FOIA 101: FOIA fodder in the presidential transition
We’ve broken down some highlights of the legal presidential transition process and where you can look for your next bit of #FOInspiration.
FOIA 101: FOIA and federal grants
For the federal government, grants can be a good way to impact state and municipal policies, purchases, and priorities and for the public, great ways to learn more about how federal financial influence is playing out.
Release Notes: DocumentCloud Beta now supports full metadata editing
At DocumentCloud, we’ve always recognized a document is so much more than just its contents. We’re pleased to announce the DocumentCloud Beta has been recently updated with the ability to edit a given document’s title, source, description, related article URL, and published URL.
Release Notes: DocumentCloud Beta now supports over 70 document types
DocumentCloud has historically offered its users the ability to upload documents in many different file formats. The latest upgrades to the DocumentCloud Beta bring this functionality to our new platform, allowing users to upload nearly any document file with ease.
FOI FYI: What is a Brady list?
Cops of questionable character are not just threats to the civilians they police. They could undermine court proceedings against the very criminals they are meant to capture.