Motel 6 isn't scared of the ACLU

Motel 6 isn’t scared of the ACLU

Last time hotel chain was caught sharing guest information, emails show executive shrugging off privacy concerns

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Edited by JPat Brown

Motel 6 collaborating with police to spy on guests may be outrageous, but it’s hardly a surprise.

The Phoenix New Times’ revelation of Motel 6 reporting guests’ names to Immigration and Customs Enforcement echoes behavior by a Warwick, Rhode Island Motel 6 caught sending the names of all guests to local police in 2015.

Warwick Police emails, sent in response to a 2015 MuckRock request, reveal the hotel chain was not especially reticent after they were caught.

In response to a Rhode Island ACLU press release slamming the surveillance, Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian wrote to Victor Glover, the company’s vice president of safety and security and former police officer …

to which Glover responded in a follow-up email, reiterating his support:

So much so, that in the end, it was the police, rather than Motel 6, that decided to end their partnership in response to the public outcry.

A little more than two years later, Motel 6 has been busted again. Read the full emails embedded below, or on the request page:

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