The Federal Election Commission's guide to lesser-known political parties

The Federal Election Commission’s guide to lesser-known political parties

Pro-space? Anti-booze? Flirting with fascism? There’s a party for that.

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Edited by Michael Morisy

With voting day finally here, we thought it would be good to take a look back at the unsung heroes of the electoral process: obscure political parties.

Each of the parties below is taken from the Federal Election Commission’s (FEC) guide to party labels, and each appeared on at least one ballot during the 2012 House and Presidential elections.

Americans Elect

Platform: A crowdsourced campaign to pick a candidate divorced from the traditional election process, which never caught on because Americans aren’t allowed nice things.

Bob’s For Jobs

Platform: A guy named Bob who is pro-job.

Conservative, Compassionate, Creative

Platform: A party for people who want their political views to match their ChristianMingle profile as closely as possible.

Employmentwealth Party

Platform: As to be expected of a party founded by Goodspaceguy, Employmentwealth is the only agressively pro-space party on the ballot.

Natural Law Party

Platform: Transcendental Meditation mostly, but also a flat tax.

NSA Did 9/11

Platform: Pretty self-explanatory.

Politicians are Crooks and Overthrow All Incumbents

Platform(s): Ditto.

Prohibition Party

Platform: Still being a thing.

Legalize Marijuana Party

Platform: Irritating the hell out of the Prohibition party.

Unity is Strength

Unclear, but it’s worth noting that that’s pretty much the same slogan of “Norsefire,” the fascist government from V For Vendetta.

Vote for KISS

Platform: Sadly, not what you’re thinking it is.

Read the FEC’s full list of parties below, or get links to the 2012 election report on the request page.

Image via Wikimedia Commons