Help MuckRock track down Hunter S. Thompson’s full criminal record

Help MuckRock track down Hunter S. Thompson’s full criminal record

How far-reaching are the paper remains of this outspoken American critic?

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Edited by JPat Brown

Had he not decided to finally commit after a lifelong flirtation with death, the irreverent king of 20th-century cool criticism, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, might have turned an officially-elderly 80 this week. His legacy, of course, continues to enthrall and encourage an anti-authoritarian streak in the young and rambunctious-at-heart, and his spirit remains present - if not honored - in the pens and poetry of a new generation of “Gonzo”-gaga journalists.

With many, many self-professed run-ins with the law to his name and a firecracker campaign for sheriff in Colorado under his belt, HST must have left something like a flaming governmental papertrail in his wake. The extent of the record that remains is unknown, though his FBI file was released years ago and itself includes some haters who were more than happy to highlight some of the man’s past indiscretions.

What more might exist?

If you know of or read about a run-in Mr. Thompson had with the authorities, let us know, and we’ll file a records request to see what might be left of his criminal record. Tweet @MuckRock or shoot us an email at