FOIA update: lessons from a Florida shouting match
Please let us know if you have encountered additional trouble accessing records or the important meetings government officials are holding during the COVID-19 outbreak. If you are a newsroom that could use additional assistance filing requests or supporting your breaking news efforts, reach out to us at info@muckrock.com.
The FOIA update: March 20, 2020
There are a lot of changes in daily life right now. Help us help everyone stay informed by sharing the FOI changes in your communities.
Join us online for free FOIA 101 training Thursday at noon EST
Curious where to start when it comes to FOIA and public records? Want something from government but not sure how to ask? This Thursday we’re hosting a free FOIA 101 training to help you become a better requester. The training is online and free, but RSVPs are required to reserve your place.
This week’s FOIA roundup: when transparency matters but might not be top of mind
The weekly roundup of what is or should be public record. Something we missed? Let us know!
Detroit, Atlanta, other cities curbing water shutoffs because of COVID-19 threat while some wait for an outbreak to change rules
Some cities are announcing a temporary moratorium on water shut-offs to help curb the spread of the coronavirus. Others are waiting to formulate or unveil plans even as they have high rates of shut-offs.
This week’s FOIA roundup: Shady police tech and legislation to watch
Have you recently read a news story about why government transparency — or a lack of it — matters? Let us know, and we could include it in our next roundup!
Update: 2020 Transparency Science Fair cancelled
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 health emergency, we’re cancelling our in person events this year. We look forward to convening with you virtually to celebrate this Sunshine Week from the comfort of your home with events in the near future.