Wilmington PD murder and homicide data

Sarah Ryley filed this request with the Wilmington Police Department of Wilmington, DE.

From: Sarah Ryley

To whom it may concern:

Pursuant to the Delaware Public Records Law, I am requesting records related to the case management system(s) that Wilmington Police Department personnel have used to track major felony cases, and investigatory work on major felony cases, since at least 2005, through the date in which this request is filled. If multiple case management systems have been used by the Department during this time period, I am requesting information on each of those systems.

The records should include:

- Any contracts with the company that created the case management system(s), if created by an outside company.

- The data dictionary, glossary of terms, record layout, and any other documentation that describes the case management system(s).

- The instruction manual, patrol guide, or any other type of guide, distributed to law enforcement personnel dictating how they should use the case management system(s).

I am requesting that all records be provided to me in their original electronic file format, whenever possible. For example, if the Department has a PDF of the instruction manual for the case management system, I am requesting that I receive that instruction manual as a PDF instead of a printed copy of the PDF.

As a member of the media reporting on matters in the public interest, I am requesting a fee waiver and an expediting of my request. However, since I am requesting records in their original electronic file format whenever possible, I expect the costs, if any, to be limited.

The Attorney General has suggested that responses should issue within 10 days after receiving a request, absent special circumstances requiring a longer delay. Del. Op. Att'y Gen., No. 91­I003 (Feb. 1, 1991). If the requested information is not exempt, agencies must give "reasonable" access to records during "regular business hours and [at the] place of business." 29 Del. C. §§ 10003(a), 10112(b)(3).

I am requesting that communication regarding this request be conducted via email, and that the request be filled via email.

Thank you for considering my request.


Sarah Ryley
Reporter, The Trace Media
Cell: 347-324-8697

From: Riemann, Matthew (CJ)

To Whom it May Concern,

At this time, we do not currently utilize a particular case management system to track major felony cases.

Thank you.

Cpl. Matt Riemann
R.T.C.C./Technology Division
Wilmington Police Department
300 N. Walnut St.
Wilmington, DE 19801
Cell: (302) 383-0130
Office: (302) 576-3684

From: Sarah Ryley

Hi Cpl. Riemann,

Does the Wilmington PD use any case management system? To clarify, my request asks for records on whatever case management system is used to record and track the investigations of major felony cases, even if that’s the same CAD, RMS or CMS that you use on all other types of incidents. Thanks!

Sarah Ryley
Investigative + Data Reporter
The Trace | 347-324-8697

From: Sarah Ryley

Hi Matthew,

I am just following up again on this request. Delawareonline.com <http://delawareonline.com/> seems to have data from the police department containing many fields responsive to my request:

http://data.delawareonline.com/webapps/crime/ <http://data.delawareonline.com/webapps/crime/>

What system does that data come from?

Thank you,

Sarah Ryley
The Trace Media <https://www.thetrace.org/about-the-trace/>
Cell: 347-324-8697

From: Sarah Ryley

Hi Matthew,

I am writing again to follow up on this request. Do you think you could get a response to me this week. To clarify my original request, I am only looking for raw data that is already maintained by the department. If there is information that I have requested that is not maintained in any database, then I have preemptively struck those portions from my request.

I have made identical requests to scores of agencies across the country. I have been more than willing to make amendments based on feedback. For example, if your department started using a new database at some point during the time period in my request, I could amend my request to conform to those dates.

Also, based on feedback from other agencies, I am told it’s easier to isolate by offense than by weapon type. Therefore I could amend my request to all homicides, aggravated assaults, robberies and rapes (violent crimes under UCR Part 1 standards) with the weapon field included.

Please let me know if that is helpful.

Thank you,

Sarah Ryley
The Trace Media <https://www.thetrace.org/about-the-trace/>
Cell: 347-324-8697