Here's what you've found in the Mueller Report so far

Here’s what you’ve found in the Mueller Report so far

We’ve already received hundreds of submissions to our crowdsource. These are some of the highlights.

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Edited by Michael Morisy

Yesterday, we loaded a redacted version of the Mueller Report into our crowdsourcing tool and asked for your help in finding what is - and is’t - in the release. Response was overwhelming, with hundreds of submissions from just the past 24 hours. We wanted to highlight a few of the finds so far, and we’ll have a more in-depth analysis next week.

Nathan Lawrence found a passage with what he described as “mob movie language.”

User dm discovered President Donald Trump’s strongly-worded reaction to the news regarding Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel.

User rop highlighted an incident in which White House counsel Don McGahn refused to state that he hadn’t been instructed to fire Mueller.

Bookpodder found a page of handwritten notes from George Papadopoulos.

User bderf tracked down a passage describing Trump’s attempts to prevent former Attorney General Jeff Sessions from recusing himself from the Russia investigation.

bderf also managed to find Trump uttering his favorite catchphrase:

Emily Crose found communications between “the Guccifer 2.0 persona” and a former Trump Campaign member whose name has been redacted.

W J Hayes flagged a page detailing Trump’s reaction to the BuzzFeed News article on the Steele Report (with bonus James Comey using the phrase “J. Edgar Hoover move.”)

Last, @crgentle got stuck with an entirely redacted page, because somebody had to.

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed, and take a dive yourself through the link below!

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