Sun City's llama drama

Sun City’s llama drama

“They’re heading into Thunderbird. It’s gonna get ugly.”

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Edited by Beryl Lipton

Shortly after news broke that a pair of escaped llamas were being chased through the streets of Sun City, Arizona - giving the #LlamaDrama hashtag some badly needed attantion - I filed a records request with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office for any internal communications that the runaway llamas might have generated. A little over a month later, they wrote back, saying they had tracked down the call logs, which I could have on a CD for $15.

That CD arrived yesterday, and I can tell you, it’s the best $15 I’ve ever spent.

True credit where it’s due, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office handled the situation like consummate professionals - other than that stifled laugh from dispatch, everybody acts like wrangling llamas is just part of the day-to-day grind.

Seriously. Next time a pair of llamas cross a major thoroughfare, you try and say “It’s gonna get ugly” as calmly as that guy did.

The CD came with a rough summary of the call log, which you can use to track down specific episodes of the llama drama saga that you want to hear unfold.

Listen to complete call log on the request page.

And if all of this is somehow not enough FOIAdorable for you, check out the police logs from “the baby kangaroo at the McDonalds” incident. What can I say? We’ve found our niche.

Image by Johann “nojhan” Dréovia via Wikimedia Commons and is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0