West Virginia police employment history 2023-5-8

Sam Stecklow filed this request with the West Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards (leps) Program of West Virginia.

It is a clone of this request.



From: Sam Stecklow

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a public records request made via MuckRock under the West Virginia Freedom of Information Act, seeking records related to law enforcement officer certification in this state.

This request is brought by Big Local News along with a collaboration of news organizations, including ABC News, KQED, MuckRock, the Invisible Institute, and other news organizations. Big Local News is a program of Stanford University’s Journalism and Democracy Initiative and helps journalists collect, process and analyze public data.

We are seeking a spreadsheet containing the following:
- The LEPS ID for every active, inactive, and decertified officer present within LEPS's data
- The name of every such officer
- Each and every law enforcement agency each officer worked for over the course of their career, as reflected in the data maintained by LEPS
- The start and end date for each agency
- The reason for separation from each agency, if applicable

In addition to the data elements listed, we request documentation necessary to understand and interpret the data, including but not limited to record layouts, data dictionaries, code sheets, lookup tables, etc.

Our preference is to receive structured data provided in a machine-readable text file, such as delimited or fixed-width formats. We can also handle a variety of other data formats including SQL databases, Excel workbooks and MS Access. If there are additional formats your agency would prefer to provide, please let us know.

We are seeking this information as a news media organization on a matter of public interest concerning the conduct of government. As such, we ask for a waiver of all fees, if allowed under state law. If fees are necessary to reimburse the agency for actual costs, we agree to pay up to $100. If costs exceed that amount, please let us know before fulfilling the request.

Please send clarifications and questions via electronic communication at any time. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this request.

Sam Stecklow
Invisible Institute

From: West Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards (leps) Program

Here's your response

Jess W. Gundy
Criminal Justice Program Manager

WV Department of Homeland Security

Division of Administrative Services

Justice and Community Services

Law Enforcement Professional Standards
WV State Police Academy PDC
123 Academy Drive
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5847
Fax (304) 766-5864
Cell (681) 781-6919
Email Jess.W.Gundy@wv.gov
[image: image.png]


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From: Sam Stecklow

Thanks Jess.

I have a follow-up - part of this request was seeking employment history for each officer. Is that something that can be provided in a supplemental response?

Thank you

From: West Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards (leps) Program

Jess W. Gundy
Criminal Justice Program Manager

WV Department of Homeland Security

Division of Administrative Services

Justice and Community Services

Law Enforcement Professional Standards
WV State Police Academy PDC
123 Academy Drive
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5847
Fax (304) 766-5864
Cell (681) 781-6919
Email Jess.W.Gundy@wv.gov
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From: Sam Stecklow

Hi Jess, I'm not sure how to interpret this response - it appears you just sent the same file again. Can you please clarify?



From: West Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards (leps) Program

I apologize apparently this response is not within the capabilities of our

Jess W. Gundy
Criminal Justice Program Manager

WV Department of Homeland Security

Division of Administrative Services

Justice and Community Services

Law Enforcement Professional Standards
WV State Police Academy PDC
123 Academy Drive
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5847
Fax (304) 766-5864
Cell (681) 781-6919
Email Jess.W.Gundy@wv.gov
[image: image.png]


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From: Sam Stecklow

Hi Jess

If I'm not mistaken, LEPS uses Acadis. We've received data from other states that use Acadis that show employment history. I would be happy to share those data files with you as examples of how this program can provide employment history. Unfortunately, the data files are too large to share through MuckRock; if there is another way that is preferable to you, please just let me know. I'd also be happy to set up a call where I can display this data for yourself or the data team at LEPS if you would rather not receive the actual files.



From: West Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards (leps) Program

The lady that takes care of this is off today. I'll forward this to her

Jess W. Gundy
Criminal Justice Program Manager

WV Department of Homeland Security

Division of Administrative Services

Justice and Community Services

Law Enforcement Professional Standards
WV State Police Academy PDC
123 Academy Drive
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5847
Fax (304) 766-5864
Cell (681) 781-6919
Email Jess.W.Gundy@wv.gov
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From: Sam Stecklow



From: West Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards (leps) Program

Please see the Employment Inactive-Active History attachment.

Danielle C. Jarrett

From: West Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards (leps) Program

That information has been uploaded to your link

Jess W. Gundy
Criminal Justice Program Manager

WV Department of Homeland Security

Division of Administrative Services

Justice and Community Services

Law Enforcement Professional Standards
WV State Police Academy PDC
123 Academy Drive
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5847
Fax (304) 766-5864
Cell (681) 781-6919
Email Jess.W.Gundy@wv.gov
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From: Sam Stecklow

Hi Jess, sorry, I’m not totally sure what that means. No additional files were received, if you are saying that you sent me a file. Can you please clarify?



From: West Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards (leps) Program

I just uploaded it again to the link that says upload responsive documents
and report problems here. I can't send it directly because it says the
files are quarantined. If that doesn't work I'll try and mail it to you

Jess W. Gundy
Criminal Justice Program Manager

WV Department of Homeland Security

Division of Administrative Services

Justice and Community Services

Law Enforcement Professional Standards
WV State Police Academy PDC
123 Academy Drive
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5847
Fax (304) 766-5864
Cell (681) 781-6919
Email Jess.W.Gundy@wv.gov
[image: image.png]


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From: Sam Stecklow

Hi Jess

I'm inquiring with the MuckRock platform folks now. Are you able to email the file? If so, could you just send it directly to sam@invisibleinstitute.com?



From: West Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards (leps) Program

I just tried, this is what came back

Message quarantined
Your message to *sam@invisibleinstitute.com* was quarantined by a policy.
Please contact your administrator for details.

Jess W. Gundy
Criminal Justice Program Manager

WV Department of Homeland Security

Division of Administrative Services

Justice and Community Services

Law Enforcement Professional Standards
WV State Police Academy PDC
123 Academy Drive
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5847
Fax (304) 766-5864
Cell (681) 781-6919
Email Jess.W.Gundy@wv.gov
[image: image.png]


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From: Sam Stecklow

Hi Jess, I'm not sure. I've never seen that message before. Could it be something within your agency's IT system?

From: Sam Stecklow

Hi Jess

I was able to download the file sent on 5/19. However, it doesn't include previous employing agencies - just "primary agency." Is it possible to get a file that has just the officer's name, LEPS or ACADIS ID, and their employing agencies? I'm happy to have a call with your data team if that would be helpful.



From: West Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards (leps) Program

Sorry I can't open this please tell me what you're requesting

Jess W. Gundy
Criminal Justice Program Manager

WV Department of Homeland Security

Division of Administrative Services

Justice and Community Services

Law Enforcement Professional Standards
WV State Police Academy PDC
123 Academy Drive
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5847
Fax (304) 766-5864
Cell (681) 781-6919
Email Jess.W.Gundy@wv.gov
[image: image.png]


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