MuckRock is excited to announce that thanks to the generous support of MIT Press, JPat Brown and Beryl Lipton will be presenting a talk at the 2019 Oxford Literary Festival on Saturday, April 6th, on our book, Writers under Surveillance: The FBI Files.
Additionally, on Thursday, April 4th, Brown and Lipton will be at Waterstones’ Gower Street location in London for a panel discussion co-hosted by English PEN.
This Thursday, @joglanville1, @englishpen's @hannahtrev, and @MuckRock's @resentfultweet & Beryl Lipton will discuss what the @FBI files on famous writers tells us about #freedomofinformation today #WritersUnderSurveilleance
— Waterstones Gower Street (@gowerst_books) April 2, 2019
More events are pending, so follow MuckRock on Twitter for more details. In the meantime, purchase a copy of the book from our Swag Store below!
Image by Tejvan Pettinger via Wikimedia Commons and is licensed under CC BY 2.0