Download the ALPR Dataset

Download the ALPR Dataset

Written by and
Edited by JPat Brown

We have also provided the entire dataset as a CSV file that can be reviewed in various software programs, such as Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. The spreadsheet is far more sortable than the table and includes various tabs that give greater information about each of the different fields.

Download the CSV file here.

Download the dataset as a Microsoft Excel file here.

You can also follow our requests and the correspondence with the agencies through MuckRock.

The source documents are also available for analysis through DocumentCloud: Data Sharing Reports, Detection/Hit Reports.

Click below to explore EFF and MuckRock’s dataset and learn how much data these agencies are collecting and how they are sharing it.


What we learned

Explore the data

Understanding the source documents

Help us file more requests

A caveat on the data

Header image via the EFF and is licensed under CC-BY 4.0