Looking for daily #FOIA inspiration? Check out our new site, Muck.Rocks

Looking for daily #FOIA inspiration? Check out our new site, Muck.Rocks

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Edited by JPat Brown

Muck.Rocks is currently paused. If you think we should bring it back, let us know with a note in your donation!

It’s one of the most common questions we get: “I’m excited about public records. Now what can I actually request?” We wanted to showcase all the amazing different ways public records can be used, so we partnered with Code for Boston volunteers to build Muck.Rocks, a new, free, open source resource that provides a random example of FOIA’s power every time you refresh.

The best part: The site will continue to grow over time based on your suggestions and feedback, so if you have a clever FOIA idea or a public records-powered story you want to show off, share it here.

Each entry includes a summary of the request, examples of the kinds of reporting it can lead to, pro tips on filing, and links to quickly see example text or to file the request yourself through MuckRock.

And if you’d like to poke behind the scenes, check out the site’s source code and join us at Code for Boston on Tuesday nights or anytime on the MuckRock Slack.

Heavy-hitting national reporting

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Local reporting on the lighter side

Image via U.S. National Archives Flickr