Help crowdfund the release of the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's "Filegate"

Help crowdfund the release of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s “Filegate”

And sign the petition requesting expedited processing for the nearly 3,000 pages

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Edited by Michael Morisy

Following a Freedom of Information Act request by Mike Best, the FBI located nearly 3,000 pages relating to internal investigations into the improper access of Bureau’s files during the Clinton administration, commonly known as “Filegate.”

Best writes …

Obtaining these files isn’t about scandal mongering, digging up old news, or an agenda against one of the Presidential candidates. Regardless of whether or not they incriminate Hillary Clinton, the files will shed an important light onto the handling of FBI files and how they can be perverted for political purposes. More importantly, the files will show how the Bureau investigate some of the senior most people in the White House - including then-First Lady Hillary Clinton.

There’s no cap on this crowdfunding project, and any overage will go towards MuckRock (which is now officially a non-profit) to help with operating costs and to help a quick reading and analysis of these documents. In addition to news analysis, the FBI files themselves will, of course, be free to download through MuckRock.

Contribute to the crowdfund below, or on the request page.

Best is also seeking expedited processing for the request, given that the election is just months away. If you’d like to have your name added to a petition showing a public interest in the expedited release of the documents, put your information in the form below. Note that since this request is part of a FOIA request, any information provided will be made public; donations made above will be kept anonymous unless you select “List me as a backer.”

Image via Wikimedia Commons