
- age
- gender
- occupation/industry
- whether injury/infection occurred at work
- incident location (street address, city, state, ZIP where injury/infection occurred)
- incident date
- decedent residence (street address, city, state, ZIP)
- cause(s) of death (indicating if COVID related)
- contributing factors
- any other non-exempt information contained in case records

This request is part of an ongoing collaboration involving the Brown Institute for Media Innovation, the John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships at Stanford University, the MuckRock Foundation and partner newsrooms across the country. This request is part of a news-gathering process and is intended for educational, not commercial use.

We request expedited processing to the extent possible. This information is critical to the public’s understanding of the coronavirus pandemic and its local impact on public health. Let us know if we can help clarify this request in any way. Please also consider waiving any fees for producing the requested records.

Please provide the data in spreadsheet format as an e-mail attachment.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. We look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.

Kyra Senese
Brown Institute for Media Innovation
Columbia University

From: Open Records

Attached is an extension letter regarding your FOIA request for all death records dating January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

Kathleen Davis
Wayne County Dept. of Health, Human & Veterans Services
FOIA Officer-Environmental Health
33030 Van Born Road
Wayne, MI 48184
Office: 734-727-7413

From: Open Records

Please find the response to your FOIA request attached.

Michael A. McElrath II, MBA
Communications and Community Outreach Director
Office: 313.224.1329 | Mobile: 313.303.5042

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From: Kyra Senese

Received. Thank you for the update. Please reach out at 630-608-8844 with any questions.

From: Open Records

This needs to be filed either with<> or online at

Thank you,

Michael A. McElrath II, MBA
Communications and Community Outreach Director
Office: 313.224.1329 | Mobile: 313.303.5042<>


[cid:image002.png@01D6AC61.4F8A57C0]waynecountymi<> | [cid:image003.png@01D6AC61.4F8A57C0] @waynecountymi<> | [cid:image004.png@01D6AC61.4F8A57C0]<>

From: Kyra Senese

Thank you for your response, Michael. I have refiled this request and CC'd you for reference.

Kyra Senese

From: Open Records

Please submit this inquiry to

Michael A. McElrath II, MBA
Communications and Community Outreach Director
Office: 313.224.1329 | Mobile: 313.303.5042

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From: Open Records

Good evening, Ms. Senese,

Please find the response to your FOIA request attached.

Thank you,

Michael A. McElrath II, MBA
Communications and Community Outreach Director
Office: 313.224.1329 | Mobile: 313.303.5042

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