Tamara Jean Holcknecht

alice valkova filed this request with the Wichita Falls Police Department of Wichita Falls, TX.
Tracking #




From: alice valkova

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

Police Report for Tamara Jean Holcknecht DOB 7/27/1984 SSN 640073310 and was found deceased approximately 03/28/2007

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


alice valkova

From: Wichita Falls Police Department

Please use this link for any open records requests. Thank you.

*Deputy Chief Guy Gilmore*
*Investigative Operations*
*Wichita Falls Police Department*


Dear alice valkova:
Your request has been received and is being processed. Your request was received in this office on 10/18/2021 and given the reference number R000297-101821 for tracking purposes.
Records Requested: To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

Police Report for Tamara Jean Holcknecht DOB 7/27/1984 SSN 640073310 and was found deceased approximately 03/28/2007

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


alice valkova

Upload documents directly: https://www.muckrock.com/
Requests are processed in the order they are received, and you will receive a response from our office within ten business days. If the cost will exceed $40.00, you will be provided a cost estimate to review and accept before we begin processing your request.
PLEASE NOTE:  The Public Information Act does not require a governmental body to create new information, perform legal research, or to answer questions.
You can monitor the progress of your request at the link below and you will receive an email when your request has been completed.

City of Wichita Falls

To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HcXUxpkRS6IdNZIi-2B0ADDy2AUt9IhrB-2BPx1SKOd4-2BhvnY2J48PvUL-2FLS4hHeuYMp1FDu0Tl2ycpXNAs77Ni-2FPXQ-3DLBcu_t-2B46U9itYOX2jkbSuiUMrXdb-2FhVVP7tZN-2FMvjB6NgBmA-2BSegcxsceBkT2jqMU63UlrouwQzCO2lfN-2FL3JKYzf9vQmnjk8337m-2FKbsRYbtVI24EZBYR82U4hLhODGMV7X2EDGx3-2BLLVplCRAf-2BUc0-2F3Xhr4G3PtQyQKONuHQrTBNlk0SVmu11NDy1gYRzidBqZoZiXsJG9JLZiWmMNXmFw57jMToRl1vTm-2F8JDWQ2indQqosZsNTmfvJtR9nQiyebnc9ZWQ-2Bn6qMNMZxdUOzZKUIZ0KADb87FIaI3R1NnurT1pYLC7qpoTlgozSRGlkX9fM6mHIT-2B3pzPv57g9teQsZ9AmywP0u3SzGGM4PbukygAyfiWwoWoml2kybbsiFqJVzPvBqqEBnMRa5EF8FFbIw-3D-3D)

From: alice valkova

A FOIA request was submitted October 2021 to your agency and was confirmed and reportedly being processed Subject: Police Records Request :: R000297-101821 yet there has been no response. Can you please submit the requested documents requested or respond why not?


