Release Notes: WordPress Integration for the DocumentCloud Beta

Release Notes: WordPress Integration for the DocumentCloud Beta

An easy-to-add plugin enables full DocumentCloud integration on WordPress

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Edited by Michael Morisy

WordPress is the most popular content management system on the web. With a significant number of newsrooms using WordPress under the hood, our existing DocumentCloud WordPress plugin has been a crucial bridge to bring primary source documents to the masses. Now, the plugin has been updated to fully support both DocumentCloud Legacy and the new DocumentCloud Beta.

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Notes: Installation of custom plugins is only supported on certain plans or custom WordPress installs. Check that you have the ability to install custom plugins before proceeding.

The new DocumentCloud Beta WordPress plugin is itself still in beta. For now, we are pre-releasing the plugin on GitHub and seeking feedback. We plan to distribute the plugin on the official channel, updating the current DocumentCloud plugin, after a limited beta period.

Installing the new DocumentCloud plugin is relatively seamless.

  1. Visit our releases page.

  2. Download the file null

  3. Visit the admin section of your WordPress site and navigate to “Plugins.” null

  4. At the top of the plugins page, click on “Add New,” which will take you to the “Add Plugins” page.


  1. At the top of the “Add Plugins” page, click on “Upload Plugin.” null

  2. Click on “Choose File” and then select the file you downloaded in step 2. null null

  3. Click on “Install Now” to install the plugin. null

  4. If you have an old DocumentCloud plugin installed, you may be asked to activate the new plugin. Make sure you press “Activate Plugin” if the option is available to you. null

  5. (Only if you have previously installed the DocumentCloud extension). Make sure any old DocumentCloud plugins are deactivated and the new beta plugin is activated. The new beta plugin has version 0.5.0 and the older plugin had version 0.4.3. If you have multiple DocumentCloud plugins, your plugin screen should look like this, with the new version 0.5.0 plugin highlighted in blue to show it’s active: null

That’s it! Now, the new DocumentCloud WordPress plugin should be installed!


After installing the new WordPress plugin, embedding DocumentCloud content is fast and easy. Just copy the URL of a DocumentCloud document, page, or note you wish to share and paste it in your WordPress article to automatically embed it.


The easiest way to access the URL for a document, page, or note is to click on “Share” in the DocumentCloud sidebar for a given document. After clicking on your desired share option, click on “Link” in the top to access the URL and then press “Copy URL” to add it to your clipboard. In WordPress, simply paste the URL to embed.

Embedding with Shortcodes

You can also embed with DocumentCloud shortcodes. This is an alternate format to embedding with URLs above that offers the same functionalities. To create a shortcode block, type in /shortcode on a new line and press Enter.


Then, type in [documentcloud url="<DOCUMENTCLOUD_URL>"], subbing in <DOCUMENTCLOUD_URL> with the URL of a document, page, or note you want to embed.

For example, to embed a full DocumentCloud, a code like the following may be used:

[documentcloud url=""]

Creating this document embed:

To embed a page from a DocumentCloud document, a code like the following might be used:

[documentcloud url=""]

Creating this page embed:

Page 17 of The-Mueller-Report
Contributed to DocumentCloud by Dylan Freedman (MuckRock) • View document or read text

To embed a note from a DocumentCloud document, a code like the following might be used:

[documentcloud url=""]

Creating this note embed:

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Image via Wikimedia Commons