Taxpayers fund 18,000 police departments nationwide. How much of that is going to lawsuits?

Taxpayers fund 18,000 police departments nationwide. How much of that is going to lawsuits?

We’ve made it quick and easy to start finding out.

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Edited by Michael Morisy

In 2019, the Minneapolis Police Department spent $20 million dollars to settle a single unlawful death lawsuit. Last year, across the country, an estimated $300 million were used to address claims against law enforcement officers.

Residents deserve to know how much of their money is going to handle misconduct allegations, and MuckRock is making it easier to find out.

More than 400 people have used our latest Assignment to obtain settlement information from their local police departments. Add your local law enforcement to our effort via the form below, and those two minutes of work will translate into better information and a step toward stricter accountability for those tasked to serve and protect.

Image by agross96 and licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0