Release Notes: MuckRock API updates and various documentation updates

Release Notes: MuckRock API updates and various documentation updates

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Edited by Samantha Sunne


DocumentCloud’s embeds for notes, pages, documents and projects, which all have different customization options, are now all documented in one place.

Users that are interested in calling DocumentCloud Add-Ons with the API now have documentation on how to get started.

The Legal Citations Add-On now provides the page numbers for citations in the document.


The MuckRock API has a few enhancements added:

  • There is now an endpoint to add or remove collaborators from a FOIA request

  • The ability to sort FOIA requests by datetime was updated

The option to export MuckRock FOIA requests as a CSV now includes the agency zip code in the output file. The tool was also optimized to reduce memory usage on large exports.